Are there any mods that make the earlier fallout games playable?

Are there any mods that make the earlier fallout games playable?

They seem to suffer the same disease as morrowind, letting you stat up a character, and then giving you 14% to hit if you don't max combat as much as you can..

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Fallout games are much better than MW in that regard since you don't click in real time and there is no stamina.

Just make a good char, guides are available.

>Just make a good char, guides are available.

why don't you just get him to play FO4

Pick a combat skill.

Your character can be anything you want yes, but they wouldn't send a cripple pacifist out of the vault alone to find something to save their lives.

Fallout 1 does suffer a bit in that you almost have to choose big guns or energy weapons eventually. But you can start with any combat still and make it at the beginning.

Hell you could take nothing, make it to the first town, and then recruit Ian to help you out for a while. You will eventually need to pick something in 1, but in 2 you can just have party members or pacifist almost the entire game.

Might wanna mod out the temple of trials.

FO1/2 have fairly bad and unbalanced combat system. The fun is exploration, characters, quests, locations.

>crying about old games being hard

Fuck off back to plebbit, retard

Which is why I chose the speech character. Then, 14% to hit rats in a cave, and it took me an hour to get out.


You have to play a melee character you dumb fuck

You probably shouldn't attempt to fight if you made a speech character. Older RPGs are generally about specialization not being great at everything.

I tried running already, but there are 20 rats in there and I get mobbed.

you're just a casual nigger

I had the same problem with Arcanum.

>Play a "utility mage"
>Basically a pacifist
>mfw the zombie cave in Tarant
>mfw the dwarven mines

Then I got harm around the last few hours of the game. I was a god in combat with a single level 1 spell

This guy: is wrong. Basically, what you need to know about Fallout 1 is that Charisma is useless. It's shit. Don't pick it.

Pick Gifted. Put 9 or 10 into Agility (if you have 9 you can raise it to 10 later but you can also start with 10 because why not). Tag... probably Small Guns and Speech. Also get lots of Int. Basically, Endurance is less important than you think and Cha only gives you a small static bonus to Speech, just put more skillpoints in Speech and you are fine.

"Sniper diplomat" is THE meme Fallout build.

Oh, you also need good Perception to hit things.

Also it's dark in the cave. Throw flares on the ground to make pockets of light where your hit chance is higher.

Also, savescum. You can save in combat and reload if you got a lot of bad rolls.

>Sniper diplomat
So basically a stealth archer.
Some things never change.

>Also, savescum. You can save in combat and reload if you got a lot of bad rolls.

Well, you don't really need "stealth" part, though I heard it's good too. The idea is, you make a good combat char and then raise Speech, since the entire social part of the game mostly rides on one skill.

I wouldn't recommend it to somebody playing a game with actually good combat, but hey, the most notable feature of FO1/2 combat systems are graphic critical hit animations...

Just like war.

hurr dyer I'm funny

You are literally retarded.

You are literally butthurt.

How's this?

You can literally dump Charisma. In 2 it has a role, the number of followers you can get is Cha/2 rounded... up? I don't remember.

I'd also take more Agi because it's so OP.

Here's a handy guide:

>play Fallout 2 for the first time
>make gun nut high Agi high Int
>Temple of Trials is literally everything but guns
>welp maybe it gets better
>combat so clunky Arcanum or Morrowind have silky smooth gameplay in comparison
>80s references and generally whacky wasteland galore
>but people giving Bethesda shit for 50s stuff and the Fatman
>while defending talking deathclaws and stoneheads

Most Fallout fans agree 2 was too much. FO2 devs agree they went overboard. They even apologized.

Okay, i've just started playing again, and am able to actually do things and level up. Thanks!

This is fucking cool. If you could do the same for Morrowind, i'd build several churches in your honour.

I'm not a Morrowind fan, sorry. But I'm glad I could help here! Have fun!

>not going unarmed in both games

>Which is why I chose the speech character. Then, 14% to hit rats in a cave, and it took me an hour to get out.


Its fallout.

Small guns and speech

This is true for literally every game in the series, how do you not know this?