The Last of Us Live Action Movie Announced
The Last of Us Live Action Movie Announced
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Why are they making a second movie?
It's already out. Just search for a no dialogue walkthrough on youtube
Why do videogame movies always turn out shit? Is it a curse? An elemental rule of our reality?
This will be a shit movie too.
>paying to see a movie we already saw
>TLOU is now a literal movie game
More meme magic becoming reality
>reposting a mildly funny joke for the billionth time
fuck off reddit
u mad
>Joel not Mel Gibson
butthurt console cuck
>a movie of a movie
what did they mean by this?
Different storytelling medium and lots of shit gets lost in translation. Same reason 90% of movie adaptations are regarded as inferior to the book. Vidya gets it worse because they're entertaining in a completely different way than movies/books. It would be like making a recording of the Mona Lisa and wondering why the album didn't sell.
But video games of books and movies can be good, see Arry Potter for PC and Spider-Man 2 for PS2
Why does it never go the other way?
>movie based on something else
Is film the most uncreative medium?
but the HD port has been out for ages.
Typical /r/pcmasterrace redditor responses
Well at least people will only have to pay 10$ to watch a movie instead of 60$
The first Mortal Kombat movie is good
sony already won 10 oscars
how do they do it ?
>heavily entrenched medium that has huge collections of vested interests, for example the US government, huge corporations, producers and other slimeballs.
yea no shit, what do you expect?
Go back to your 720p24fps experience, faggot.
>Jake Gyllenhaal
They made the right choice
N-No homo
I'd watch it if it had Jake Gyllenhaal. Brilliant actor. He'd elevate the material.
Probably because the target audience is mostly teenagers, just guessing. A dumb videogame is nowhere near as bad as a dumb movie.
Yeah but that's mostly adlibbing and a few good lines
"Ello baby"
"Ear at ear"
"500 dollar sunglasses!"
Everything else... I mean the fights weren't the worst I've seen, but the fights plus the real lack of a good story made it 5/10 if you didn't already know the story
>t. /r/pcmasterrace lurker
For cucks who "played" the game on youtube, yes
>inb4 nintoddlers come to shitpost about le second movie effectively proving that they've never played the game
Isn't Jake the Snake in the Division movie that's being made? On an unrelated note, anyone remember the Division? That game came and went really fucking fast.
I hope they don't change a single thing so that people who know what good stories are will rip it apart and cause massive butthurt because the "citizen game" was fucking destroyed.
You're in denial again, Jimmy
>Nobody asks for a source
You act like we try to do anything other than shitpost around here.
>not being homo for Jake Gyllenhaal
what are you gay?
The Last of Us already had a movie, and it was pretty good
you guys are fucking idiots
>Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia Movie
>Jake Gyllenhaal in Tom Clancy's The Division Movie
>Jake Gyllenhaal in The Last of Us Movie
Damn, he likes video games it seems.
Good, movies are clearly what Naughty Dog wants to make nowadays.
Wouldn't be the first actor.
It's a shame, since they can get the actual game part pretty good too, but they like to bloat it with their fucking cutscenes.
Anyone remember Vin Diesel? God rest his skeleton.
Who's Vin Diesel?
but why?
The guy that was killed by the german sniper in Saving Private Ryan.
He was in Matrix 4: Return of King Koopa
Max Payne was ok
He's about twenty years too young
Because SJWs love it
I'd love a movie showing Joel's asshole bandit years, or Tommy's trip back to Texas. But if they're just covering the game, I don't see the point. Wasted potential.
It's not that hard to age actors up. Aging them down is where it gets fucky.
Most videogame movies heavily dilate from the original story.
>lol it's a movie already xD
People like this don't know good games when they see them. Somehow, they missed 90% of the game where you are exploring, stealthing, scavenging, or killing.
Fucking seriously, sometimes I can understand the attempt at a video game movie if there's a story to tell in the established universe but TLOU has fucking nothing. It's just another post apocalyptic setting. And if they remake the story from the game then that would just be utterly ridiculous. TLOU was already a "cinematic" experience that blended gameplay with drama, usually adding a little too much of the latter and forgetting the former.
So what does a movie add? Nothing. A movie would do nothing for the story of the game. If anything, it just reduces it. You get less quiet moments of characterisation, because a film has to be 2-3 hours long while a game can be as long as it likes. People who go to see the movie are just paying for an abridged experience.
That game WAS a live action movie.
Why make another one?
>that blended gameplay with drama
Unless it's an RPG, it really didn't.
It was horrible.
Only man who can play Joel is Hugh Jackman.
>durr tlou is a movie like all Playstation games xD
>muh cutscenes
Want to know how I know you didnt play the game?
>some people in this thread actually believe OP
It always amazes me when I see just how many people actually take Sup Forums seriously.
>Why do videogame movies always turn out shit?
>being this retarded
Not even that guy but..
Not sure if troll or just stupid with no comprehension skill
>they absolutely ruined Redd White
what the fuck were they god damn thinking
>not Hugh Jackman
I don't understand how someone can have this much opinion with this little validity.
Only valid thing you said was that the film will be an abridged version, which is pointless. But maybe actually play the games you criticize first.
>ftw i am possibly the only that actually liked TLOU
The only thing i disliked was fucking gay ellie kissing with that monkey in the DLC, the game in general was good, but i still fucking mad.
And the movie is going to get terrible.
Production has never played the game or is interested in videogames. Never has a director been a person who enjoyed the game they were adapting, they are just given the rights and told to make it, they dont know how its suppose to feel or what youre meant to get out of it, its why most just turn out as action garbage, because thats what most people who dont play videogames seem them as, same with the actors, they have no interest either, they dont know what theyre meant to evoke. Christophe Gans is like the only person that actually liked the games he was adapting, the result was Silent Hill, it wasnt great mind you, but it was watchable, the second movie was made by someone who was just given the rights, and the difference is immediate.
TLDR; noone involved in the making of videogame movies plays videogames.
If he liked the games he wouldn't have replaced Harry with some shitty donut steel. He's just as much of a hack as the rest of them.
So it's a sequel to the first movie?
I bet they aren't getting Gustavo Santaolalla for the ost. Just like how the GITS film isn't getting Yoko Kanno.
It's amazing how hard corporate jews can overlook when something's soundtrack was what fucking made it work.
The story was written as a standalone, not a straight adaptation of Silent Hill. Theres this whole thing around rights and royalties as to why you cant 1:1 adapt videogames, it is never going to happen user.
>Last of Us 2
The Iron Giant