Nintendo fans, when will you learn?

Nintendo fans, when will you learn?

Other urls found in this thread: time!.png?dl=0

wtf i love 20 hour movies with 3 hours of gameplay now

Around sometime last year?

Who said anything about that?

>saying this as if Nintendo isn't guilty of it too

>b-but, i-it's ok when Nintendo does it

Is Other M a revolutionary kusokino?

The problem with nintendo fans is that they're stuck in the gaming mentality. When they buy games, they foolishly stick to archaic ideas like bosses, and gameplay, which hold the industry back. When mature people buy games, they want to experience pioneering ideas like story and characters.

This is why Nintendo will never, EVER, surpass masterpieces like The Last of Us Remasteredâ„¢ or Gone Home. Nintendo fans are stuck in the 80s.

>meanwhile, Sup Forums gladly defends cinematic experiences like Xenoblade and Persona

A little hypocritical, don't you think?



Persona isn't Nintendo.

>5 posters
Definitely a samefag.

Nintendrones sure get butthurt easy.

nintendo is shit but could this faggot possibly have drawn an even more strained allegory

Proud cuckold and moderator of r/undertale
I agree with you.


So is this the thinly veiled LOL thread?

Well, looks like that Nintenbaby got totally BTFO.

You're just mad cause I caught you dude. It's funny how you take any attacks on Nintendo so personally. Could you possibly have thinner skin?

Keep in mind that you need to take into account the lengths of games.

10 hours of cutscenes is nothing when the game is 150+ hours long, like with Xenoblade, or 6 hours (the video in question includes bossfights) of cutscene is nothing when the game is 200+ hours long, like with Xenoblade X.

Zelda U's a 40+ hour game with only 2 1/2 hours of cutscenes, compared to say the last of us which is 13 hours yet has 3 1/2 hours of cutscenes.

>this comic applies to Sony and the PS4 just as well

Skyword sword* not zelda u

fug :DDDD

200 hours of grinding, oh wow, such a great game.

>a B^Uckley comic in which a woman successfully births a baby
Is this real?

>XBX is like 90 hours long
>has shorter cutscene time than MGS4 which is maybe 30 hours
you sure showed him lad


>Keep in mind that you need to take into account the lengths of games.

But if the games were good, wouldn't the gameplay speak for itself instead of needing cinematic crutches?

Pic related. They all run circles around even the most grind-heavy RPG, and have stories on par with Mario.



What does Nintendo have to do with crowfunded projects? It's literally the only bad thing they haven't done.

Whats the point of being gay if youre just going to get a girlfriend anyway.

wew lad

>I'm going to threaten to cheat on you because I think you're spending too much time on your hobby.

Oh boy!

Since when do fags not cheat around anyway.



Bikini armor is god's gift to man.

Why are Midnafags always autistic?

>10 hour games with 5 hours of story versus 100 hour games with 10 hours of story is a good comparison

gays are fucking awful people



Everyone does it, you hypocrites, not just gays.

A lot of games need SOME cutscenes to move the story along. Why have characters that look unique to others in the game industry if there's no story?

I'll agree that a lot of games use cutscenes to much, but it varies from game to game. I haven't payed any of those games but I think Watch Dogs (I actually enjoyed that) and Kirby's Return to Dreamland used cutscenes well, there was still plenty of gameplay.

Hi Dobson.


see10 hours or 100 hours, having that much excessive story is not excusable.

>Caring about a closet furries opinion on videogames



where's the cooch?

You should get yourself tested

and make sure your """"boyfriend"""" does too ;^)

>A lot of games need SOME cutscenes to move the story along.
Some is the keyword here. A little more moderation is necessary for the industry to not just become a pretentious cinematic arthouse project.

For example, if you think RPGs need to be story heavy, then you've already fallen into a classic trap: refusing to think outside the box in terms of gameplay. RPGs can be perfectly good without needing a bunch of story. Did Super Mario RPG not prove this by having a relatively light plot, while still being a decent indepth title? Paper Mario did this as well, as did Mario and Luigi.


Time for some OC.

That's exactly what I meant, some. Too many games are too cutscene heavy.

Also I don't play RPG's besides Zelda so I can't speak for those.

>excessive story

Stories are to be expected in RPGs, though. Xenoblade's actually fairly forgiving on cutscenes compared to a lot of JRPGs. Anything ranging from a 10th to a 15th of the game is cutscenes, whereas a lot of RPGs tend to be a third of cutscenes or story.

People even say that Xenoblade X was lacking story, excluding the boss-fights in that video in the picture, there's only 5-6 hours of cutscenes in a 150-250 hour game. and it's generally agreed that the plot is very barebones.


What should I buy instead of a Wii U

Post the edit from the other thread


Other M is only 6 hours tho.

>Varian when hes dead
Buckly commits sodoku W H E N

Nothing. Get a handheld or new PC parts if you're missing those.

Fuck you, don't rub it in

God help us.

its the little things

That's still way too much. If a game can have zero cutscenes period and still garner about 500-1000 hours of gameplay time, then Xenoblade doesn't have an excuse. It's being lazy.

It's like I always say: a good game can speak for itself. It doesn't need a crutch.

Nothing is coming out on handhelds and I already have a pc

inb4 ban for not videogames

this is actually funny though

>not having booty poops for breakfast

i liked the orc waifu

Tell me you're baiting and not this fucking stupid to get the joke




>still calls them games
lol. pissbaby. The Last of Us Remasteredâ„¢ and Gone Home aren't games, they're what true adults play. They are called Video Experiences. GAMES are for children. remember that.

It's not crutching on anything either. Xenoblade isn't designed to be a game that you can wrack up in 500-1000s of hours. It's not designed to be an infinite game or a sandbox where the amount of content is up to you, the player, to decide. That's like saying the original Super Mario Bros is flawed because you can't wrack up thousands of hours of gameplay time without hitting an end.

Argonian is only for couple pages. The main dish is an Orcess and her shota lover. You sure you want it?


>not doing Down+B for the guro



This one?

>It's not designed to be an infinite game or a sandbox where the amount of content is up to you, the player, to decide.
I'm not saying it has to be that, but it doesn't need the story. As a person who cares about gameplay, I couldn't care less what happens to Shulk or his camraderie of idiots. I just want to get to the gameplay, and skipping the cutscenes just isn't fast enough when I'm constantly doing it every 5 minutes.

That's why I don't think highly of the gameplay. People always tell me that "oh you need the story, it gives context!" and I'm like "if your game needs 10 hours of context, then it's poorly made".

Let's use Super Mario as an example. I don't mind it having a small playtime because it has a barebones plot. You're thrown right into the game and can play it without any cinematics or tutorials. At no point do i have to watch a cringeworthy cinematic of Mario getting angry and angsty because he thinks Peach died horribly, or he thinks that his brother got skinned alive.


Oh hell naw. This one


XD time!.png?dl=0


i literally thought it said "re-modification"

Nigga I ain't gonna highlight that, right click, and open in a new tab.

Not every game needs to be made the same as Terraria. As much as you liked there are a lot of people that didn't care for it at all so of course not every game is going to be made with the same story structure in mind.

Also, cinematics aren't a crutch they're just another one of the many tools a designer can use to present a story. Just because you're a fan of minimalism in story telling doesn't really mean that every game needs to appeal to your preference. Tbh I like a good relaxing cutscene after an intense boss fight.

I agree they can be overused though, but that doesn't mean they are overused in everything they're put in. They work as a compliment to the gameplay if done by a good studio in a well made game.

Just left click it and it opens in a new tab automatically.


>20 months in a year

Wait... For the P4 one did they record all the VN shit as cutscene or something?

>Not every game needs to be made the same as Terraria.
I understand that not every game is like Terraria, and that's fine. But when people say that games NEED story, I find it laughable how examples can always be brought up to the contrary.

>Also, cinematics aren't a crutch they're just another one of the many tools a designer can use to present a story.
They're a lazy crutch, like realistic graphics and voice acting. Yes, they can be used, but do they truly enhance the game?

Anything you can do in a cutscene, you can do with gameplay. For example, you say you like a "relaxing cutscene" after a boss fight. Well, I'd argue that a good stretch of gameplay would have a better pace to reflect that. Like, it would have you do a mellow puzzle section, or something videogamey that doesn't require direct combat.