Anyone trying out the new DLC? How do you like the new weapon/character? Hyrule Warriors thread

Anyone trying out the new DLC? How do you like the new weapon/character? Hyrule Warriors thread.

I love the Sand Rod only because of it including the Spirit Train. I've been hoping he would get the train since they announced he'd be getting a new weapon. Phantom Zelda is also pretty fun, I like her more that I thought I would. Her move set is a bit uninspired though. Focus Spirit ending animation is perfect though.

wait, is out already?

can you also get the dlc on the wii u version?

You can get the characters but no adventure maps, kinda ruins the point but I still wanted it.

Nintendo really hates the Wii U, don't they?
>3DS has the superior version of Hyrule Warriors
>3DS will have the superior version of Wooly World and a solid version of Super Mario Maker
Yesterday marked the official burial of the Wii U.

But Wii U is the superior version of Hyrule Warriors

>Musou on a handheld
>superior anything

The 3DS is still pulling in money while the Wii U isn't.

For better or for worse, the future of Nintendo is one of handhelds and smartphones.

>a solid version of Super Mario Maker
>no online level sharing (i.e. the main draw of the game)
Solid as diarrhea.

Toon Zelda is pretty great, but her materials to upgrade are a chore to get. The Sand Wand is fun as well.

>get Hyrule Warriors on the WiiU
>loads of fun
>looks pretty good

>3DS version will have more content
>will only run properly on N3DS
>even then it runs worse than the WiiU version
>less draw distance and enemy count
>graphics in general look worse
>fire looks like absolutely ass


>thought toon link's DLC weapon would be toon zelda possessing a phantom, with Linebeck as the DLC character
>instead she's the new DLC character and Link's weapon is who cares

Hyrule Warriors is the last game that really needed "more content" though.

I know, I can just play the WiiU version and I'll get tired of it before it's over, but still, this is ridiculous.

Atleast he got a costume referencing him.

I'd like to get this but 40 bucks is a little much for a game I already have half of.

>3DS having the superior version of ANY wii u game
is this the dank new meme?

Clearly you didn't see the Wooly World 3DS port footage in the Direct yesterday.

Hyrule Warriors adventure map is some crazy shit to get through. Then you download the DLC and get more adventure maps! Then you can buy the 3DS version for even more adventure map action.

More maps and content, also being able to switch mid-level is great and really cuts down travelling time

At least it's cheaper.
The season pass/ DLC pack Nintendo will probably forget to take off of the eShop is only 10 bucks.
Solid deal for 6 weapon sets.

>the big draw of YWW is literally the artstyle in HD
Yeah I saw it. The Poochie levels don't make it superior at all.

Can't use the Classic Tunic in Legends (in America), so Wii U is still the superior one for me.

The sand wand is underwhelming. The train doesn't have as much impact as you'd expect and it's hard to aim. Enemies usually jump out of the attack and hit me during the unskippable animations.

Phantom Zelda is alright and gets the job done. Ironically her C1 Iron Ball is a better train than the train itself, and can be controlled freely on top of that. Although she feels like a knockoff of Darunia, with her C1 and C2 being very similar and her C4 punches being like his C1 finishing punch.

>The Poochie levels don't make it superior at all
By definition, yes they do. It has more content than the Wii U version.
Don't bring muh HD graphics into this, it's the gameplay that matters.

Never tried, I only really use Link to cheese high-level adventure maps with the MS,which is a shame because I really liked the gauntlets just I know I'll be handicapping myself for doing so

>tfw you get the 8-Bit Sword before getting the Magical Sword
>tfw it's still worthless since you also have the Master Sword
This is not a good feeling.

The Sand Wand's boss weak point smash attack on the Wii U is the most retarded looking thing ever.

And I say this after we already have had Toon characters in this game for this many months.

What does it do? I haven't gotten it yet.

>more content = better even if the content isn't good

I still haven't put in the time to get through Legend mode. Wasn't in the mood for a Musou when I got it without realizing. I am now.

8-bit sword looks dumb as fuck. Nothing of value was lost.

I'd enjoy HW more if they would make Officers more Samurai Warriors like

Its essentially just
>Attack attack attack
>They have quick recovery and block takes forever to break
>Wait for them to do an obvious move
>Drain Stamina meter for a counter
>Rinse and repeat

It just needs more polishing but its still great.

So why does 3DS version have more skins and stages than u?

Rides a flaming kiddie toy train through the air to strike the boss.

Because fuck Wii U.



Every developer for nintendo prefers just to work with the 3DS because that actually sold well.

Can i still get the WW Ganon costume?

Is Toon Zelda the last DLC character ?

I hate the bosses.

I feel that Hyrule Warriors has the worst roster i've ever seen for a video game. The only likable characters in the entire roster is King of Hyrule, Ganondorf & Darunia. The rest is just utter garbage, if you like any of these other characters I don't want to be anywhere near you.

>The new content isn't for me, so it's automatically the shit version

Yeah, it's just a bonus for purchasing all the Legends DLC. It's not a timed exclusive or anything.


>it's the better version because I personally like the content
Goes both way brah.

I think you are just a bara faggot, user.

Except it's as strong as the Level 3 sword, so getting it before the Magical Sword (and in a much easier way) is nice.
Plus, I think the 8-bit weapons are amusing to fight with.

No. There'll be two more from A Link Between Worlds. Most likely Yuga and Ravio.

really tho desu, when both versions are literally identical and the one has more high quality polished content than the other then that version is automatically better than the other

So the Wii U version is better is what you're saying?

So you're saying the WiiU version is better?

When Toon Link uses a sword and shield Alfonso uses the train

>The version with the least content is better
Come the fuck on

People actually care about doing a bunch of pointless tasks on the adventure maps?

So Medli and Toon Zelda model rips when?

Because grinding the same stages over and over to achieve the same end is so much better right?


>those lips
Jesus Christ, it's like they wanted me not to play the character.

But all the stages are the same. There's just different objectives.

She always had those lips though.

This new map is freaking awesome actually, I love trading cards or duplication them. Actually, the new maps only having three or four cards for movement and the rest for unneeded special effects was great, the old ones fucking suck in comparison.

Mostly working on the ST side but I need to hit PH and get them weps

...that's literally all you do in this game.
Her arm flailing is so cute.

You forgot the best character

Tingle needs to be in more games. He's great.

>Byrne will never be playable.
>Beedle will never be playable
>Groose will never be playable
>Saria, Rauru, and Nabooru wont join the other Sages.
>Twinrova would be awesome.
>Syrup will never Hex spells on you.
>Linebeck will never salvage treasure.
>Salvadore will always be on an island.
>Sea man will flop the battlefield with his brush.
Who else?

His mapmaking skills should come in handy in Breath of the Wild

>wanting any character besides Link / Zelda / Ganon

Hyrule Warriors 2, friend.

For the NX?

Throw in Batreaux since we're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Nintendo ignores the cdi games.

Toon Ganon as a separate character and we're done.

ummm dont buy dlc dude

Funny how I've managed to double the play time on the 3ds compared to wii u, I really feel like the shitposters are just salty wii u owners.

Without a doubt. Hyrule Warriors is easily among the most successful Musou games they've ever made.

We don't talk about Toon Ganon.

Bo, Yeto, Ashlei, and Rusl. Kaepora Gaebora rants enemies to death

is best ganon in it yet?

Not that Ganon.

That's why I eventually lost interest in HW, the battles are always brought to halts due to generals and giant bosses sucking up time since you have to wait for their weak points to appear. Just wailing on the named characters doesn't work due to the CPU having invincibility frames on their S string at times when coming out of a block, which is just fucking retarded.

Not to mention the fucking crafting system for stat increases instead of it just being by level like 99 percent of all over Musou games.

Yeah. I probably won't even bother with buying more characters. What's the point if the late game adventure modes all require specific characters anyways?
Linkle and her crossbows look fun but I see zero reason to buy that set.

I'm still so fucking assblasted that only the 3DS gets new maps. They pay 40 dollars and get as much content that I payed 80 for. They spend another 20 and get so much more content than if I spend another 20 on.

It makes it easier to get new characters up to scratch, fuck Ganom and Phantom Ganon drops though since they can't even be farmed easily

Depends, do you want to pay .99 dollars for the skin?

They adjusted Medli in the LA update to no longer need Phantom Ganon drops. Ton Zelda still needs Ganon, though

There's a LA map that is just two Helmarocs and a Phantom Ganon, so at least there's that. Coupled with the Organ of Evening Calm and it's about the best you can manage. No idea where you'd find Ganon materials easiest though.

no i dont buy dlc out of principal
but i'll get it if its free

Does the wii u get new adventure maps via dlc or not?

Original adventure has the ganon, gohma and dodongo map, that's where I go

Then it's not


aw jeez

Nope, MQ, Termina and Twilight

I thought the OoT, TP, and SS costumes were free on the DS version

>Fish lips Zelda instead of Linebeck

why even live

The devs said Groose has a pretty good chance of being playable at some point.

Unless they bring in some Oracle characters, I don't care.

Skyward Sword food and costumes were found in the normal Adventure map, so I'd assume OoT and Twilight stuff will be found in the Termina and Twilight maps respectively.

Granted, someone could just look it up. The game has been out for months now.

My man, Alfonzo

There is one spot opening after Yuga and Ravio.

Not gonna happen

you kinda walked into that one when you said highly polished

It should.