Nintendo being cunts thread #2: Electric Boogaloo
No more development on AM2R
Nintendo being cunts thread #2: Electric Boogaloo
No more development on AM2R
>illegally make a game
>get in trouble
Metroid fans are retarded and should be put in a camp together with the guys that made this
Go back to work Reggie
>it's not ok when nintendo does it
reminder to download hyper metroid, super zero mission, ice metal, and redesign before nintendo shuts those down too
I have been reading comments and people are associating Nintendo from Japan with NOA? Why? You can clearly read from that post that It's NOA who's doing this, not NOJ.
Sage for potential blatant shitposting.
>Make fan creation for free
>Get taken down because boohoo its our IP
I understand shutting down shitty sprite animators making money off your IPs but this is like those Mario Fangames and romhacks which were all around the internet and still are.
Now Sega is Nintendo and Nintendo is Sega
How the times change
It's sad when a Huehue can do a better game than Nintendo.
>why are people associating nintendo with nintendo
>willingly ignoring all the donations
Learn the USA copyright law
Except Sega shuts down fan projects too. see: Streets of Rage remake.
>They fucked up with some series, it doesn't mean they can never recover with them. Some series are still going strong.
Not really. Their first party stuff is mediocre to subpar at best.
Only Zelda looks ok, and even then, I have my doubts after all the handholding in SS and ''muh night is too scary for kids'' with the recent BotW interview.
An before you bring up Splatoon, ignoring the rushed release and limited content, the game is fun... when the servers aren't shitting the bed. Again, mediocre at best.
Bayonetta, MonHun, and SMT are all 3rd party. They don't count.
Then why do we have NOA and NOJ (and NOE), as a separate corporations?
Stop pretending to be retarded.
>Sega is Nintendo
Sega hasn't released a good game in a decade. I was surprised by how subpar generations was despite Sup Forums collectively calling it great.
branches of the same company
Wasn't that like 6 years ago?
>No one wants Fed Force
>better take down the closest thing to an actual metroid game they've had in years, that'll show make them buy Fed Force!
Fuck Nintendo a fan is giving the series better treatment at this point
>Sega hasn't released a good game in a decade.
Neither has Nintendo.
>Sega hasn't released a good game in a decade
Neither Nintendo.
>someone uses your assets and idea
>take it down
>hurrr why do this
because it's their fucking property and I don't want to hear about your shitty nonprofit crap, because it has no relevance.
>''muh night is too scary for kids'' with the recent BotW interview.
Not him, but I suggest to re-read the interview before posting.
(You) I'll appreciate a (You) in return.
I said this in the other thread, but Sega from 2011 is not the same Sega five years later. Current-day Sega embraces fucking ROMhacks on the Steam Workshop for goodness sakes
Plus, the Streets of Rage Remake is the only example of Sega doing this
>''muh night is too scary for kids'' with the recent BotW interview
Excuse me? What the fuck did they mean by this?
Kirby? Donkey Kong? Yoshi?
I get what you're saying, but it's like every company does stupid things. It's not like they haven't screwed up in the past. My point was that things can eventually get better.
>All the donations
Even the person who fixed Dark Souls on PC didn't make jack shit from donations
>Nintendrones this eager to suck corporate cock
>Chink posters are this eager to steal other people's work and sell them on their chink market
He wasn't getting donations, stop lying.
>release fangame for free
I'm pretty sure they have their OWN branches. NOJ makes games, while NOE and NOA translate the games.
Also, the copyright law is different in many countries, including in Japan and USA.
There's that word again
Ironic shitposting ruined Sup Forums
I never liked Kirby. Canvas Cyrse and Mass Attack were ok, but that was last gen. They lost me when it literally went baby tier with the Yarn shit and the SSS remakes, and the shiity version of Canvas Curse on WiiU.
handled by Retro. 2nd party. Doesn't count.
baby trash aimed at kids.
Do you think the original dev played it?
He is just going to claim they are all shit or mediocre, why bother arguing with him?
Free game
>All this stuff is filled by NoA
>Not Nintendo Central in Japan
Not defending them but isn't it strange?
I'm not talking about the developer of AM2R. I'm talking about you specifically. Although AM2R were accepting patreon donations to *not* sell their game.
Yoshi's Island was the only good Yoshi game.
NoJ is not a thing. It doesn't exist. You are thinking of NCL.
Gumpei Yoko is dead, so no.
Sakamoto has his head too far up his ass to see anything besides what he makes so not probable.
I never knew that negative IQ existed until now.
>Supporting Shitendo in 2016
They literally have made no good games in hr past 10 years
The only passable games are the ones that are clones of previous ones
I dare you to name ONE good Nintendo game, Nintoddlers
>Gumpei Yoko is dead
I miss Gunpei.
Right on cue.
I guess you skipped Story and Woolly World.
Why even waste time getting angry over this? The game's complete, playable, and on the Internet, and it's not as if the take-down notice has the magical ability to erase already existent copies from hard drives.
You are 100% retarded, but thats fine, i'm sure your mom still love you
>take nintendos game and release it for free
The nerve.
If nintendo issues a DMCA for pokemon prisim, I am going to fly up there and aloha snackbar the treehouse.
Wind Waker?
Fuck off Chink poster. It's never going to be legal for you to make a romhack and sell it for donations.
>playing fangame shit
You deserve the death you crave.
You had to finish the game to play a stage again, if you missed an item or a secret exit you was fucked until the next replay.
I'm just saying the games for those series either were consistent and/or got better this gen. You should give Island a shot for the SNES though. Great game. If you like it, give Woolly World a shot. I get the aesthetics aren't for everyone, but the gameplay is good.
I mean what about Mario Kart 8? Or stuff like Wonderful 101?
It was a game litetally based on replayability. And no, each stage you beat was put into the free play score attack mode. So you are both wrong, and have no taste.
Thanks for the (You) chink poster, I'll gladly accept more.
You have to replay Star Fox games to replay stages. In fact, that is a thing for a lot of games.
Because Sup Forums is Sup Forums.
Wanna talk about videogames? Get out.
Unfinished oot rehash
Rip off of an indie game with no voice chat and only 2 game modes
>Or stuff like Wonderful 101?
Blunderful 101 copies sold wasn't made by Nintendon't.
>illegally make a game
>illegally make
Idiot. It's not illegal to make software. It's only illegal to distribute it for profit or to misrepresent its creation as an official product. The damned thing has "remake" in the name, FFS. Go be stupid somewhere else, WOWposter
>its our IP
aka : it's the law, if you don't agree, change your country or kill yourself, criminal shit.
But there are like 7 game modes, and said indie game doesn't exist.
How many times did you flunk middle school ?
Count on your toes if your fingers aren't enough
>it's only illegal to distribute it for profit or to misrepresent its creation as an official product
Goddamn I wish I was a lawyer for vidya companies and you weren't some retarded neet. We'd have owned your mother's apartment.
>guy makes fangame because 2D metroid is dead
>nintendo releases a meh tier 3D team shooter with the IP on it
>takes down fangame that wasn't even like said team shooter
>said team shooter would've sold terribly anyway because it pissed everyone off
>they're probably not gonna do anything else with the IP except for Smash Bros.
>They needed to take down AM2R to protect their profits!
Not even a Metroidfag but this is just fucking dumb. With stuff like Pokemon Uranium it has all sorts of other factors that could justify a takedown, but they were sitting on 2D Metroid and doing fucking nothing with it.
If you're willing to defend what happened with AM2R because it's legal you really should think over why you have such strong brand loyalty.
>I prove him wrong but I win because I use caps and present myself as retarded
... ok? no actually it's not. You aren't making a point by being a retard. Law is law. Grow up, it's not your mom that gets in trouble when you do shit anymore.
It's still their IP. I mean if we're going to go there, Pokemon doesn't count due to being a Game Freak thing.
And why does sales matter when it was a fun action game from Platinum and did it well?
>I dare you to keep me from shitposting
>"I know, I'll call him retarded!"
Exceptional rebuttal, friends. Really glad we could have this engaging discussion. I'm sure that this entire situation is of great significance to you, as I can see by your dedication to cutting through misinformation. However, you have yet to prove me wrong.
You can tell who are the underageb& posters ITT. They're ones that think you can take whatever you want and use it however you want without giving a fuck
>People can create fan works and homages within other mediums no problem
>Games are somehow exempt from this and fuck you for trying to show your love of our games
>>they're probably not gonna do anything else with the IP except for Smash Bros.
Pure conjecture you came up with that has no grounds in reality and nothing to back it up. Meanwhile, Tanabe and Sakamoto both have discussed plans for future mainline and Prime games many times recently.
>b-but I don't like them!
Your problem, then.
what is the logic in defending the big corporation in this case
what do you as a consumer gain from having a fan-game taken down
>Engaging discussion
Why would anyone have an engaging discussion with someone who is blatantly posting misinformation as factual? You think I'm going to have an engaging discussion with flat earthers? Actually, maybe I will. They're less retarded than you are.
Blind consumer loyalty
lol movie and comic companies will shit on your face for having local mom-and-pop store ads that feature their characters, get the fuck out of here.
>What do you as a consumer gain
I'm a small content creator. Big content creators telling retards they can't use their shit without permission educates them and potentially keeps those retards from using my shit without permission.
They're the same dumbfucks who defend the lack of online in Mario Maker 3DS.
Making memes on the internet doesn't makes you a "small content creator".
This has nothing to do with corporations vs "the little guy"
This is criminal vs victim. If you don't like it get the law changed, don't blame victims for using the options at their disposal.
I played the game. I have it on my PC right now. I am just telling you idiots the facts.
>it's another Sup Forums pretends to care about a fan game getting taken down yet refuses to flex their infinite knowledge of copyright/trademark/fair use and take a corporation to court
You can bully the literal weakest company without lifting a finger and use sites like gofundme you could have them cover all the court fees. Why don't you shut nintendo down once and for all?
This is an open and shut case for any lawyer of Sup Forums.
Like I said I'm not even a Metroidfag so I might be a little out of the loop on these things, but I'm sure Federation Force bombing combined with Nintendo's out of touch nature threw a wrench in those plans.
If they had a 2D Metroid planned for a while then I guess I could understand, but haven't they been talking about a new mainline/prime for years now. Aside from one spinoff it's been complete talk.
>defend the lack of online in Mario Maker 3DS
Show me where I did this. Show me where anyone did this in this thread.
>Making memes
Nice strawman, faggot.
It gets more complicated if they can prove ad revenue on the site was in large part due to having said fangame.
In the future for you game makers, do not host it on your own site.
If you want to play Metroid 2 just play the GBA game instead of playing a simple gamemaker remake that somebow rook this hack 9 years to make.
It's almost like they know it's wrong and are appealing to emotion with "IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT" in the hopes of someone feeling sorry for them and giving them what they want.
Sad children hoping they can get that new toy if they cry in the store and instead just embarrass themselves and everyone involved.
next time you make a dumb post like this i will lay the big content of my stomach on your carpet
>Store where you sell things
>Using characters you don't own to promote your store
No fucking shit. I'm talking about fan works that don't cost anything or are used for monetary gain