No Man's Sky Development Update


No Man's Sky is getting patched and worked on all the time.

>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say. We’re developers, and our focus is first on resolving any issues people have with the game as it is, then on future free updates which will improve, expand and build on the No Man’s Sky universe.

Sup Forums and the rest of the gaming community completely blown the fuck out.

>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
>so we'll put this nu-male on TV to say a lot of outrageous shit and deliver on none of the promises

yeah, it matters what they do.

And almost a month after release, they still haven't allowed me to DO what they said I could DO when they tried to DO their best to sell me the game.

So, no, i'll keep my cash. They can fuck off.

What matters is that I'm soon going to develop the best game of all time.

All other developers have been blown the fuck out.

What matters was always what they did, not what they said. The fact they even had to say it now implies they clearly weren't thinking that before now.

And it still has nothing to do. Amazing!

>A bunch of generic words with no concrete plan for ya know releasing actual content

>b-b-ut mom, you promised me the ice cream!

Yeah, they did.
Then they didn't provide, so I took my money back :^)

>development update
>after the game is already out
wew lads

Cool so the first year will be making the game playable then the next year will be making the game? So in three years I should pick up the goty edition?


Wat. They really didn't have a community rep before this point in time/

Even "DING DONG I BAN YOU" would have been better than just letting Peter and Todd's bastard child from an alternate timeline run freely and handle the public. Even Dina could have handled things better, since at least it would be understandable for why things turned shit with a scapegoat at the helms.

I got 30 hours of enjoyment out of it before I got bored. The one thing over all the flaws that I found absolutely unacceptable was that the game crashed constantly on the ps4. I have never, ever had a game crash on the console before. Every 40 minutes it went down and it happened even more frequently after the first patch. That level of incompetence on the part of the dev team is laughable.

And before any kids start revving up their implication arrows, I always buy console releases day one physical when I'm interested in the game and then sell them on ebay after a week or so. Usually costs me no more than $5 total for a week "rental." Got NMS 10% off from my local mom and pop store since it was a copy some guy returned so I ended up making a few bucks after selling. Been doing it for years.

They're going to abandon the game soon. They already got the money and most people stopped playing. Wonder what Sean next scam is going to be?

That isn't going to stop people's refund. All they can hope for now is they actually end up fixing their game and appease the minority playerbase that decided to actually stick around.

>Release a fucking shitty game, lying about features
>realize you fucked up hard and try to save face by hiring a PR department to tell you how to unfuck yourself
>implying that this doesn't destroy any credibility you have as a company, no matter if you fix your game or not.

This really only applies to small, indie companies, also. If a big company, say, Valve pulled something like this, say, trying to push paid mods, I would assume, if this ever happened, the community would just forget about it after awhile.

>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
Sooo, making a shitty game with no gameplay and then desperately trying to make it less shit in post?

what this actually means:
we outsourced your complaints to India
Sean will no longer be the face of Hello Games


>didn't buy spore
>didn't pledge a single kickstarter
>didn't buy peter moly's lies
>didn't buy no man's sky

feels good.

>what matters now is, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
Funny considering the fact that it was their big fucking mouth that got them into the mess their in right now.

> it's just the beginning

Yea, but the company just has 15 people and they need to make more work to, you know, get money and survive. So, how long are they going to keep updating No Man's Lie before moving on? I can't believe 1 or 2 people can make meaningful changes to the game

>A community/support management team has been brought on board.

Translation: we're going to hire a bunch of tumblr rejects to monitor our social media pages and forums to delete any comments that hurt our feelings. We only want to surround ourselves with brown nosing and dick sucking.

>The founder will no longer be the face of his own company, made by him, owned by him.


Sean left.

>watch VGX
>no mans sky reveal
>this looks like shit
>more trailers and promo material over the following years
>this really looks like shit
>release rolls around
>turns out it's shit
whew, a regular fucking nostradamus

Dead Island has a goty edition, anything is possible.

But... it doesn't actually say anything.
What are they doing? What feedback did they took to heart? It's just an empty wall of text.

>A shill and falseflag team has been brought on board to help us manipulate customer opinion since a barefoot lying nu-male wasn't enough

Fucking kek

Also what's your favorite community management team Sup Forums? Mine are the faggots on the ES forums circa PS3 release. Holy fuck that was tactless

Exactly this.




It's different

I paid for the ice cream
And i got nothing.

>itt: No Man's Sky is also paying shill groups to try shilling it further here
Too late lad, enjoy your 0,50 cent because that's the best you are getting.

>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say

Exactly. So why has literally nothing been done?

>developer releases patches post launch

>What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say.
Pretty brazen of them to admit that what they promised about the game never mattered.

>Sean left.
[citation needed]

>tfw I made a script to pirate NMS continuously, automatically deleting and redownloading the file

I've pirated it 5,382 times at this very moment, I've cost them hundreds of thousands in profits.

Are you implying only children like ice cream you faggot

Lmao damage control

Maybe if some of your lies hadn't been so fucking grievous we wouldn't be here having to read this shit. I'll keep my dollarydoos, sorry Sean.

I bought ice cream and got exactly what I bought.

I bought NMS expecting ice cream and got a tub of shit instead.

>Still no comment on all their lies
>No clear plan at all of what they're working on
>Still upholding their lies

And you're complaining?
Look at how much you got for the price of ice cream. An ENTIRE TUB. And you're complaining, like the entitled little shit that you are.

>ENTIRE TUB of ice cream
not even the user you're replying to but god damn, get your eyes checked or work on your reading comprehension skill there, buddy

>of ice cream
not even the user you're replying to but god damn, get your eyes checked or work on your reading comprehension skill there, buddy

Anyone else feel like this whole thing would have worked out much better for the devs had they done Early Access? That way they could continue to patch up the game, and have a shield from criticism. Just look at Starbound, plenty of people hated it, but now it gets a better reception.

you're even more of an idiot than the previous user

>Look at how much you got for the price of ice cream. An ENTIRE TUB.

pretty sure that gets reworded and simplified down to an "ENTIRE TUB of ice cream"

but i'm pretty sure you failed your english classes, so I completely understand where you're coming from

You retard, that shitty all-around post doesn't say anything. It's just diplomatic bullshit. "we have released 4 patches" whatever - where is the working multiplayer, where is the fucking game?

I refunded on steam and I will not look back.

This Murray guy makes Molyneux look like a really honest guy. I hope they get sued.

Game in it's current state is not worth over 15$ if even that.

And a promise of FUTURE updates AFTER the unfinished buggy game has been released is really nothing but lies.

PROTIP: Make a finished game and then release, then concentrate on optimizing it.

If only they had reseearched what players liked in this day and age, this could had been salvaged. But as of now, unless its DLC, the game is bad.

>Anyone else feel like this whole thing would have worked out much better for the devs had they done Early Access?

No, it would have worked out much better if they had an actual game design behind what they were making instead of "muh childhood dream of going to other planets". What they should have done was to work on the technology for a procedural generation engine for space games, sold a tech demo at indie prices, licensed it to other studios, and never ever ever taken any money from Sony.

>i'm pretty sure you failed your english classes
actually english was the only class I got straight A's in.
and the guy never implied he meant a tub of ice cream, he was just making a joke

Even my friend, who shilled this game hard before and after it came out, has already quit. It gets fucking boring.

I do agree with this, a price of 14,99 + EA status would have made this game a real hit, just look at Rimworld.

Charging ~60 for an alpha game and lying all the way up to the very day of release is what has destroyed them.

Goodbye Games

That's what happens when you take money from AAA publishers and their marketing teams get their hooks into you.

He already left this world, he is in a better place now R.I.P in peace

It's an entire tub of procedurally generated ice cream so It's just vanilla, cherry and chocolate mixed differently.
And most of it tastes like shit.

>0,50 cent

The game is so irrelevant that most people have already moved on and the threads made for it quickly 404. So much for the game that would revolutionize the industry, good job Sean.

This user is correct
While one can infer I meant a tub of ice cream, I never implied I did.
To clarify, whilst I meant "an entire tub of shit", it was (for obvious reasons) left unspecified with the focus being on the quantity, and this works because it's a reply to a statement.
Maybe the confusion stems from the ice cream not being quantified from the start. I thought the user meant "for the price of a cone of ice cream", and went with that. So amending what I said:
Look at how much you got for the price of an ice cream cone. An ENTIRE TUB (of shit). And you're complaining, like...
Had I wanted to specifically point to him getting a tub of ice cream I would have phrased it as follows:
You paid for a cone of ice cream, and yet you got an ENTIRE TUB of it. And you're complaining, like...
Wouldn't really call what I did a grammatical error, guess it just wasn't written clearly enough for some anonymous faggot on the internet to understand

So, when will it hit a Humble Bundle?

>Devs are entitled to people's money but they don't have to provide a product.


entitled underage posters with wild imaginations never developed games in their life
they just want their multi so they can look cool with their friends

Even your inferrence of what he meant is wrong by standards of language.
He made a comparison of "price of ice cream that he paid for" against "look at what you got instead", because that he got shit instead of ice cream is a given after that point.
The logical interpretation is that he is talking about shit, unless he would have specified otherwise.

>No Man's Sky is getting patched and worked on all the time.

Why would I believe a liar telling he will stop lying?

>Having to literally hire a damage control team

I'm surprised they didn't do this sooner

You can never polish a turd, user

>Played for two hours
>Couldn't even explore the emptiness of space in my cozy ship without constantly collecting resources

I had little to no expectations and was still disappointed.

Is it worth $5 in a summer sale 2 years from now?

>Didn't buy spore


I hurt myself, today.

No amount of free patches can make that "game" any fun. If they did come up with something fun to do in the game they would charge for it.

Nice, so people bought a game on early access it seems or a beta at best.

spore is still good desu

I can't believe it, Spore seems great now. Grass is always greener I guess.

>community / support management team

Ah yes, the "damage control team".

>Release the game at full price
>It... it's just the beginning!

The problem for me was that I had hyped the game up in my mind because of the initial spore developer video. The game is good but it isn't nothing that was promised and could have reached The Sims status with the original concept features and modding capabilities. Another example of this happening to me is fable 1. I didn't know every word out of Molyneux"s mouth was a lie and wanted to believe. But if you actually didn't have to deal with the hype then fable is actually a great game

>Spore seems great now

This is how bad games have gotten.

Pro-skubbers, gentlemen, they never learn.