>use your good healing items during a boss
>realize its a scripted unbeatable fight
Use your good healing items during a boss
>use your shittiest meme
>realize no one cares enough to reply
>reddit filename
>reddit youtuber
You do
>get wrecked so hard by a boss that it must be one of those scripted impossible fights
>loads last save
>kill unbeatable boss with cheats
>get bad ending and killed
>post rare Hilas
You clearly do dumbass
i love reddit!
The breadsticks were never enough user.
To be fair I get more that that was written by Hila. She's way more liberal and more offended then Ethan.
>tough enemy appears
>start buffing up to beat it
>it just up and leaves
>beat difficult boss using rare items
>feel bad about possibly wasting rare items
>reload last save and try to beat the boss without rare items
user, learn when to pick your battles.
>le reddit meme!!!
Fuck off. Ethan is based. I bet you're just an angry religious retard.
>boss's quality rapidly worsens the greater his form becomes
you don't deserve a (You)
Shoot yourself.
>op samefagging this hard
cry more fag
Who vape nayshe here?
>fight is supposed to be unwinnable
>use consumables
>win anyway
>skip part of th email story
thx dragon age origins
I wanted to contribute to this thread but christ stop posting cancerous youtubers.
>tfw you get so many views from tumblr you go full sjw to appease them
i understand 'cause money, but I really wish he'd just take a dump over them once
You deserve a (You) because apparently Sup Forums taught you to hate specific people and somehow tie them to reddit which you also hate while browsing the most biased elitist community the internet has to offer.
Keep up the good work
How did he go full sjw
>save certain item to use for THAT boss
>THAT boss ends up being super easy
>you finish the game without using the item
>boss is at low health and has an action-nulling status condition
>use sp/mana expensive moves for fun
>boss is scripted to be immortal until it's allowed to fully heal itself once
>heal up before what looks to be a difficult section
>take two steps
>NPC: here, let me help you out [free heals]
That guy looks like white Reggie
>use all ammo defending allies from seemingly endless swarm of aliens
>last ally dies, enemies stop spawning
>if you take too long the boss just leaves and says he expected more from you
Eh, you were never going to use them anyway
>all of this bait
Here's to (You)
ethan is a pandering, nuttless dumbass who'd sell hila for another million subs.
ethan is a self imposed moral police officer. he's worse than fucking leafy, who is also a huge faggot.
he used to make fun of SJWs and reddit and actually be creative and witty. now he's repetitive and annoying. he's done a complete 180 on what he used to be. he's now exactly what he used to make fun of.
go away reddit and go to one of your eceleb subs
Sam/Nick/Charls are all you need, fuck h3h3 crap
>somehow tie them to reddit
he fucking posts there and holds contests there and panders to them you retard. he's completely open about his reddit affinity.
Have you seen his latest videos? He made fun of a triggered feminist 2 days ago. I think it's Hilda who probably writes those more "correct" messages while he spergs around
he's the brains behind the channel. she can barely speak english, i seriously doubt she writes messages like that. he's the trendy faggot that takes all these social stands and tries to morally police the internet.
>Defend ally from hordes of enemies
>If you protect him, he dies next level like a moron
>If you let him be killed, he dies next level like a moron anyway
you really need to consider jumping off a cliff
>that damage control
cry more fag
She is just shy in front of a camera. The only stands Ethan takes are those which nets him more youtube money whenever someone tries to take his reaction videos or their money down.
I can understand not liking ethan but please,
no one is more conceited and insufferable as leafy.
>lose to boss by dying, retry level
>lose to boss by time out, retry level
>win against boss by time out, get bad ending
It's like a race where if you get third or last, you don't win anything, if you get first you win $1000, but if you get second they fucking murder you.
...or if he thinks it'll make reddit happy and share his video, like the leafy thing or the joey salads bullshit or the continual harping on the ethan bradberry fag.
i hate them both but at least leafy knows hes a little rat faggot and doesn't try to present himself as if he's on some moral high ground.
Just like Milo, but to a lesser degree, he's more interested in being edgy and outrageous than he is making a point. He tries to pander to the filthy frank crowd a bit too hard, and any points he may have had are sullied by his piss poor presentation.
I wouldn't go as far as to say he's as bad as the daily show but on a mirrored political spectrum, but he's still terrible in his own regard.
This is why Sam Hyde is top dog, what you see is what you really get. A 6'4" alpha male ball of testosterone and energy.
>Find out hidden boss is hard as fuck
>Make preps to take it head on
>Wreck it's shit from being too overleveled