Valkyria Chronicles Thread

Been playing this for a bit and it's comfy as fuck, loving it. Scouts are godlike beings
>Favourite Character
>Favourite Class
>Favourite Enemy Leader
Real Spoiler Press F for Isara, 2 qt to die

Should I bother actually playing it? It's so goddamn slow and clumsy for what it is.

Darksen are mudbloods who need to be purged.

get the rebalance mod

Darksens are people too!

Playing it for the first time, found out by sheer chance that Shock trooper flamethrowers only take 2 hits to destroy the big artillery units. As if I needed another reason for Vyse to be my favorite.





I like wendy if it wasn't apparent enough already.
Shock troopers can do anything if the orders are right.
Ty the immortal, he even got into the second game


That's a woman?

the best woman, the best shock, the best valkyria chronicled

>tfw your favourite class are fencers

fencers are good bench warmers when you can't park your tank on a camp

In many cases they're even better, a crouching fencer takes almost no damage from those V2 things.

I used them heavily on the offense, though, their ability to advance on enemy chokepoints and tanks coupled with massive damage output makes them great for cutting key units and bosses.

They work really great coupled with snipers.

Welkin sucks at perimeter security and it gets two girls shot. I will never not be mad.

in welkin's defense, one of those times it was friendly fire

I hate how the game ends, wont spoil. Anyone else?

I like VC but I'm shit at strategy games so I have to use a guide plus I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I gotta get dat A rank.

TFW it takes a while just to finish one mission.

Anyone know this feel.

Nah, I tried to develop my own tactics for each mission and didn't replay if there were mistakes. You can always cheese to the A rank with scout rushing.

>no favorite tank

Shit thread.

if you are good at strategy games its really fun, i suck at them and for me its just reload and save.

Also cutscene overkill and the story is anime crap.
But the overall gameplay is pretty unique and the graphic style is pretty.

Riela a best

too bad she loses to a darcsen

Riela is the canon winner though.

>will never cuddle with marina while she snipes imperials from across the map

Im sorry everyone...

I like the art but dropped it because it's too easy.

The what?







But Ramona, Elysse and Audrey are best girls.

I have this game in my library, and have had it there for a few weeks now.

I never bought it, and even on my account history I can't find it there whether it being I bought it/or got it as a gift/free.

What the fuck?

>TFW Nadine and the quiet engineer chick with the weird headgear got killed because I was pinned down like fuck on the mission where you fight that dudebro commander
This game is fucking brilliant, I only played it through for the first time recently though my copy was like 3 yrs old