Pirating when refunds exist

If you have to pirate PC games because you can't afford a game or don't want to pay the dev the money, I can understand that, I've been there.

But if you say you pirate to demo the game first, why not just buy it and then refund it?

Seems like that excuse doesn't hold water anymore.

I say I pirate because fuck you and I don't need any excuses. What now?

That's exactly all it is, an excuse.
There's literally nothing preventing pirates from not just keeping the product forever.
If someone tells you they're doing if for a reason like "testing" it, they're fucking lying.

Well you're honest, and also a bit of an edgelord.

Least you're not a lying edgelord?

A significant amount of games on steam have a demo available too.

You're looking for a moral high ground argument from pirates and there isn't one, is pretty well the community.

Because you get 2 fucking hours to decide you stupid fuck

Can you refund back to your bank account?
I only refunded once and remember picking steam wallet because all other options required jumping through hoops. Luckily a game I wanted was around the corner and I could spend it on that.

too much work to buy and then refund, pirating is easier

also pretty sure steam won't like it if you refund too much

2 hours isn't enough to know if you like it or not desu.
Some games have like 50 minutes of intro cuteness and dialog before they let you play the game.

Because abusing the system like that will get it removed, and I don't want to see that happen.

How can you not tell in 2 hours?

Why would you play a game you hate for more than 2 hours while hoping it gets better?

Even if you're NEET there's other games you could be playing with that time.

Cases like NMS is the reason Steam should raise refund limit higher, 2 hours is too short.

Why would I pay for a game lmao?

Assuming you made the purchase directly with your CC and didn't transfer funds into your steam wallet, yes.

also this

Steam explicitly states that refunds aren't a way to get 'free' demos, do it enough times and eventually you'll get blocked from the refund service

with that said the only games I bother pirating are those that I know will get a GOTY edition down the line and I refuse to pay outrageous prices for season passes an individual DLCs, Bethesda games being a prime example of this

that way I get to play the vanilla game to completion, wait a year and buy the GOTY / remaster for a third of the price, everyone's happy

Because they deny my refunds even though they're within steam guidelines.

I don't like pirating but don't act like the Steam refund program is great.

Like the other user said, intros cutscenes, tutorials etc can take up a lot of time and 2 hours isn't enough to get going properly

Dragons dogma for example, 2 hours in it was meh, 5 hours I was in love with it

I pirate because I fucking know that most of the time I wouldn't buy the game, but if I pirate it now and like it, then when I will buy it when I want to replay it.
A lot of times I just stop playing the pirated version and buy the original after few hours. Happened with Black Flag, Dark Souls 2, both KOTORs and every Dragon Age game, Inquisition after 40 fucking hours (mods do wonders for this series)

Some games yes, but those are the kind of games you can tell are going to be shit just by watching the trailer.
If it's a game you are really not sure about, 2 hours is fucking nothing unless you are some kind of retard that spergs out the moment the game moves too slowly for his liking so he quits and calls it shit.

>he bought dragon age 2

I know my taste is shit by Sup Forums standards, but I enjoyed myself so fuck you

because 2 hours is not enough time to decide on the quality of many games

I'll give you a recent example.
I've pirated shinovi versus and was kinda liking it. Simple button mashing, nothing too special.
I was enjoying the first 3 hours it took me to figure out some basic stuff, dress up some waifus and finish one school story line.
Then on hour 5 something happened and I started to get really, really annoyed with it's inconsistent and stupid combat mechanics once I've figured out everything about them.

Never touched it again, but I was already 5 hours in so no refund had I bought it.

>But if you say you pirate to demo the game first, why not just buy it and then refund it?
1. Pretty sure Valve considers that a misuse of the system and they reserve the right to stop issuing refunds if you're "abusing" the system
2. Nowadays games on Steam are more expensive than other shops if they don't have a sale going on, so you're going to be paying more.
>inb4 try it, refund it, buy it somewhere else for good
Pretty sure they considered that "abuse" as well.

Basically, it's quite clear the refund system is for actual refunds, not for demo purposes. That being said, it would be fucking amazing if they added an actual demo system that lets you play a game for 2h or something, but they'll never do that.

It's okay user, I bought all the Dragon Age games too. I'm currently playing through Inquisition and I'm having fun

Sometimes I like a game enough to want to buy it but not enough to pay steam prices.

It's just less of a hassle to pirate then buy a CD key than it is to wait for a refund on steam then buying a key for several $ less.

Why do people get so upset over pirates when used games exist? If I'm going to buy a game I'm going to save money and get it used so no matter what I do the developer won't see a dime of my money.

>pirate game
>dont play it
>get virus
>add it as a non steam game


>Why do people get so upset over pirates when used games exist?
Because they're retarded

Because i get games for free. Fuck morals, im an asshole

Because the people who get so upset about piracy just want to feel superior to others and see themselves purchasing games as proof that they really are better than you. They also recognize that the PC is the superior platform so are present here in larger numbers. Used games aren't given much focus because it's barely a thing on PC these days.

People do get worked up over used games but you'll find those people in specific console, developer or publisher communities.

uhhhh you know you cant get a refund if you play the game for more than 2 hours. so if you pause it then go out to buy hot pockets now your stuck with a shitty game.

>literally do not have enough money to buy a game
>pirate it and start playing
>buy when i have money

I gave up pirating when steam refunds started. After a few months I got a warning that I had refunded too much stuff in my inbox. Back to pirating and Gaben can fuck off the fat fucking pig jew cunt

used games are going to be illegal soon to protect copyright holders. its theft to resell a game when the original owner gets no profit from it. That is why were fighting to outlaw used game sales.

Steam refunds require less than two hours of play time. So unless you're timing yourself you're screwed if you go over that or if you have to walk away from the keyboard and get held up for longer than you anticipated.

Pirating is the better option. Personally I stopped pirating things once I got a job but I never pay full price. Kinguin is the best way to get games.

Because Valve is a little faggot about it and if you refund too much, they take away your "refunding privileges" calling it abuse.

That pretty much takes away any use it had as a demo. Plus, I don't feel like waiting two weeks to get my money back because Valve is too jewish to hire a couple more people to handle their support.

It's really not as great of a system as people claim. Digital stores are the biggest jews on earth. You'll never face these issues in a brick and mortar store.

If you buy a game that sells itself as being a "procedurally generated" anything you should already know what you're getting into and you don't really have a right to be surprised when it turns out every single area is derivative garbage.

Someone might like the game but not want to fund the jewery behind them.

It's like when politicians wrap up horrible policies into really important things like net-neutrality. They bundle it together. You should vote with your wallet.

>implying pirate fags need or want excuses

People that got suckered into buying NMS deserve to lose their money

Does steam refund work for DLC/expansions?

Pirating = Trying before putting any money down

Refunds = You're paying money you could be using for other things at the moment, deciding you want the money back fucking over everyone else while not really getting the money back, and spendig it again on something potentially shittier anyways.

I mean it's good to have now because things like No Man's Sky exists, but pirating should really be the first go-to.

>2 hours is enough to test any game!
Just fuck off.

Because I'm smart enough not to trust some corporation to let me have my money back.

The great thing about pirating a game is we can try it rather than buy it than refund it. But even if that isn't good enough we can just not care. We do it because we can. Plus at least with my pirated copy i can own it indefinately. Whilst with steam are any other platform they could go down, lock you out, remove it from the library etc.

I actually refunded something a few hours ago.
Master of Orion, don't know what I thought it would be but man, 300 turns without running into another race is boring.
For about 4 hours it was me vs. random ass space pirates

I had about 4 on mines and they still refunded it

>But if you say you pirate to demo the game first, why not just buy it and then refund it?
because steam will revoke your refund privilege if you do this, and pirating allows someone to "demo" it for more than 2 hours

I'll pay for games when Steam can compete with the prices of games in Pirate Bay.

Because refunding too many games will get you locked out of it.

I pirate every ubisoft or ea game that I'm interested in so that I can buy the console version if I like it because I don't want to deal with uplay or origin.

>i only play pc games available on steam

nu-stard race, everybody

I like refunds, I refunded about $300 of shit games from the previous christmas sale that were either outright bullshit or had falsified sysreqs/ran like trash.

Haven't refunded anything since though, seems like everyone is too afraid to shit out anything TOO bad lest they just have all their purchases refunded.

Have to have the money out front and eventually steam will block you from refunds for "abusing" the system.

I just refunded 2 games in the past week.
Is there a limit on refunds I can do? I don't want to piss of the steam people :(

What if I want/need to spend the $60 that's now in limbo for a couple days on something else? Easier to just not deal with that.

if i bought then refunded all the games i wanted to play, steam probably would've restricted my refunds for a while now.

easier just to pirate them instead of dealing steam refund system and it's restrictions

because "it gets good 20 hours in :^)"

pirating is easier

if game is under 20 bucks, sure, if game is expensive, then i pirate

im poor

I'm pretty sure if you keep doing it over and over steam won't let you anymore. It's also a mess on your bank/credit card statement.

>A significant amount of games on steam have a demo available too.

I must have bad luck then, because no game I'm interested in ever has a demo. I wish demos had a comeback.