Filename Thread











This is never funny, stop posting it

needs a name

I disagree

Do something about it cunt.


>Sup Forums recommends a game





Refrance get

Is this that Chinese moba with shrek and naruto?


It also has Hatsune miku in it

I can watch futurama over and over and over.


I don't get it.


That's clearly the joke they were going for.


see no evil is going to get raped desu


>that sly cooper bag
I will never use mine again.


Took me a second, but when I got it I was very amused.












i will never not be mad over this




I always wondered how the fuck pokeballs actually stored the pokemon inside them.

When used they seem to turn them into blue or red lighting bolts.

Same way they're stored in the PC. They're turned into data.

When did Misha lose her drills?


so they become digital monster?

by the end of Shitsune route

Whats the name of the game?


This raises even more questions, why aren't pokeballs used to transport pretty much everything? If you can use them to transport pokemons, deposit them on a PC and then retrieve them instantly from another PC a thousand miles away then why not do the same with cargo or even other humans?

I'm assuming the joke is that it shipped with no content.



>why aren't pokeballs used to transport pretty much everything?
They are, you know how you find them out in the field?




>has a dick
I don't know whether to say "0/10, is japan that has obsession with futa" or "10/10, trannies are obligatory in modern western gaming"

the only time I chose to be a girl just because the game didn't give a fuck about what gender you play as, you get the same treatment

Items can also be stored in PC, remember?
also moving aside the items outside because Voltorb is the mimic, you can still say pokeballs can store items




I always figured it was some kind pocket dimension inside.the ball.

He really does wear that necklace everywhere he goes.






>Not Subterranean Animism







No, it's DotA 2 and the hero "Spirit Breaker" has been remodeled into Thomas




sauce on the pic?

Did she die?






I don't get it



that show was so good