How can a female protag be successful in AAA games in this day and age? How do you invent this generations Lara Croft?

How can a female protag be successful in AAA games in this day and age? How do you invent this generations Lara Croft?

by not going over the top with "girl power" bullshit
Just have her do normal protag shit without pointing out she's a woman all the damn time.

you dont. just go full japanese and bait buyers with sexy women and cute lolis.

>How do you invent this generations Lara Croft?

Reboot the previous generations'

But those games don't sell! Like Remember Me

More pictures op

nuLara is too much muh independence and muh girl power when she already was a badass before the reboot.

and that's a good point. You make something that people want and then they don't care. Plus I don't remember any actual advertising for that game

or Life is Strange (which is bby the same company and actually sold well)

No one wanted it because it was a bad game.



Haha, crossplay is always hilarious

Ellie in The Last of Us was handled fine. She even rustled a lot of SJWs because they thought she ended up being too much of a stronk womyn when she started killing people.

Devs n publisher running out of ideas
>better ask Sup Forums

There goes the money down the drain

Regardless of what people said, tits are still a selling factor.
This will remains true until the end of time or until all underage boys are exterminated, whichever comes first.


Her parts were the shittiest most retarded parts of the game though.


Not like this.

a problem that happen with gay characters too.
The only thing they offer is being gay and thas all.

Also stop making female protagonist like this
>I can do this like you guys, therefore I'm special
"girl power"


Also don't try to make her ugly as a sin.
Make her relatable
Have the consumer in mind when you do this kind of protagonist.

>underage boys

Why do you fags always like to place anybody who likes titillation into the category of underage?

The naked girl is cute but holy fuck that pink hair one is ugly

Now that girl is bad-f*cking-ass!

Remember Me was a mediocre game.

you can say the exact same thing about male protags. they aren't any better at all. replace your pick with "penis award" and it's the same thing

Good writing and hot design. It's the first part that no one can get right.


why do female characters have to be hot?

No one likes ugly characters, male or female.

same reason the men have to be hot.
and movie charecters, and models.

Unless they're comically ugly

And the second part that 99% of westerners can't seem to get right.

not being hot isn't the same thing as being ugly


I think you can't in the current climate.

Make her hot as fuck with big tits and a nice ass. That's it

That's not entirely true though.

Male characters have far more room for creative design than female characters. It's why fictional races will have all the males look monstrous, but the females all still got tits even if they are lizard people.

Yeah, you can't make a guy too ugly if he is the playable character, but the line between badass looking and ugly is a thick one for male characters. Female characters have a much thinner line to cross. Only one I can think of that did it right in recent memory was the Boss.

yeah i too remember being a virgin

cant, gender relations are far to damaged now

And then the only thing to get you laid once was to pretend to be a feminist, we know, we've seen hundreds of your examples around.

are you implying that's not what people want


Monsterous males are still attractive.
I'd fuck a male Troll or Orc, but I don't know a lot of guys who'd fuck a female Orc/Troll.

>gender relations are far to damaged now

what kind of shutin do you have to be to even think this

Female lizard people need tits to make them look female,
Otherwise they just look like males.

No one wants to play as plain jane either.

>I'd fuck a male Troll or Orc, but I don't know a lot of guys who'd fuck a female Orc/Troll.

fucking CASUAL

Honestly Estelle and Jade are the only good female protagonists i ever remember in video games who don't go into femtard "girl power" bullshit or full fanservice mode.

Ones on the left are realistic.

Ones on the right are Precious Moments heads bolted onto supermodels.

why not?

She always was a cold blooded killer.

Tomboy is definitely where she should fall on the femininity scale. I haven't actually seen someone who played trails in the sky and didn't like Estelle Bright.
If you're doing a realistic setting like Life Is Strange or Infamous, just making the girl act likable goes a long way. That Neon bitch had way too many points in her cunt stat.

if she's written well and is a likable character it's way better than just a pair of tits on legs

Or maybe they could just not be like humans? It's not like there is no other way to show sexual dimorphism. Fuck, differences in height and weight is usually enough for most people. Tits are solely there because developers are too lazy to create unique animations across different races or to pander to furries.

It's not just about wanting to fuck 'em. People just don't like female characters in general that don't strickly obey generic beauty standards. Males that fail the same standards can still be beloved characters so as long as they are cool looking instead.

What about a game that featured a couple sexually dimorphic races? Or would Sup Forums scream SJW as usual?

I really like Estelle because she's just a normal girl with bright and cheerful personality and her only special ability being able to hug the edge out of people.
Shame there's virtually none characters like this.

laughing octopus is literally a model

>People just don't like female characters in general that don't strickly obey generic beauty standards

How do you feel about Heather? A girl purposely given blemishes and made to look dirty so she was more realistic, yet is one of the most iconic and popular female characters in video games?

Okay, 100% of westerners.

But she's extremely cute.

Because numales are so afraid of being a part of the patriarchy they denounce all sexuality

>tfw I love perfect dark
If the game was released today, every thread here would be
>hurr, gurl power. Sjw controlling my games


>not wanting to be with zarya and get to wrestle til the loser gives up to decide who tops tonight

why is Sup Forums so FUCKING casual

She is hot as hell though, with that short hair, and the skirt, aww shit i fapped to her r34 pics a bunch as a middle schooler.
so damn cute.

I'd call her anything but "generic beauty." She has such a haunted look to her, and she's got a fucking boy's cut to boot.

You may find her cute but she's not the traditional cute/good looking good.
>Short boyish haircut
>Frumpy fridge-like body with no curves

>being a homosexual

There will always be retards online crying wolf as usual. People outside of Sup Forums would likely be able to handle truly dimorphic races that aren't just retextured humans like you would expect an adult to.

this and this

I get what you are saying. Heather doesn't obey all the standards of generic beauty in either the west or the east, but she certainly hits most of the marks. She's ruffled up most of the game which is great as it shows she really is suffering throughout the game, but she is still above average in looks even regarding that.

You have impossible high standards if you consider Heather average in appearance. The generic standard isn't just supermodels, but also includes people who could pretty much fuck whoever they wanted. Heather would have dozens of guys wanting her at any one moment.

I liked the winter section. Being shorter than Joel made sneaking a little different.

make a genderfluid lesbonigger feminazi pj who is opressed and the final boss is the leader of the patriarchy, a white cis male

I didn't say she was "average," either. When you're talking about "generic beauty standards," does that just include any beauty standard that disapproves of fat girls?

>Make a good and fun game-Have the protag be female, Bayonetta, Shantae, Patty from MSF
>Devs don't give shit about virtue signaling and jerking off the press over how progressive they are
>Media finds one thing wrong and shuns them
>Game is popular but general public don't know about it

>Make a boring and shitty game, pin all the success on the fact that you have a female protag,
>Tell everyone how groundbreaking it is and how it's never been done somehow
>Media loses it's shit and gives you free twitter backpats
>Game bombs because it's boring and the female protag can't save it
>Media cries all day about how there could never be a successful game with a female protag.

The thing we need is devs that can realize that they need a good game first and journalist that can see that instead of trying to bring in gender politics to gauge everything.

>but also includes people who could pretty much fuck whoever they wanted
So like...any girl who is above a 2/10?
Do you even know what you're saying or are just just incredibly ignorant about how easy it for girls to get laid?

>but also includes people who could pretty much fuck whoever they wanted
That's retarded, because that means 95% of girls are above average in your eyes.

Make them cute and act feminie and not ugly or like a man with boobs

Also don't make the Story about her trying to proove something or her being discriminated for being female

Her gender should only really Play a Role when it comes to relationships or if the story happened to feature thems of motherhood or womenhood in general

Most guys will fuck any girl that isn't absolutely hideous even if she's pretty ugly. Women are the ones that have high standards males just want to spread their seed in as many girls as they can. It's just natural

Cover all the skin so SJW and feminists don't complain.

That's because gender doesn't matter in fiction as long as a character isn't shit. Also (you)

Agrias from FFT is the model for an attractive, strong, and intelligent female character.

Because otherwise people won't like them or care about them

Problem solved.

Beauty implies something that is noticeably attractive to the eye. Something or someone that stands out. Heather stands out and is above average in appearance. Fat girls generally stand out as ugly, not average. Girls with an average attractiveness don't usually stand out at all unless you develop a crush for them or are so desperate you'll hit on every vagina you happen to come across.

Desperation has nothing to do with attractiveness. The guys that go out with them don't find the girl herself physically attractive (usually), but the fact that she has a vagina is what is attractive.

You can't because every game news media and bloggers will over-analyse her character and if she doesn't meet their impossible to know quotas, then they will probably lump her into one of Anita's tropes.

It's sad because I think before all this nonsense games had a bunch of good female protags, but now it seems like they are trying way too hard to make the ideal current year female character(s).

They need to be sexy (showing some skin, nice tits and ass, skinny). It's not fucking hard. But a women views another women more attractive than her she goes on the offensive. Doesn't matter if it's fake or not. So we end up with bullshit shebeasts like that one from the new Mass Effect or DA:I.

design them better?

And "generic beauty" implies something entirely different from just "beauty."

It's impossible since Sup Forums will just whine about the devs being SJWs

like this?

is Wet good?

>androgynous person with androgynous ass
>wearing your clothes like a retard
>designer shoes by designer
>designer BALL by designer

What the fuck is this garbage proto-tumblr art style

I meant generic beauty as in the most common pattern of what is considered above average. A girl with red hair and green eyes is almost always considered above average as is a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Heather is still very much above average in appearance, but not by a large margin. Honestly she is perfectly fine as a female character. Perhaps I did not make that clear in my responses.

I apologize for not wording myself more clearly. I rush too much while responding and rereading my past replies I can see how I wasn't specific enough in my thoughts.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

f̶u̶c̶k̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶

I got to the god's nipple thing in this before winter semester forced me to drop it entirely.
I'm not sure if I should just start a new file or what.

It's very good. Trust me. The wetter the better my pop always said.

I want to fuckZoey and I want Bayonetta to watch

Can still see face.