What fighting game series has the sexiest girls and why is it Skullgirls?

What fighting game series has the sexiest girls and why is it Skullgirls?

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That's the full image, apparently.
I'm sad now.

Truer words haven't been spoken

And unfortunately, these degenerates are still trying to shill
Ironically, that thread archived while I was in line to meet Charles Martinet and have him sign my Galaxy game.
It was worth it.

I'm pretty sure he just posts the images himself

Street Fighter V

Any Capcom series, really.


wait, there's someone unironically bigger than Litchi?

People have watched newly created threads, and number of unique posters never goes up when barneyfag shows up. He does it himself.

>inb4 no i dont

Dead or Alive

Apparently Bullet is stacked

Actually she's third biggest.
Litchi is still the biggest

Damn. Is BB still alive? Is it too late to get into the game?

something something something

Eliza best


None of them are sexier than pic related.

Central Fiction, the next mainline game, should be coming out later this year.

It's too late at this point. You'll have to wait for Central Fiction.

anyone got actual sauce cause shit like ain't funny and you know it


I think it's MLP related, considering the shitposting.



Google with safe search off found the source pretty fucking quick user, quit being lazy.

>that samebody


You have $20

desu i really want to impregnate a thicc delicious brown girl

>TFW Capcom's official titty monster is part of a dead series

They keep making new ones (Rose, Laura) but they never seem to have the staying power that Morrigan does

Get hype for hype
- If you've used hype anywhere in a combo, as long as you started with full, on a kill you can get the pin. (gonna happen)
-- Pin on middle character deaths? :^S
- Allow him to pin from Diving Wulfdog also.
- All slams generate hype, those on chairs generate more.
-- Taunt gives...2 levels?
-- Increase hype generation from [s.LP]
- Allow him to pick up from Moonsault with hype use.
- Allow him to chain off all grab finishers except chair dance, inside or outside of Airwulf, with hype use. (Killa, Press, etc.) Chaining scales damage.
- Allow grab finishers to be supercancelled with hype use?
- Improve Wulfamania by giving you 2x hype uses during it.
- Extra Blitzer redirects (5?) with hype use, or choosing to air recover to neutral after non-grounded Blitzer redirects with hype use.
- Chair recall for 1 bar and 1 hype.
- Super taunt?

that one asian girl on the art staff they trot out to show diversity needs to be impregnated

>that one asian girl on the art staff they trot out to show diversity
She's the lead artist, you tosser.

What difference does it make?

It's true....

I still love Skullgirls though.


That's because Morrigan is a literal titty monster.

Also those shoulders are the best.

Human language can't describe the blue balls I have right now.

Literally 60%+ of LZ is Asian you fucking retard.

Sniffgirls has the best brownies

pic related



>spic gets posted
>thread dies
Really makes you think

When is the wall getting built?

The wall just got about 20 feet thicker

Not nearly thick enough, need to be able to drive platoons of tanks across it to ensure maximum security

How good is her titfuck?

Daily reminder that Filia is obese and disgusting

God tier

Great tier
Ms. Fortune

Good tier

Okay tier

Prove me wrong, you can't.

Peacock is the sexiest Skullgirl. You can't convince me otherwise.


Bull-fucking-shit. Fucking cunt artist

Yes I'm mad

How much is it for a handjob?

>Double isn't God Tier
I just did.

ur a pedo
