Now that a few weekshave passed, can we finally talk about No Man's Sky without shitposting?

Now that a few weekshave passed, can we finally talk about No Man's Sky without shitposting?

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Poor week shave passed? I didn't even know he was sick.

There's literally nothing to talk about.

There's nothing to this game.

No Man's Sky

More like no game

It was more than one weekshave, apparently. Must have been some kind of horrible accident.

Hahah good one xd

Man don't bring Weekshave up so soon. That's just heartless.

>post yfw you didn't buy no murray's lie

It's a shit game and you should feel bad about posting it. Saged and reported.

It's a game about completing task time and time again while trying to reach an objective, but after a few hours of playing you realise the objective is meaningless and you never liked doing those task in first place.
If all you want is to burn time while listening to your favorite music (the game doesn't need sound) it's a game for you but if you're looking for something else i'm sorry to tell you, this is not it.

More like NO GUY BUY

I can't be happy because even pirating it was disappointing.

"The physics of every other game—it’s faked,” the chief architect Sean Murray explained. “When you’re on a planet, you’re surrounded by a skybox—a cube that someone has painted stars or clouds onto. If there is a day to night cycle, it happens because they are slowly transitioning between a series of different boxes."

"With us,” Murray continued, “when you're on a planet, you can see as far as the curvature of that planet. If you walked for years, you could walk all the way around it, arriving back exactly where you started. Our day to night cycle is happening because the planet is rotating on its axis as it spins around the sun. There is real physics to that. We have people that will fly down from a space station onto a planet and when they fly back up, the station isn't there anymore; the planet has rotated. People have filed that as a bug.”

This game needs lolis

You can say that about any game

Now that a few weeks have passed, literally nobody is playing this shit game

>didn't buy it
>didn't pirate it
>don't waste my time playing shit games

Feels so fucking good familia

but the game is shitposting and lies user.

It's really zen and never causes uncomfortable ludonarrative dissonance, so it's actually one of the better games released this year.

>not playing a good space exploration game

>Your mom is really zen and never causes uncomfortable ludonarrative dissonance, so she's actually one of my better lays had this year


Yeah but NMS really needs them.

Pity the game can't be even saved by modding.

Procedural generated means that people can't make new planets bases or whatever as the game is just some assets slapped together by a algorithm.

I was giving them the benefit of the doubt because of the update stuff they were talking about but I don't even think that can save it. It's just plain mind numbingly boring in every way.


It's bad. It's repetitive. It is not the same game we were shown in demos. It is unfinished and essentially an Early Access game. Advertised features are not present. All of this would be acceptable if the game, as it is, was any good. But it's not.

$60 textbook scam.

But the game is shit, you can't talk about shit without posting shit.

it's a meme game taylor made for plebby redditors, it should be called no man's meme, or meme mans sky, or no man's reddit, or reddit man's sky, or meme man's reddit, or reddit meme sky

I'm looking forward to it 2bh family. Once it gets reduced to £12 or under I'm definitely getting it.


As bad as it is, there's just something about looking up to the planets and moons in the sky and actually being able to go there. Never gets old.

That's probably the only thing I really like about NMS. I wish it was a better game, I really do.

it would be if the planets in a system werent lined up like a row of houses and were laid out like a real solar system, and if there were giants with multiple moons you could land on

Too bad he's doing the smart thing and hiding under a rock instead of trying to justify all his lies

I understand why people shit on the game so much but I learned my lesson about getting hype for vidya after gw2 finally killed my inner child.

That being said I pirated it and it's pretty fun for what it is, I had pretty low expectations and nms exceeded them. It's a pretty comfy game to play to unwind after a long day, when you want to play something that's not too hectic and doesn't require too much brain power.

With some mods installed it's pretty good when you're in the mood for it and stoned. It's definitely not worth 60 bucks though I'd be sour too if I spent any more than 20 on it.