Does Pharah have the worst Legendary skins in game?

Does Pharah have the worst Legendary skins in game?

she have the wolf ones who cares about legendaries

I like the red one.

How'd they get away with being that offensive anyway? Might as well have a blackface skin.

but the native skins are are based

>Unique modeling on her epic
>Mechsuit epic is awesome
>Native American epic, while nonsensical as fuck, is also awesome
Theres on bland legendary for her and you only own it if you bought the special edition like a fucking sucker.

She's got the worst everything, and rightfully so.

Chief Runny Nose please. A more pertinent question is, why would an Egyptian get Injun skins.

this 2bh also the game is dead.



>Showing anything to do with X culture is offensive

Shut up you stupid faggot.

Fuck no

Fuck off to Sup Forums

She probably has the best Legendaries, plus her Epic ones change the helmet. I'd say Lucio has the worst Legendaries by far.

you mean summer is over?


this used to be the case until Olympic Zarya appeared


>First legendary skin I pulled
I mean, I eventually got her weightlifter skin during the summer games, but those were dark days


>helmety clipping through hand
>legs and feet clipping through in multiple places
>this is the default pose that will be looked at and seen more than any other
how does Blizzard keep getting away with it?


It might have been before they established her backstory. At the same time, why does Junkrat have a scarecrow costume? Why does Torb have a Caribbean pirate costume? Why does Roadhog also have a pirate outfit? Pharaoh a outfit doesn't stand out in that respect

That Edward Furlong?

Mechaqueen is pretty sweet, I don't get why people dislike it so much. Is it because it makes Pharah's face looks robotic?

Just here to fucking complain about to the drops. I got two legendary skins, and they were the fucking same. Fuck you, Blizzard, for letting you get duplicates.



omlette du fromage

The commando ones are great, though

She has bar none the worst skin selection. Almost all of her legendaries are garbage, and the ones that aren't, are just barely passable as okay.



someone give me a CUTE mercy profile picture, thanks bb.

fuck you senpai roadhogs skins are rad.

But Mechaqueen is the best skin in the game and Raptorion is a great alternate color for it

There's nothing that angers me more than getting hooked and killed by a Muay Roadhog. Feels like he's mocking me.

First ult costume I got was Mechaqueen and it's pretty awesome. The gold teeth are a little weird though.

The teal mech outfit is cool too.

I think you mean sad*

here you go user

It is pretty fucking dumb. At the same time, I'd prefer how it is, but with dupes giving more than one-fifth of the items value in gold.

Those are definitely not the worst.

Both of Roadhog's, Torb's pirate ones, both of Junkrat's (literally the worst in the game), and Young Genji's are much worse. Almost Symmetra's goddess skins too, but at least they're hot.

Also pic related best Pharah skin.

nah, the toa/islander are truly based and the others are okay. none are bad.

That's all you can sa-ay!

That's all you can sa-ay!

That's all you can sa-ay!

It might just be the hair, but I always think she looks like a completely different person in the Native American outfits.


It was worse during the Summer event.

1st time I got Lucio's highlight animation I was happy.

The 6th time however...

>This taste
Lucio's are objectively the worst, followed by Zarya, then Tracer. It's why they got new ones from the Olympics

Young Genji and Young Hanzo both look like ass.

I get why people hate this skin, but this really shouldn't be getting more hate than a lot of the others. This is at least Zarya wearing real clothes, something a real person might conceivably wear at some point. Meanwhile Junkrat turns into a fucking scarecrow.

>not liking native Pharah

What is happening here?



Young Hanzo has a potato face but young Genji looks appropriately cheeky.

Scarecrows are awesome.

Literally what is that garbage?

> Young Genji
IMO, his inexplicable Arab costume is just as dumb if not more so. At least what is essentially Origins Genji fits in with stuff like Young 76, Reaper, Hanzo, and Ana.

Her huntress/still-alive skins are cool, but yes the swan outfits are awful

But it doesn't make sense. This is demopan shit right from the get-go.

the other other legendary is pretty good.

Her "pre-Brainwashing" costume is fine at least. Not astounding, but fine.

That feels like one which should get unique dialogue, if it hasn't already.

Junkrat's legendaries are both pretty shit.

His epics are way better.

>shitting on raindancer
hey frick you kid

It's not hard to see why he has a Scarecrow and Jester as his costume though from a design and making references point of view though.

Hell one of his lines when killing Reaper is "Why so serious?". They couldn't be any more in your face with the Joker and Batman references if they tried.

How can you have such shit taste? Hers are some of the best.

If you mean huntress, I think it has.

Sorry but The native Pharahs are sick, I bought Rainmaker and dropped the other.

Tracer has the worst legendaries, and by far. Sporty looks great tho

>football kit with the colours of Beat from JSR
>dat boi
Lucios legendaries are great.


Those are actually pretty cool skins. Her missiles change to flint daggers with that skin too.

Torbs Biker and Zaryas Die Cis Scum skins are so bad that they drag the others with them.

No, Mei does.
>fire fighter
>ANOTHER snow coat

Her Origins one is fine. Punk is fucking awful though.

Like I can see Zarya being into Gothic Metal stuff, but Tracer just has nothing Punk about her. She's more of a posh girl who dresses up in fancy clothes to watch tennis and drink Pimms.

>still no armorless skin

>wearing real clothes
If I wanted to see ugly russian chicks falling out of hot topic, I'd go back to high school.

Young Torb, Rein, and McCree skins when?

All of her skins are armorless

>fancy clothes to watch tennis and drink Pimms.
nigga u thinkin of mercy

>implying shes naked under it with a mercy given vibrator

It isn't a matter of what you want to see. It's a matter of not letting this shit get out of fucking hand like TF2 did. Too late already though.


Every purple skin is better than every legendary skin, prove me wrong.


How can other skins even compete?

How's the arab dick?

Cool opinion

lucio and mei have the worst skins. I would include zarya and tracer but summer games kinda put them in mediocre category.

dem legs

Why do some Heroes get appropriate cultural skins, and others get random shit?

It's kind of hilarious that despite the potential for shouts of "cultural appropriation" with Arab Genji and Native Pharah, it's the Indian that is dressed as an Indian goddess that's drawn the most controversy that I've seen

Not liking dat boi r u gay

>implying frog lucio isn't high tier

Sure, if you're a meme loving fuck.

Because it's meant to look cool.


I think we can all agree that Reinhardt has the best ones.

All six are fantastic.

I honestly think most of the legendaries are kinda lame and take shits on the otherwise good vanilla designs of the characters.
I rarely use anything more than epics.
I think the only legendaries I like are the "younger" ones some characters have and Stonehardt.

by being the red/white nippon genji

Now, I think I can at least see what they were going for with Frog Lucio. A Deadmau5 reference where they should have stopped at the mask instead of basically making a full fur suit.

The Ice Hockey gear baffles me completely though.

His Brazilian Football Kit skin is his only acceptable legendary.

>Hating on white/red pocahontas Pharah

Fuck off