What is the best space sim among the few made in the last few years?
What is the best space sim among the few made in the last few years?
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Star Citizen
It's still being made, but there are a lot of great things being made, a lot of which is already available to play. It's EVE with more interactive and realistic gameplay, with quests both given by players and NPCs. Elite is an empty and boring game with no content and NMS is a mining simulator, but Star Citizen still has a lot of great potential and is the most likely candidate to scratch the space itch at the moment.
*being implemented
Star sector
>Star citizen has $115 million in fundin and 5 years to produce practically nothing
Evochron Legends. The Evochron series has always been definitive for hard space simulation, and Evochron Legends is a mirror polish of Mercenary. For a quarter the price of all of the above, you can have more content RIGHT NOW and not get shafted because you want to change your ships colour.
People who feel like a soace sim has nothing to do don't understand the concept of a space sim. Even Freelancer and X3, two of the most action rambunctious space sims ever made still involve a significant amount of space trucking and scenery appreciation.
>Evochron Legends
What about Legacy?
I meant to say legacy, my bad
>Star citizen has $115 million in fundin and 5 years to produce practically nothing
memes XD
Star citizen charges you real money for ships.
Elite Dangerous is a control cluhsterfuck.
No Man's Sky has no game.
Take your pick.
building something that hasn't been done before takes time. Like being able to walk onto a ship, pilot it to another planet, exit to another ship interior, drive a space motorcycle into your ship from the other one, then land on the surface of the planet by dropping out the back of the ship while riding the space cycle. All with no loading screen or transitions in a multiplayer environment
Just looked this up.
>Came out in 2009
>Has worse visuals than some 2004 games.
How the fuck is this possible? a Space game should have no excuse whatsoever of literally being the prettiest game of its and the next gen/year. You literally have nothing to render but some skyboxes and a ship.
>you'll never spacebuild in the form of a standalone game
why bother living
Elite Dangerous clearly is the best, and even then that isn't saying much. It has interestingly gained many new features, yet what it lacks the most is content.
Star Citizen is going nowhere and still years late despite what the last few desperate backers claim, and NMS is shit.
All of the Evochron games were literally made by one guy. Just one dev who decided to make space games. I actually think the graphics are amazing considering that fact.
EVE is still king, because not every scrub can pick it up and play it and the world is the most fleshed out out of all these games. Seriously not a lot of people know this but EVE has some great lore. Also it doesn't have any "le silly, quirky ayyliums XDDD"
>All of the Evochron games were literally made by one guy. Just one dev who decided to make space games. I actually think the graphics are amazing considering that fact.
>b-b-but i-it was made b-by one g0guy
Limited Theory is made by one guy and looks great, fuck off with that apologist shit.
None of them, because space sims are trash
YES! thank you, finally someone speaks some sense.
All you need to see.
>hasn't been done before
Hazeron did it. Graphics were shit, but it did it.
It charges you $45 for everything in the game. The whole point of paying more is to support the devs, which is why you won't be able to buy ships when it's released. Ships are just a token gift of appreciation. Is this a difficult concept?
I'm playing that nothing right now, so I guess it's not fucking nothing. They give us everything they make and what they've made is fun to play even as a barebones Alpha. Now consider how it will be in a year or so when it will be mostly complete (maybe not all of the 100 systems will be in, but that's all that will be left). Not even the biggest publishers can shit out an AAA title in 4 years.
They had to spend a lot of time coding the engine, netcode, procedural generation etc. necessary and they're pretty much done with that at this point. We're going to see an explosion of content soon now that more people can work on constructing the universe and SQ42. As a software dev myself who's kept up with SC's development in 2 of its studios, I can say that they know what they're doing and they've gotten shit done very quickly considering the massive tasks thrown at them. I know you will never be convinced since people who don't like SC seem to have a passionate hate for it instead, but keep my words in mind for the coming months.
Evochron is a more technical/nerdy kind of game that doesn't appeal to people who can't play games that don't have the latest graphics. It doesn't even look bad, and Legacy actually looks pretty decent.
So whats the deal with Star Citizen? I know they had a shit load of money from crowdfunding but was the problem that they had too much?
wtf why recommend that one
The problem is that you can actually see it getting made which is a fucking rarity despite all the 'early access' games which are barely even test betas.
So it's a janky piece of shit compared to everything else calling itself an alpha.
underrated post and game
>tfw 4 years after backing star citizen
>tfw nothing to play
>just floating around in space being killed by bugs or griefers
more than a couple years, but ss13
no other game comes close to the depth or complexity, especially not shitty AAA spaceship games
>space sim
Not really.
I'm sure they've banked a fair amount of money to be able to keep working on the game if somehow people stopped buying ships on their site. It wouldn't be easy to burn through $120 million dollars even with four years of full development time
No, actually don't have that much money when you consider how much it cost to make GTA V. The real issue is just that they're too transparent. You don't hear about the fuck-ups or the delays about the Alphas of other AAA titles because they don't reveal any of it and only start pushing out hype with teasers etc. once it's more or less complete. Because of this transparency, some people have come to see Star Citizen as a "scam" because they see the occasional hiccups in producing the Alpha and think that this somehow doesn't happen with other games. In truth, if Roberts went to a publisher instead of crowdfunding the game, we wouldn't even be talking about it because it would still be in closed doors. We would only start seeing stuff after 3.0 or maybe even later than that, when it's actually pretty presentable as a complete game.
>recommending the Yellowstone caldera of the video game industry
Nothing stops the hype train! Choo choo, motherfuckers!
Is it really going to take Star Citizen for you people to finally realize that this space sim shit is just a meme?
Speaking on SS13, I really want Ion to turn out good
It'd be great to play what would essentially be a 3D version SS13
It's either going to be the game to end all games or a colossal flop. No one really knows which way the game is swinging at the moment because it's still all emotions and expectations so far.
>dat feel when still no news about X4
Goddammit Egosoft, what are you doing?
Space sims are great as long as they follow rule of cool
Fuck forum dads trying to ruin my fun
it's the only one that isn't a huge scam
I think SC will be approachable enough for most people to play, unlike a good deal of space sim games which generally strive to be, well, simulations and that puts off many people.
>rule of cool
What did he mean by this?
Trials in Tainted Space
that one of the main things to keep in mind for something that is meant to entertain people is to make it entertaining and enjoyable.
This. The biggest threat to space sims is dads trying to make them too "immersive" and "realistic" by throwing in limitations and delay timers everywhere like it's fucking FarmVille.
>recommending Elite
It's barren and repetitive as fuck. I got it myself and am more sad that I spent $15 on it than any of the money I spent on SC.
>It's barren and repetitive as fuck.
So, it's Elite.
Fun comes before realism and "immersion"
I never even heard about that series. Should I just jump to Legacy?
Isn't that the one where you had to pay again after the first part failed to deliver on original promises?
Just because you try does not mean you will succeed.
>no mans sky
>space sim
The planets don't even orbit their fucking stars.
But, here's the thing - simulationist crowd finds that anal retentiveness and obstacles immersive and fun. You have to keep in mind "space simulation" are a far cry from mainstream with relatively few space sim-lite titles like Freelancer that got wider attention.
Derek Smart is that you?
I won't buy your game Derek
You really want a sequel to Rebirth?
Trying to make something more enjoyable is better than purposely making it unfun so it's as realistic as possible
fucking /thread
this is truth.
Yes. It can only get better and they can iterate newly introduced systems.
>made in last few years
>star citizen
you'll be lucky if it comes out within the next 10 years
and NMS is anything but a "space sim"
Will Star Citizen actually be fun
>Bought Evochron
>Going through the tutorials
>Suddenly feel out of my depth
I want to enjoy it but I don't want to be working out KSP style orbits and shit.
>space sims
>ruined by dads
when did this become a meme?
Derek would talk up Elite so that he could talk down on Star Citizen, not the other way around
And because I always love posting it
Yes watch
It's still in development, but see for yourself:
No, but it'll be fun to watch the Robertsageddon
maybe in 12 years when it's finally out of development hell.
I think in the next five years or so hardware might actually get to the level needed to run Star Citizen decently.
We'll have to wait and see. They're starting to introduce features that are more like what the game will be like when it's complete
Wait for 3.0 at the end of the year/beginning of next year and see what people think
I think it'll be out and pretty much complete by the end of 2018
No? I've been defending SC ITT.
>you'll be lucky if it comes out within the next 10 years
Haha great meme samefag
It already is m8, it's available to play
>wait for 3.0
This. Whether the game will succeed or fail is going to largely depend on what it looks like when it nears completion, not when it's still under heavy development
I watched it
It reminds me of me and my best friend playing any new MMO for the first weekend
It's always fun
But none of them last more than a month or two
Also I'm a bit cynical so I noted how his friend pretending to be the taxi driver didn't actually experience any of the questline.
And when they got into the combat gameplay, it wasn't that amazing.
Then they got a hold of some cargo/treasure, and actually had to haul it by hand. That's gonna get old fast if you want to be a trader.
It looks really cool but there's lots of warning signs.
none of those games is a sim
there was one spacesim, but I forgot its name
it was ultra autistic, like all sims
you had to flip tens of buttons just to get your engine running etc
>space sim
>NMS logo
u wot m8
Elite, as far as I've found, can be pretty enjoyable as a game, but I can see how people can dislike it.
I really enjoy having my two sticks out winding my way around asteroids and such and then jetting off to cruise the stars, sitting back, pushing my keyboard drawer in, in what I imagine is a sort of "auto pilot" mode for my ship and read a book or pet my cat or something for the two minutes or so it will take me to get to my destination. So I enjoy the many delivery and trade missions I've gone on and, as I'm sitting here now I'm jonesing to doing it again.
That being said there's a lot in the game to keep people away. If you don't like that specific kind of thing, or don't have whatever unique brain condition I have that lets me imagine that my little room is, in fact, the hold of a space ship hurdling through space at 1,400 times the speed of light. The general lack of being told to go anywhere or do anything, the lack of any kind of reward for doing anything other than just money, so on.
On the borader subject at hand if one likes space sims in general I'd suggest that they play, or at least try out all of them. Elite has the advantage of being out, it's core mechanics being already tested and nailed down and flying the ships can be very enjoyable as they all, even the larger one, are pretty damn responsive. SC has a lot of ambition and what previews we've seen seems to show that they're at the very least heading in the direction of that ambition, but I feel it's a little too far off at this point so I'm playing Elite. I've got my plan all sorted out for what ships I want and have already pledge for the game however. Even NMS was enjoyable for me in my own little way, walking about with a laser mining gun and such, a number of the ship designs (and I'll admit, that's the main draw for me in a Space Sim) were very interesting and I'm still looking for the exact ship that I want in the game.
Nice memeing memelord
Then your mom must be a space sim cause there's a lot of space in thurr.
I can link you to their design documents on game mechanics, but I don't want to bore you with stuff that isn't in the game/hasn't been shown yet. Basically, we have a few more years before SC becomes a complete game and that video was just a progress update for us. It will improve and they constantly release information to their backers every week in a video update, every month as a recap, and every month or so with a alpha update to the alpha.
>currently in a race in star citizen
>unnecessary bloom and saturated light everywhere
>all the track markers are several kilometers apart
>they are all the same colour as the sky (light blue)
>flying through a floating city
>literally no way to see where i'm going unless i watch countless hours of youtube videos to memorize the course
It's like Chris Roberts is famous for making space games but when it comes to stupid design flaws, he doesn't really test what he puts out.
Has Chris even tried racing mode?
Pioneer Space Sim
>finally manage to get a million after decking a DBS for exploration
>decide to buy a DBE
>can't afford anything
>decide to go back to the DBS
>can barely afford an exploration setup
>can't see what's on my HUD
>can't turn my HUD off
>huge stupid font listing all my weapons
>no high contrast - high viz track marker
too bad it has developers that put their content that was supposed to be in the game behind a paywall, which makes it p2w for the engineers shit and the planets add absolutely nothing to it.
NMS is RIP in Kill and SC still has potential.
>all the track markerrs are several kilometers apart
You're flying a spacecraft capable of moving at incredible speeds, of course the track markers are going to be farther apart than in a car racing game. They're also not hard to see at all (at least in my experience), and you have to be brain-dead to not be able to see the pointers that show where the markers are. It's intentional that there's no one route to fly through as it gives a greater degree of freedom of movement that reflects the three-dimensional movement possible in an air/spacecraft.
>turn 3d mode on so the stupid HUD disappears
>literally no track markers
>have to train yourself to look for dark circles
>sometimes have to guess random direction to turn in and hope that behind some floating building is a dark circle to fly through
>most logical post ITT gets no acknowledgement
>bait gets plenty of (You)s
Truly forces one to contemplate.
This literally looks like X: Rebirth. I'll pass and wait for X4.
NMS isn't a sim
Hopefully these things will get fixed but as it stands I don't think they're very high priority.
When and if they come around to fix it I hope they'll solve it with a clever solution.
>flying at 200km/h~ through a floating city
>have less than 2 seconds to try and look for a small ring to fly through
>all the advertisement billboards are the same colour as your HUD readout and the sky
>also the horizon is literally as bright as a star, pure white
Hmm, what did CIG mean by this?
>control cluhsterfuck
How? The bigger issue is the lack of real objectives.
I WISH I could photoshop that fast.
Anyone remember Black Prophecy?
Isn't that abandoned?
>you have to be brain-dead to not be able to see the pointers that show where the markers are
You mean the same markers that are light blue? Just like the sky is light blue, and the HUD readout is light blue? And also the advertisement billboard is light blue?
Those tiny markers that you have to spot flying at 200km/h while drifting around?
Is it still active? I remember it being a big deal when it came out.
>Star citizen charges you real money for ships.
SC is only about 50 dollars or something for a game package. afaik, all other things sold are for funding since it's completely crowdfunded but you will be able to earn everything in the game at some point and no ships will be sold. You'd have to ask someone more knowledgable, but that's all I remember.
>NMS is RIP in Kill and SC still has potential
Nothing! They have learned nothing!
They said they're going to allow users to change the HUD color to whatever they like, so it's a non-issue. You can also modify the HUD to display other things, like power usage etc. for your engines. Keep in mind that this is an Alpha and the HUD has changed a thousand times and will likely change another thousand times
user, you don't have to fly at max speed if you can't handle it. I fly an m50 (racing ship) and have no problem navigating through races, so either it's your ship (hornets are not meant to be raced) or just your lack of skill. The HUD is annoying to see at certain lightings, but like I said, this is an Alpha and they haven't implemented different colors yet. The HUD itself isn't even final. Stop looking at it so critically as though you're playing a released game. You're literally bugtesting it.