Post pokemon better than their final evos.
Post pokemon better than their final evos
Gengar just looks kinda gay imo
Fight me
Ma nigga
Let's just get this out of the way.
This, for sure. Fennekin's also better. So glad they're both in Pokken.
What does that mean? And why quotations?
Only starter I prefer to either the first or final stage.
I quite like frosslass but glalie is fucking shit.
He doesn't know he's doomed to be the worst mary sue dog most awful designed pokemon in history
I love all three for different reasons.
Delphox just has a horrible 3D model.
Electabuzz Magmar and Rhydon.
>Expected green tyrannosaur
>got 420 stoner ent-saur
i stared at the screen debating wether to drop the game or go on for a good ten minutes
You motherfucker. Both are god tier.
THIS. 100 TIMES THIS. Cincinno is an abomination. Mincinno should have been a single stage pokemon.
They have better names in French, sometimes.
Gengar is Ectoplasma, it actually make it sound more powerful.
Mincinno is a top 10 Mon to me, but the scarf on Cincinno looks too silly
Glalie feels like it's supposed to evolve into something and then it just didn't. The mega doesn't really rectify this.
Spectrum is kinda cool too
Literally the only answer is Chansey. All other answers are objectively false.
That hat is the best.
Not better than his final evo, however Wartortle is gay as fuck.
If you ruined your Porygon with malware you are an awful person.
Are you sure?
You posted the wrong water starter. That's not Wartortle.
mah nigga
Samurott has more bulk than Eviolite Dewott
Haunter has no reason to run Eviolite
Grovyle has no reason to run Eviolite
Braixen has no reason to run Eviolite
Kirlia has no reason to run Eviolite
Weavile is a final evolution your dummy.
Venusaur has more bulk than Eviolite Ivysaur.
Snorunt has no reason to run Eviolite
Riolu only has a gimmick over Lucario.
Garchomp has more bulk than Eviolite Gabite.
Minccino has no reason to run Eviolite
Dragonite is still better, Marvel Scale RestTalk is not worth it.
Rhyperior has more bulk than Eviolite Rhydon.
Lampent has no reason to run Eviolite.
Wartortle is literally better in every way.
Are the only right answers.
His voice is hilarious though in the anime.
Electabuzz has no reason to run Eviolite
OP was asking about designs you fucktard.
There aren't enough images in a thread to do that. cutemons>>>>>>>>edgemons
>Rhyperior has more bulk than Eviolite Rhydon.
No it doesn't.
>Wartortle is literally better in every way.
How you retarded faggot?
>those stupid wing feather things on his head that weren't on squirtle in any way and were completely abandoned on blastoise all together
>that faggy feathery quill of a tail that is completely abandoned on blastoise
There's a missing link between Squirtle and Blastoise, but Wartortle isn't it.
Annoying the shit out of people with prankster is way funnier
>Caring about stats in singleplayer
did you mean to post galgomon or terriermon, because that's fucking shit right there
>There are people who don't like Mahoxy-chan
>Dragonite is still better, Marvel Scale RestTalk is not worth it.
Nigga I thought we were talking appearance wise. I choose pic related then.
252 SpA Life Orb Abomasnow Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 240 SpD Eviolite Rhydon: 426-504 (102.8 - 121.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Abomasnow Giga Drain vs. 248 HP / 232 SpD Solid Rock Rhyperior: 437-519 (100.9 - 119.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
>playing single player
What about Golbat? Perhaps not better than its evolution, but it fills a completely different role on your team than Crobat would and does things Crobat can't.
Love me some Eviolite Golbat tanking hits and Roosting all day while pounding you with Brave Bird and Toxic stalling.
>caring about special defense in a mon with no special defense to begin with
This is the guy who tells people doing solo runs that they should evolve their pokemon
>caring about the pretty pictures more than the gameplay
Where were you when you learned you were too casual for Pokemon.
I love evolutionary lines like this, where the evolutions are all equally viable with different roles. I hope we have more like the Porygon and Zubat lines.
My nigga.
4 Atk Life Orb Abomasnow Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 105-125 (24.2 - 28.8%) -- 98.5% chance to 4HKO after hail damage and Leftovers recovery
4 Atk Life Orb Abomasnow Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Rhydon: 101-120 (24.3 - 28.9%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after hail damage
A solo run is going to get demolished. What do you do if someone Trick Scarfs you?
This had so much potential to become a badass bug
>no special defense to begin with
You do realize slid rock s a great ability and that it can take special hits just fine that aren't SE? That example is using a move that does quadruple damage and it's still only doing 110-120%, even a STAB SE hit might not 2HKO and anything not SE will have trouble getting even a 3HKO.
>the gameplay
you care more about muh numbers and muh stats than the experience of PLAYING a game and enjoying it on multiple levels
>make claim
>get disproven
>"uhh who cares about facts amirite?"
>caring about super-effective hits when they will demolish you anyway
This is why I quit the metagame. It was quite literally made up of people who genuinely have autism and children.
>muh numbers
Guess what, those numbers make the game enjoyable on a new level you're not playing on, because you choose to stay ignorant :^)
We're enjoying the game on all the same levels you are in addition to the one you're choosing to ignore.
Rhyperior is an excelent pokemon to smack an assault vest to
And you care more about the pretty pictures than the actual gameplay and enjoying it on any level.
Name any sort of self-proclaimed competitive game not full of autism.
are you saying children were playing or are you saying parents were playing?
Stop, you are bringing feels back.
Where were you when op made his post about appearances. Go be autistic somewhere else
Yes, but at the end of the day it still looks like this.
>It was quite literally made up of people who actually know how to play effectively and I kept losing so I'll call them autists *sadface*
Would you bitch about losing to someone in Starcraft because they actually knew how to play and you didn't? No, you'd learn how to play.
>Post pokemon better than their final evos.
Sorry, can't find "appearances" or "sprites" or "models" or anything like that in that sentence.
Can we get back to cool pre-evo instead of arguing?
So you're autistic then?
Good to know.
And it did. What are you talking about?
Gengar is a much better pun
Sorry, where did OP talk about appearances again? I must have missed that.
Nice le strawman maymay
I'm not denying that I was just giving insight to the low special defense.
As for me I prefer Rhyhorn from the three, too many pokemon go from quadruped to biped.
>literally every picture ITT is wrong
It was fucking implied, you didn't pick up on it, hence autism
I know the word gets thrown around a lot but I think you have autism
I agree with you.
And you.
Also. Jigglypuff. With all of those, my Pkm Fire is complete.
Gargomon is 1000x times better than those generic mechas.
Pokemon fire team*
>"T-t-they're all autists and children!"
>lol you just suck
>"What? D-don't say that! STRAWMAN!"
Gligar >>>> Gliscor.
Imho Nidoking would have looked better if it stayed quadruped.
The word you're looking for is euphoric you casual fucking normal type
No, what OP meant was "what Pokemon are better performance wise than their evolutions." Nowhere was it implied that appearance was a factor.
I know the word gets thrown around a lot, but I think you are a scrub.
>Immunity is better than Poison Heal!
Didn't like the colors of Liepard and what seemed to me, at the time, a drop in personality.
Golbat is useful solely due to the Eviolite. Easily my favorite hold item, I always liked playing lower tiers over OU and this item made a ton of NFE Pokemon somewhat viable and fun to use down there in RU and NU.
Golbat is one of my favorites now just because he's so much fun to use, people often didn't expect it to sit there and live for 10 turns while they died slowly from Toxic and entry hazards.
>missing the point of the thread this badly
Full on autism
rhyhorn is better than both its evos
this thread lacks charmeleon, monferno and zweilous
Fuck yes.
Not as bad as missing the point of the entire game.
The point of the game is to complete the Pokedex user, yes, I'm sorry you missed it too.
Agreed, love Abras design
...That is literally a textbook example of a strawman argument.