Other urls found in this thread:
>implying anyone still comes here after the invention of the robotic vagina
>tfw got a sexbot of that qt from VA-11
Identity theft here we come, might hit up streaming-chan too.
>having a cybernetically implanted penis
Your move, jews.
>go to my buddy Juan Takamura's place to do some diving on his sweet new webdeck
>on the way decide to pick up a vial of day-use nanomachines to combat tomorrow's inevitable hangover
>cashier uses the same cyberbody that I do
>even the same eye color
>he's wearing the bracelet my mom made for me when I was 6
>on my way out he tells me to have fun at Juan's
The BAD - Big Augmented Dick.
Did someone say Jian?
would you Sup Forums ?
Rockstop only give two tiger bones for four rocks! It cost me 30 tiger bones for those four rocks!
With a LAM on a plane.
Would hatefuck with my superior nanoaug penor
>speak killphrase as you finish
who /fstate/ here ?
I'm behind 3 cerbo 10X G SERIES proxies niggers just try and touch me!!!!!!!!!!
I like the idea but I think the pic needs more tweaking
What are you drinking tonight?
l-l-look at you Sup Forums a pathetic website of shitposting and newfags p-panting and sweating as you post on my servers
h-how can you challenge a perfect immortal machine like me ?
Fuck of binary bitch. Go polarize you harddrive.
Oh sweet, someone saved my screenshot.
Plenty on this list I haven't played. Opinions on the Shadowrun games? Might grab them whenever they next wind up in a GOG sale.
Got any good rainy neon city wallpapers?
Blow her up with a proximity mine? Yes I would.
haven't touched Honk Kong yet. Returns was good aside from a plot twist that made the end a little boring for me, Dragonfall was a lot better.
have you guys tried holo-sykrim mountain climbing simulator ? it's pretty schway
it's good less waifu shit though
fucking racists, cyberpunk means africa too not asia. Noone thinks of asia except racist virgins who dont promote diversity by purchasing multicutlural titles only like the new Mafia 3.
Why was major such a bitch in episode 12? Tachikoma was just exploring the city
> fantastic image
> sony propaganda right in the middle
> mcdonalds
> coca cola
>implying everything in the future won't be owned by sony, mcdonalds and coca cola
tha ad stuff is part of the fun of a cyberpunk dystopia. its a hell hole you get it brah?
I'd prefer gibberish written in kanji/hiragana without any logos
who hurt you?
lol, well part of the fun of future dystopias is how commercialism is EVERYWHERE.... chains like mickeyds and other processed foods are the only thing around minus the street vendors.
maybe thinking that way you might like it a bit more?
Can't have government property running around doing things like that in public y'know.
Gimme a Pomf=3, please.
anyone got some passes for CLANKED.COM?
thread needs a soundtrack
Too bad they discontinued the titan augs, clank, you're going to die in the explosion too yknow.
swap transistor and syndicate wars. seriously my only gripe with that image, other than that putting ss2 in #1 spot makes me a happy boy (even though as far as cyberpunk goes deus ex probably nails it better haha)
>mid-tier augments are bad
>either get bare-bone basic models or save up for expensive shiny ones
jesus, dude. let people spend their money how they want to.
I am about to filter those repeating threads.
Anyone got any useful filters to make browsing more comfortable and ensure more oc instesd of the same old same old?
Leave Sup Forums.
shes just mad she cent get laid
What do you say when an AI tries to make you do something dumb?
Pomf will always remind me of nyanners.
Do bad she went full sjw.
>nanotech augs are widely available
>they can actually reverse aging, making people effectively immortal
>relationships are mostly handled by virtual reality
>having children is actually outlawed, to prevent making the overpopulation worse
I kinda want this
loving how the two best vaporwave artists came together to make the best cyberpunk album ever
If volunteers were wanted for primative mechanical aug testing, would you give up a limb for it?
no she a flatlander woman lookin ass
probably a leg, yeah, but I like making music and wouldn't want to lose a hand.
I'd give my left arm. Hell I'd do it for the tech we currently have.
Would I mine in her proximity? Yes user, yes I would.
Man I cannot believe that soon we will be able to upload ourselves into the PCs
Maybe it will let me last until 2077 releases!
Any day now!
the only thing you will be able to upload is a clinical catalogue of your memories and experiences
without organic chemicals like hormones, you'll never exist as the conscious entity you are now because emotions and senses only exist because of biological necessities and compulsions
For the last time guys, I'm not a girl , someone transferred my consciousness to this body. I'm currently looking for my real body.
give me a tasteful bad touch.
may as well use it while you got it, though, right?
firendly reminder you're stealing from devs if you torrent wAIfu software for your smelly robot whore
flatlander woman
If you want to buy them, I'd suggest all 3 games and play through them in order.
Returns was their first Kickstarted entry and it's a bit mediocre but still pretty good.
Dragonfall, is without doubt the best one in the series - from pacing, story to writing, characters and waifus (see picture).
Hong Kong improved on the gameplay but I felt the pacing and story was much weaker IMHO.
But if you want to save some shekels, I'd say you can skip Returns and go straight for Dragonfall.
So a man only deserves love if he can pay for it?
will a tasteful nudity suffice?
>tasteful nudity
It's only tasteful until I get a boner.
You don't beat around the bush much do you.
Big Gut punch, please. Need something strong and bitter.
I-I'm kind of bitter.
lipton ice tea, tastes like shit though
i dont drink alcohol, but i should
Get me something classic.