why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Because the 3DS is more successful than the Wii U. Also because Xenoblade Chronicles 3D was a good way of showing off what the New 3DS can do and helped new players get ready for Xenoblade before X came out to make up for the game's semi-rarity/priceyness.
Don't really understand the point of Super Mario Maker without proper online functionality, though.
Nigga, I can forgive Zelda and Donkey Kong, but if you don't think Super Mario Maker on 3DS would be fucking amazing you may as well kill yourself now because even when some ugly skank shows mercy and finally fucks your mouth-breathing, pessimistic ass, you'll still find a way to complain about it.
>Last of Us Remastered
>Gravity Rush
>Devil May Cry HD
>God of War 3 Remastered
>Uncharted Collection
It's okay when Sony does it :^)
Yeah but
>no proper online support
no one said that
no, i do think mario maker on 3ds is great. what isnt great is that they removed the Main. Selling. Point. of it.
because all these games except yoshi's are really nice to have on the go? hyrule warriors legends even gave you the dlc, which is sick.
i did
huh, i didn't know that SMM was on 3ds. Was this just announced in the direct, or what?
they'll probably patch it in
ugh you nintoddlers never learn do you?
Yes, no online though. Comes packaged with hundreds of levels and you can share levels locally, it's not worth it unless you really want to make and play your own levels.
You'd be surprised how many times I see "It's fine, I didn't play "X" on the PS3/PSP/Vita" excuses, but that same line doesn't fly if you say it for Nintendo platforms.
take off your trip you fucking faggot
why are ports allowed?
how desperate has Sup Forums gotten for shitposting material?
Why is Rare Replay allowed? Why is Master Chief Collection allowed? Why is the bulk of PS4's first party output being ports allowed?
The answer is easy money and not everyone is an idort.
>Mario maker for 3DS won't come in a yellow cartridge
What a missed opportunity.
SMM would be nice but no online sharing kills it. Fuck Nintendo!
They're downplaying the reasons to get a WiiU because the NX is coming out.
>Be casual as fuck
>See a Nintendo console with Zelda, Yoshi and Mario Maker
>Your casual face is smiling now, you're getting this in October, it's decided
>Fast forward to March
>Wtf there's a new Nintendo console out?!
>But I just bought one!
>I'm definitely not getting the NX now!
As opposed to
>Be casual fuck
>See a Nintendo console with Zelda, Yoshi and Mario Maker
>...oh wait, they're on my 3DS now
>I'll just get them on 3DS
>Oh sweet a new Nintendo console with new games!
>I'm getting that in March!
When the fuck did 3ds get wooly world?
About 28 hours ago
Can Mario Maker be played with the D-Pad? I hate controling 2D games with one, it's the reason I still haven't bought Smash.
Of course it can. It's bloody Mario man, it can be controlled with 2 buttons and a joy stick if you want
Because Nintendo realizes that the higher install base is the one for handhelds, so they need to unify both their console and handheld divisions with the NX.
>Nintendo ports games from one platform to another
>"wtf Nintendo doomed!"
>Sony ports games from one platform to another
>"For the player!"
>[Platform you like does thing]
>"[strawman comment]"
>[Platform you don't like does same thing]
>"[strawman comment]"
Desperate cash-grabs.
The bigger issue is that Mario Maker 3DS removed online sharing.
Sony did the same bullshit with LBP PSP.
All they have to do is making it possible to transfer the levels you built to your Wii U. If they make sure that this works, I'm going to get a copy of Mario Maker 3DS. If there's absolutely no way to upload your levels, not even by moving them to your Wii U first, then I won't get the 3DS version.
If they're porting Wii U games to the 3DS then why don't they port some 3DS games to Wii U? Upscaled and high res KI:U would probably be fucking bitching.
Mario Maker looks really fun but I've always sucked at Mario games. The one I've played the most is Super Mario World but I never got that far because I was very young. What's the closest game to this in terms to gameplay to see whether I'll like it or not?
Because console games sell like shit compared to handeld ones.
And yet you insist on having a main Pokémon game on consoles.
I would be fine with it, but the thing that fucking irritates me is when they have content exclusive to the 3DS one. They don't need to add incentive because the 3DS audience is much larger than the Wii U. All it's doing is pissing on the people who bought the games for the Wii U, forcing them to suck it up and pay another 40 dollars for the same game on vastly inferior hardware or stay there with sour grapes.
The same reason they didn't port PS4 games to the Vita. The audience for it doesn't exist there.
Plus the control scheme would require a stand for the gamepad.
Which I wouldn't mind because I could just use that shit with Xenoblade and act like I'm actually piloting a mech while monitoring systems.
The only game I can think of is Hyrule Warriors and that comes with two codes to get the Legends DLC on Wii U and the next set is shared on Wii U too.
Because games gravitate towards popular consoles. Vita games get ported to PS4, Wii U games to 3DS. However, the home console versions are almost always the definitive editions.
>Anyone can make it
>Everyone can play it
Unless you have the 3DS version
>they have content exclusive to the 3DS one
Will probably be DLC on Wii U.
The Yoshi game has you able to play as the dog for exclusive levels and has exclusive shorts.
3DS version shares via streetpass. So everyone can play it as long as you go somewhere.
>The same reason they didn't port PS4 games to the Vita
You must be living under a rock, there's a lot of titles on both consoles.
>there's a lot of titles on both consoles.
That's because they ported Vita games TO the PS4. Not the other way around.
I don't have a WiiU and I don't plan on getting one so the moment YWW was announced for it I wept because that could have worked on the 3DS just as well. Now that we are actually getting it I couldn't be happier.
What I mean is that whenever possible they make it a multiplat, if it won't run on the Vita they definitely won't port it, the difference between the Vita and PS4 is too much for the kind of games they have, especially compared to Wii U vs 3DS and considering they don't focus too much on graphics.
>the difference between the Vita and PS4 is too much for the kind of games they have
You'd be surprised at how simplistic the PS4 games actually are.
In any case, for the Wii U, especially games like KI:U, the game simply wasn't designed with the Wii U's shape or weight in mind.
People already complain about the 3DS gameplay giving them cramps remember?
The gamepad has more buttons and an extra stick
Fuck off with that shit. Where I live I get zero streetpasses, even at a university.