So, anybody here still play Payday 2 since the whole skinghazi debacle?

So, anybody here still play Payday 2 since the whole skinghazi debacle?

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>hundreds of dollars on DLC

what? tell me more about it. i stopped playing it probably about a year ago.

The DLC they shit out and the updates that completely change the way the game system is handled really fucks it up. I didn't play for a few months and when I come back I see a whole new system where skill points are ruined.

i think he's refering to microtransactions
they havent really added anything of substance since then but removed drills
also the new skill system is so broken they dont know how to fix it

The new system made me stop playing the game entirely.

During on the very first day of the second crimefest event overkill added weapon skins, some with stat boosts, and microtransactions.

What I can't understand is the developers not understanding how shitty they are handling this game.

The latests updates have been a pure joke.

Do they even talk to their community at all?

Overkill? Talk to their community? Please, they're too busy selling out to every company that wanders into their field of vision.

Just saying that this isn't exactly helping their company because they sure as hell aren't earning any real money from it.

They now have started the "Steam workshop" because they know they are just shit themselves.

I used to pretty much shit on Overkill post-Infamy, but they've actually been making quality updates since they separated from 505 Games or Starbreeze. They just added fucking leg hitboxes for example. I mean it took them 3 years, but I can appreciate adding them in.

>quality updates
which ones?
the last two we got was furries and fan mods

They lost me as a consumer when they released the garbage that was payday 2.

It was an early access game disguised as a full release. The amount of levels at launch was pitiful compared to what they promised.

They even promised "battlefield" levels of level destruction. What a fucking joke

Fuck their shit company with their over 100 dollars of dlc with all the best weapons being fucking dlc. Fuck overkill I hope their space game fucking bombs

still no safe house customization
they also only just now put in leg hitboxes

I honestly think a lot of it is a mix of both Overkill not really listening to their fans, and fans making constant requests without really thinking about how it'll work out. Like driving escapes for example, I remember when driving was added and everyone saying how cool it'd be if there was a heist where you had to drive to your escape. Then in the goat heist they had you drive to your escape and it sucked.

Wait, what did they do to the skill system?

>also the new skill system is so broken they dont know how to fix it
This. I tried the game again since I heard they removed some of the worst micro-transactions after the huge backlash, but it seems they also completely fucked up game balance.

Overkill difficulty is now piss easy no matter your weapons or build and even Deathwish is manageable with unprepared pubs. Upgraded sentries completely break the game, me an my friend were able to 2-man Deathwish loud missions that way.

changed it completely
now everyone is so overpowered the game is piss easy
good skills are brokenly overpowered and bad skills are just not worth getting at all

it was their attempt at making the builds more varied while also fixing problems like the tech tree sucking
now its far worse then before

they nerfed sentries
good luck keeping 4 running. 2 is enough anyway

its amazing their knee jerk reactions to shit
>everyone is using sentries QUICK MAKE THEM USELESS
>everyone is using frenzy QUICK MAKE IT USELESS
>everyone is using dodge QUICK MAKE IT USELESS

''Your opinion my choice ;)''

When in doubt, nerf into the ground.

>overkill is piss easy no matter your weapons
This has never not been the case. The deathwish thing is true, and apparently they're working on a difficult rework to spice things up. I'm expecting it either in Crimefest 3, or way later than that.

Frenzy and Sentries are still useful, they're just not unstopable anymore. Dodge is genuinely dead though, so you have a point.

frenzy lost pretty much any use it had though
i understand nerfing but its gotten to the point where no one uses it anymore

I love how they are mentally unstable when people say they are doing a shitty job.

I love how people are so obsessed with safehouse customization when it was mentioned offhandedly a whole two times.

it was advertised to be in the base game
its more of an issue with them lying then anything else

When the game first game out, it was amazing. The community was awesome, everyone was friendly. Now the game's community has turned into a fucking shithole. I don't know if the constant 75% sales did it, or what. That, and the truckload of DLC make me not want to purchase it. It's sad really, it had some fun missions and I made some Frankenstein looking guns, and really bad ass silent weapons.

Didn't mean purchase, I meant play again.

>>everyone is using frenzy QUICK MAKE IT USELESS
You're a top shelf retard if you think Frenzy A) wasn't ridiculously overpowered and/or B) it's useless now
I'm sorry to break the news to you but someone had to

Wait it was? I only remember it being mentioned in Bains's guide and during the safehoue tutorial.

This game is the best example I can think of as far as a release that got worse with every patch and update.

After PD2 They are making a walking dead game right?
I wonder how that is gonna turn out.
Probably shit

Is there a new DLC Unlocker crack that's what made me stop playing