What's your favorite vidya city, Sup Forums?

What's your favorite vidya city, Sup Forums?

I'm partial to Hong Kong from Sleeping Dogs.

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sleeping dogs is epic brah! sadly no games like it ever made since with cities that look good. New deus ex is cramped and ass desu senpai

Different kind of games though, Deus Ex was never about having this one huge city to play in.

Granted, I don't know shit about the new one, since I haven't played it.

put it this way, where deus ex got worse, sleeping dogs only got better.

so sad we not gonna get anything like it for long time, or maybe that is good thing since they are working on good things for us?

At least that shitty online game (Triad Wars or something like that) didn't work out, so hopefully Square Enix doesn't get stupid like that again.

wha-why you call it shitty user? There were things you didnt like? it was the same city with bonus stuff.... like alot of fun stuff specially at holidays...

They could have made a single-player and gave an online experience as something to be played after you're done with the main story + DLCs rather than just the online-only kind of thing .

Also, would have liked the game even more if it just had a dedicate button to toggle the HUD on and off, rather than have to go into the options every single time.

that woulda been sweet, but SE in general is new to any kind of open world game minus the FF games which are japanese only staffed so no help coming to help us there sadly with sleeping dogs.

Those guys though were doing what they can, would love to get more dlc that was in the online version but all we can do now is wait for a long long time for a sequel or something similar.

as someone who doesn't really care about the gta games i've been playing through this and love it.

is the yakuza series anything like this?

What's the car damage like in SD?

Does doing more cop missions than bad guy missions effect the story or anything?

Novigrad. It just feels like an actual city. Dozens of hours into the game and I could still find new areas that I didn't recognize and it's still easy to get lost in.

you mean like a hud fadeout? that would be epic, any mods for sleeping dogs games you know of?

You are such a faggot. Novigrad is not even that large and there isn't a tremendous amount of shit to discover. Quit lying out your ass.

infamous 2 new marais

Can't say a thing, user, as I've never played the games.

They do receive a lot of praise on Sup Forums. Not sure if that means shit to you though.

Not much car damage, sad to say.

And no, you don't get more than one ending.

They failed to emulate the older True Crime titles in this, unfortunately. Here's hoping the next game does have that. I really enjoy seeing Wei Shen going native while undercover.

Just hide it, like I could in a few other games, like the Witcher 2 & 3.

And as far as mods are concerned, I know only about that first person mod and that's it.

I never bothered to look too deep into that.

>And as far as mods are concerned, I know only about that first person mod and that's it.
sucks with alot of games that have huge fan followings we cant get more mods like a hud fadeout which would be super sweet.

The only similarities between Sleeping Dogs and Yakuza are that you are an Asian man in Asian city punching other Asians and karaoke.

Yakuza is like a 3D River City Ransom, but with lots of mini-games.

If you have an hour to kill.

If you don't.

Very true.

Anyway, given what SE did to the new Deus Ex game (micro-transactions in the single-fucking-player aspect of the game) I'm honestly cautious about wanting a new game from them.

>Somebody has a different opinion than me
>"You're such a faggot"
Eat my dick. Name a video game city that's bigger than Novigrad with a similarly dense population that doesn't almost entirely take place within said fucking city. I wasn't even referring to things to discover, I just meant that I could come across places I didn't recognize after awhile of playing.

>Quit lying out your ass.
I'm sorry, I'll quit lying about having different experiences in a video game than you, you fucking autist.

>Driving on a bike

Novigrad is pretty big, I don't remember an RPG that had cities on the scale of TW3.

With that said there's isn't all that much to explore, outside of a few unique NPC's and a quest here and there

ehhhh that was less SE and more crystal dynamics or eidos or whatever you want to call them. their a totally separate studio and did the same thing to ROTRR.

Only deus ex is much worse as if they didnt think it through, purchased DLC should be reusable on playthroughs like every game ever made. little shit like that is why i didnt buy their new Deus ex game.

>you can walk a mile
>and never see a smile


They say that men are cursed, I say that men are blessed
So called men of God, I believe them less

The Citadel is the most cozy place in all of gaming except for in ME3.

what song is this

i can't find it

ya love that game and sleeping dogs, just not many games with any good worlds ya know? Dark souls was good but the other DS games sucked.

Two Fingers - Jewels and Gems

indeed, I also liked Shepard's quarters

What's the name of that base that Shepard could get through the DLC for the first Mass Effect?

the Mega Man Legends market and attached towns form the city and I really like that place.
Vice City would be my favorite if it got an HD remake

I think it's just called Shepard's Apartment? I might be wrong though

the creativity in ME1 still makes it look better than most games made today.

how the fug do we get that on steam or is EA too busy promoting their niggerfield 1 to bother with classics?

Gta 4's Noo Yawk

Apparently there's one in ME3 as well

I played the game almost to completion and I don't remember ever entering this place

Recommend me an ENB for it.

I wanna replay GTA 4, but no way in hell will I stick to the vanilla graphics.

still no interiors user, the background is just ugly repetitive scenery its not cozy at all....

I just wish the user who posted this also posted his ENB.

It looks fucking gorgeous.

citadel DLC

I love Inaba, especially when going out at night. That nighttime theme is so relaxing and I get the warm fuzzies every time I leave the house and go out into the town.

I love it.

you need to buy the Pinnacle Station DLC separately on origin / ingame using bioware points

this is why you generally shouldn't buy Bioware games on Steam, the ME2 deluxe edition for example doesn't even have all the DLC's included and also need to be bought using Bioware points

your still stuck playing a bipolar russian :P

is it any good?

wait i got the steam version, how the fuck do I buy anything in game with bioware points? also who the fuck would buy bioware points? that company doesnt even exist anymore?

Villages are comfier.

it's one big fucking fan service pretty good

Novigrad. Witcher 3 isn't amazing, but holy fuck. This city is probably the best city I've seen in an ARPG.

Also I really like New Vegas.



it's alright, i was still majorly buthurt over the ending to be honest

it's more of a do fun shit with your squad than serious space marine shit


hes still a white male the most hated type of character in gaming by real gamers.

i miss this game. i'm playing GTA V now but it's so bland in comparison.

Stillwater from SR2. Feels like a real city, and I know it well enough for it to be a second home


all I want is a game with a city where we can go inside buildings, why doesnt this exist? everty GTA gets bigger and BIGGER but its all just background we cant interact with.

Eery comfiness is an acquired taste, I'll admit.

Try Yakuza series then, you can go in a lot of buildings since the city areas are so compact.

sounds so cozy but pretty sure its illegal to play those on PC since theri not on steam?

hope someday we get a game like this for PC users!

It hasn't even been that long since I finished playing P4G, but listening to these again has made me a bit nostalgic. Thanks for posting them.

gta iv

>pretty sure its illegal to play those on PC since theri not on steam?

The word you're looking for is "impossible" because they're a Sony exclusive series.

>The word you're looking for is "impossible" because they're a Sony exclusive series.
I dont get why sony doesnt sell games on PC? do they not know that people use computers to play games? wtf is up with sony lately? they even made that terribad ghostbusters movie everyone hated.

oops wrong thread

>I dont get why sony doesnt sell games on PC?

The same reason why other consoles have exclusives too: to sell their own consoles.

Novigrad's quality and atmosphere is good enough that it could be two blocks for all I care. It's bigger than every city in Skyrim put together, has a very dense population, several main quests and many side quests/contracts.

The architecture perfectly gives off the feel of a great independent centre of culture being smothered by oppressive rule and persecution, the beautiful square in the middle has markets and vendors and musicians playing, but at the same time the sky is filled with smoke and embers from pyres burning non-humans while a preacher yells about turning in all magic items. There are different districts with different inns, living conditions, building quality. It's everything you could ask for from a city, immersive as hell, interesting conflict, variety of locations, and reasonable size.

>The same reason why other consoles have exclusives too: to sell their own consoles.
gears of war from microsoft is on PC though?

Sleeping dogs is the only sandbox game where i really enjoyed riding on a motorcycle

Occasionally an exclusive goes multiplat, but it's rare.

Genuine question, not trying to fuck with you, but are you new to these parts or fairly young? Because this is common knowledge.

>Because this is common knowledge.
I get that.... it doesnt make financial sense from a business perspective is my point though. I've always felt this way. To make a product then limit its possible sales is just beyond moronic.

so it's not an exclusive

It does though.

They make something exclusive to the platform they own, and if anyone wants to play the exclusive, they have to purchase the platform as well.

>hey make something exclusive to the platform they own
platforms go out of date, timed exclusivity is what they need to move into as a business model if their going to make money. Very few people would buy a console for a single product.

I think they topped it. I loved Beauclair more. Actually Novigrad is the first city after Khorinis that felt like a city in RPG.


Also soundtrack is fantastic.

>Very few people would buy a console for a single product.

There's a reason why PS4 was referred to as the Bloodborne machine for a while around these parts.

> timed exclusivity is what they need to move into as a business model if their going to make money

I'd love to see that happen. I'd love to see some PS3 titles, like Demon's Souls for example or The Darkness, make their way to the PC because the PS3 is no longer their primary focus. But it won't happen because it would cost them money to port these games and these corporations don't want to spend any more money than they have to. Not to mention that a lot of them have this infantile view on how everyone who owns a PC pirates games and never buys anything.

>i will never forget about witcher 3 and its dlc
>i will never be able to get the fresh experience again
>i will never beat HoS and BaW for the first time again

fuck me, man, i still haven't recovered

I still really like the atmosphere of Los Santos.

Here's hoping Night City doesn't disappoint.

np man. There's always time to replay the game.


You're such a retarded fanboy. The city was huge yes but it was pretty damn average with nothing in it.

If Witcher 3 was set up as chapters like 1 and 2, I would find Novigrad so much more compelling. It feels like a thriving metropolis while the story is based there and it feels like as soon as Triss fucks off, she takes the soul of the city with her. It just felt so empty after that, like it was suddenly frozen in time.

Open world man, it aint right.

The pc dlc is free dowload from EA website

This. The tiny ass towns in TW1 had more life than Novigrad. Even Flotsam in TW2 gave me more immersion.

Novigrad felt like a city in fucking Assassin's Creed except with less to do. I was really disappointed with it.