What are the 10 most influential yuropooristanian games ever made?
So far all I can think of are Tetris and GTA III.
Have they made anything else really influential aside from maybe the other GTAs?
What are the 10 most influential yuropooristanian games ever made?
So far all I can think of are Tetris and GTA III.
Have they made anything else really influential aside from maybe the other GTAs?
I also came up with this list of the 10 most influential Japanese games.
Space Invaders
Super Mario Bros.
Street Fighter II
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Quest
Wii Sports
Portopia Serial Murder Case
Penumbra / Amnesia / Soma
And the top 10 most influential American games.
Wolfenstein 3D
Mortal Kombat
Ultima IV
Ultima Online
World of Warcraft
Wing Commander
Ultima Underworld
The Bitcher 3
pick one dumbass
three ultima games LOL
so Porando is Asia?
it's europe my dumb american friend
>implying Ultima isn't THAT influential
Ultima IV wasn't that influential
No Man's Sky has never been done before.
nu shadow warrior sucked
Yes it fucking was. It was basically the start of open-ended games.
can you please explain how three ultima games belong on the most influential american games list then? you understand how triggering it can be to see three games from the same series on a top ten list when america has released so many big games like Halo, Half Life etc. it just makes me think you're a giant fan of ultima and not objective.
all games by Bullfrog (Populous, Theme Park, Dungeon Keeper, many others)
Transport Tycoon
Angry Birds
Tetris is objectively the best videogame ever made, though. There is no other video game that is as accessible for all ages as Tetris. Pong is about the only thing that comes close.
also, forgot: Tomb Raider.
Ultima IV for all intents and purposes was the start of open-ended gaming and has directly or indirectly influenced every WRPG since.
Ultima Online started online-only based gaming as we know it.
Ultima Underworld was the first game with true 3D (meaning not scaling or shit like that).
Wasn't Tetris made by Japan?
>Angry Birds
These are probably correct. Not sure about Angry Birds though.
>Tomb Raider
Kinda iffy, but not a bad choice.
Invented by a ruskie, but most versions have been developed in Japan (most famously by Nintendo). I would count it as a russian game.
another one:
Alone in the Dark (invented the horror game genre)
No, Tetris was made in Russia (technically the Soviet Union at the time), by Alexei Patinov.
Nintendo then got the rights after a long soap opera that involved Atari and even Sega.
Don't forget Populous. It invented the whole God Game genre (no, Sim City was not a god game, it was a city builder).
I'd put Sim City in there somewhere.
Operation Flashpoint (Arma)
>Alone in the Dark (invented the horror game genre)
After reading your explanation I agree.
1)Fifa 2016
2)Fifa 2015
3)Fifa 2014
4)Fifa 2013
5)Fifa 2012
6)Fifa 2011
7)Fifa 2010
8)Fifa 2009
9)Fifa 2008
10)Fifa 2007
shit games make poland strong?
angry birds is finish
Killer Instinct or Donkey Kong Country - started the whole idiotic CGI Sprites fad of the 90s.
dumb americans who buy those games
When I think influential, I think of something that guides the future of a genre or medium. I think you're conflating being first with being influential to some degree. For example, Turok was the first console 3D shooter (I think, it was at least the first for N64) but Goldeneye is the one that people remember as being the most influential in that era for console shooters. While I'm sure your games have influenced gaming a great deal, to not see Halo or SimCity2000 or Half Life in your list just sorta blows my mind.
You know jack fucking shit about the history of gaming if you think those games didn't have a definitive influence over gaming.