Vagina in videogames

I know we got plenty of cocks and balls on video games, but I've never seen a vagina in a single game that isn't mods. Has a developer ever put a vagina in their game? Ever? If so who and which games?

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>Interested in vaginas


where all can I see these cocks and balls, aside from the pic you posted

>plenty of cocks and balls on video games
which games? I can only think of like 2 off the top of my head

Pretty sure LA noire has a vagina on a corpse in one of the missions, can't remember though.


Mass Effect 3

Prey had vagina doors.
Also there was a room in System Shock 2 in the Body of the Many where vaginas all over the walls gave birth to enemies.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided.


Pubes are not vaginas.

It seems Agony will have some

GTA IV and V

this, for some fucking reason.
post the picture

Resident Evil 5
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

fully modeled or gtfo

Gomander from the R-Type games is basically a giant collection of vagina polyps that have bumpy penis dragons that repeatedly penetrate the vagial lips to recharge.

R-Type is probably the most sexual videogame series there is.

Many bosses were based on genitals, and the final stage of R-Type final had a couple making love in the background while you had to evade waves of sperm projectiles.

>tfw I always played that stage with the hardest boner
>tfw I actually though about putting in the invincibility code to just watch the action in the back

Mass Effect 3

>confirmed vaginas
Mass effect 3
Resident evil 5
System shock 2

>in question
Deus Ex Mankind Divided


Metro Last Light

>Mass Effect 3

You can see Xana's pussy in Dark Messiah but it's just the top part. Witcher 3 girls also have modeled vagoos.


>Resident Evil 5


Deus Ex Invisible War has vaginas, you can cleary see them on those music idol holograms by crouching and looking up the skirt.

Bullshit, when?

what the fuck

booting this up to check and fap

Dead Island, right? I'm pretty sure the Chinese lady was going commando.

post screenshots

im rock hard

Did they even model under her skirt?

>trying this hard to get off to videa vagoo

Dude, the aco tab is right over there just click it already I wont tell anyone

It's a black thong, I only know this from Otars casino where I gassed 2 of them and one of them was slumped over a table. Pretty close though, textures set low so I don't know how detailed their artists got.

>Resident Evil 5


Yeah I think there's a video on it where people online would throw grenades at you if you played her just to see your cooch.

Dragon age origins has cameltoe

>really, bioware

Why? They are naked mutated asari. So of course they would have vaginas

This is going to be good.

Never seen a vagina before so don't really know if they're meant to look like this

>asari have vaginas
Will never make sense.

Of course you haven't, kid. That's a thong.

I'm like 90% sure this got patched though and it wasn't actually nude, just skin toned and where the seam of the models texture.

you can clearly see the outline and what looks like an actual vagina mesh under the panties

The robot chick has a camel toe, someone at Bioware really likes camel toes.

Yeah, it's a thong...

Are you guys fucking retarded? The exact same game that OP is referencing had enemies that attacked you with giant barbed vaginas.

More like a birthing canal.

Vanguard Princess has a little bit of pussy peek

>body manipulation

of course...

what game is that?

thats so hot

I'm more interested in hearing about games with visible cloacae.

>enemies that attacked you with giant barbed vaginas

could you be more specific?

Dante's Inferno had a lot of nudity, but I don't remember enemies with giant barbed vaginas

Path of exile, but they were really tiny

Rearguard Prince

no way

Cmon you retard really?

For a second, i thought that was the face of an untextured nazi soldier

cant unsee

Don't the asari wraiths in mass effect 3 have vajayjays

Well shit

Why should they? The naked humans don't have any genitalia, or the naked Batarians or Krogan


I didnĀ“t exlpained myself well, I meant what is that game about. I can read, faggets

now we're talking

Does alien cunt count?

Half Life 2: Cinematic Mod


>someone spent days modeling that

Now in motion

Pictured: Autism

is that the same mod that adds random bridges to the background scenery

With authentic vaginal lubrication!


>not enjoying ferns and bridges
Wow, just look at this guy!

It's a shame they didn't make the butts look as nice as Adam's arms.

The police came and murdered everyone because I punched the bartender.

Lust level. You first fight them just before the elevator.

it's modded though.

I used to fap to the outline in morrigans panties in DA:O, was pretty great.

is it just me or does Adam's hair look kind of strange in MD, I thought it looked more natural in the first game

is it? I honestly couldnt tell

I mean youd definitely see a few vaginas in a post apoc alien ruled dystopia


Its the stupid Nvidia hairworks that makes it look like it is almost half rigid and moves everywhere


Are there screenshots of this?

Please get your boogeymen straight user. MD is an AMD sponsored game and it uses an AMD developed tech for its hair. It's called PureHair.

Can't forget this memorable vagina in Prey

Well its a thong way from being a vagina!

I'm saying OP asked about games with vaginas that weren't modded. As in the developer of the game modeled it, not some horny autist.

implying the developer himself is a horny autist.[/spoiler


breath of fire 2 map


nice trips


hah, that's the witches tower right?

I get that Gordon's a badass, but did they really turn Alyx into a permanently soaked whore for him?


you can get better angles than that in poe, you just have to be lucky when the statues fall, i used to have screens but i must have deleted them.