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Playing best FPS of year 2000 I see.
Crysis still has some of the best physics of any game to date.
It can't be from 2000. It has a female main character, those didn't exist back then.
Don't forget second game and TRON.
Don't you see how horribly sexualized she is? Ugh. *pukes disapprovingly towards you*
Nothing suspicious about that!
you can tell its from 2000 because the female lead isn't ugly
second game is unplayable on pc unfortinately
the mouse movement just doesnt work and is really wonky. There isnt a fix either
Nigger what
I played it fine, lower DPI as much as you can, if you can't get a better mouse.
>Handheld game features mirrors while a $1000 PC built game can't
You can't make this shit up.
This. Can't count how many times I played this game.
I wish someone would aquire rights to the game and release it on Steam/GOG. I lost my CD and would love to replay it.
>bullet in the middle of light
>right through the light fixture
>lol it just flickers then it's fine
next you're gonna talk about how the 3 scripts every enemy has are "great AI" right?
>$1000 PC built game
Where? I can't think of any game to come out anytime recently made for high end PCs.
Also you guys are idiots, there are plenty of games with mirrors and always have been.
stop lying, it doesnt work unless you got ball mouse or some of the early opticals
you never heard of piracy?
you are one dumb motherfucker, just download the game
lol its better than when nothing happens at all, mehmet
Yeah, it's like 3 times better than any current AI in fps.
Too bad they spend 50% of their budget working on physics and shadows which resulted in the majority of the office levels being copied and pasted for half the game.
Besides F3AR was much, much better.
that is actually really neat.
does anybody have that image with the mirrors from SWAT 4?
>continues to stand behind wall, staring at the grenade while it explodes
I'll give credit where credit is due, the AI reacting to items is cool, but it's only because it plays a fucking voice clip. If they actually had any semblance of coordination, it would have been so much better.
>there are people who actually believe this
I mean I liked FEAR but that meme went too far.
It's a simple state machine that works well because all the levels are small and enclosed. You can even read the paper written about it. It's just an updated version of the AI they used in NOLF. It's implemented well but it's not impressive on a technical level.
I have SWAT 3, which has good mirrors and not the bullshit 4 had.
>Can't do mirrors
>Can do screens with live footage
I don't understand.
I remember reading the paper and it's even stated that they don't really try to flank or anything, they just move randomly from one cover anchor to another, and the way those anchors are implemented in the level design is such so that can result in a flanking maneuver when the level allows.
I mean, if you look at them in combat you will see they will often run from a cover spot to a cover spot under your fire even when it's clear that this is a bad course of action.
>Besides F3AR was much, much better.
Which FPSs have AI as good as FEAR?
worked fine for me too
Crysis has dynamic AI that ACTUALLY works in groups(as in, they even have a commander and if you kill him, that reduces their effectiveness) and flanks your last known location. It's also glitchy, really slow to react on all difficulties but that last one and the suit gives the player a huge advantage. But nothing's perfect.
I enjoy old school FPS like Blood and Quake, will I enjoy Fear?
No, people who play old school shooters are incapable of enjoying anything that isn't a clone of them.
Probably if you're not too jaded. It's obviously not a multiplayer FPS though.
Probably not. The samey, bland office corridors of FEAR provide way too much variety for a Quake player who is used to brown, brown, and more brown.
Yeah, it would be really neat if the NPC actually fucking reacted to you putting some strange shit at his feet. Honestly every time developers add something like that there's a billion other things wrong with the scene that totally takes you out of it.
they spent most of their budget on the AI, still unmatchedt nowadays
but why
>5 years in development
>new engine
>don't add functioning mirrors
It was ok in HR since they turned it into a joke with Adam breaking mirrors in his apartment, but there's no excuse this time.
It's sad if they spent most of their budget on adding extra steps in a fucking state machine.
The funny thing is that it's running on a modified version of the new Hitman's engine. And the new Hitman game has mirrors.
2007 is the absolute best year in gaming and nobody else will ever, ever convince me otherwise
Supreme Commander
Mask of the Betrayer (basically Planescape Torment 2.0)
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Halo 3
Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
The Orange Box
The Witcher
and many, many more
Gaming went to shit precisely in 2008, with two of the most expensive and anticipated videogames - MGS4 and GTA IV being utter shit.
>not posting the original model
>Get almost spotted, turn around and run away in hallway
>Get investigated
>Crouch behind a table when almost spotted
>Get investigated
>Be seen not doing your job for too long by the same profession
>Get investigated
Would it be worth having this as a hardmode? After all, this shit happens all the time when I play
This is some looney toons shit
Don´t know if it counts, but I managed to put two boxes in front of a turret in DE:HR to see if it could see me, and I ended up basically blinding the thing. Started jumping and crouching in front of it and it couldn´t see me, which I though was pretty impressive. Pic related, took that photo that day.
Better than 4 but nobody here has played it
not hard in this case. there's nothing going on. it's probably just a copy of the room with another player model mirroring your moves.
but sometimes the simplest effects are the best
One possible reason is that apparently for a lot of people it runs like shit. It doesn't run particularly well for me either, I can only get 60 fps at 720p, but it's playable. I really wish someone would find the source code and make a patch like what happened with Thief.
metal slug did this as well
1998 and 1998 were both better years
Most of the games in that list are shit.
There is a performance patch.
Use dgvoodoo for good performance.
Probably not, but it's still a good game.
It's not just brown, it's AESTHETICALLY PLEASING brown, moron.
I've tried all those wrappers and most don't work and the one that does makes my performance worse and keeps any overlays from working too.
>I can't think of any game to come out anytime recently made for high end PCs.
Star Citizen
>Besides F3AR was much, much better.
I know this has to be bait but I bought F3ar without looking up trailers but simply because I enjoyed the first and the 2nd.
Never again.
Only parts of that have been released. It's not a game that has actually come out yet.
Because with the screens you can accept the fact that they might be at a lower resolution. A mirror showing you jaggies and horrible resolution looks retarded.
>short hair
somebody PLZ post that webm of some oldschool fps, where a guy is shooting a fish tank with a gun, the water then visibly drains trough the bullet holes and the water stops exiting exactly when the water level reaches the lowest hole
You're thinking of a webm of Splinter Cell. Something similar happens in one of the Medal of Honor games and Crysis though but it's with barrels so you can't see the water level.
I will just agree that after 2007 everything went downhill, I think 1998 was the best year
>Splinter Cell
1998 was the best.
In fact, you could pick out pretty much any year from 1998 up until the end of the 6th gen and it would be a better year than 2007.
I always loved that weird style Quake got going on. 2 is okay but not quite up there.
that nazi guy could use a painkiller
As if weebs wouldn't be calling her mannish and ugly if that came out today.
Does Halo has the best AI in FPS?. They do dodge the grenades and take cover all the time.
>16 years ago we had fully reflective floors.
That doesn't make sense. Smoking can't create an explosion like that.
You can't even lit up gasoline with cigarette
Ha ha ha
I get it
I think Shadow Warrior had reflective floors too.
I kinda miss the crystal clear reflections of unreal engine
the reflections in 3rd gen pokemon absolutely blew my mind when they first came out
The pills would ease the pain
Did you not see the box of gunpowder he put there.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Almost every game now has screen space reflections for floors and stuff. Mirrors are a completely different thing that need to be done differently. If you're going to complain about something you really should know what you're talking about rather than spouting bullshit that is easily proven false.
The gunpowder. The cigarette touches the container he dropped.
Still a great game
>gunpowder explodes when you set it alight
Yes, that's exactly how it works.
Gunpowder does not explode this way.
Take a cartridge, take the bullet out, take the powder out, put fire to it, you'll see. It burns more than it explode.
Gunpowder doesn't explode, it's different from blackpowder and other explosives.
Thanks. I just did.
Works like a charm on modern pc on Windows 10. Just had to apply widescreen patch.
This game is absolutely brilliant. It's been 16 years and it's still comfy af. NOLF actually doesn't need HD remake.
She's far better in NOLF2 though, in 1 she kinda looks like a cheap whore
>Gunpowder doesn't explode
Then how is it that bullets go flying when shot, you idjut?
>rerelease never because of companies to greedy to look for the rights
fucking hell
That's not a reflection dummy
Gunpowder from a bullet is a much smaller dose than what was in that Hitman webm. Stop with the autism its a cool bit of technology.
Still great technology, the two objects interacting in some logic way between them is still pretty impressive
Send me that magnet senpai
>Gunpowder does not explode this way.
It does in games. It's better that way.