Character's name is IQ

>Character's name is IQ
>Graduated from MIT

No wonder intellectuals think video games are the lowest form of culture

Her name is Monika Weiss though...

>Giving a fuck what others think about a children's toy


>wears trainers while going after terrorists

why is this allowed?

that's how she got her nickname, genius
do you know how nicknames work

All the German ops are based as fuck
Dat sweet carbine, spawnkillin niggas all day, super useful gadget
Good guns, speed, gadget is basically required in high level play, memes all over thermite
Flash is OP as fuck
Hard counter to pulse fags, QT, sweet sweet headshots on pulse through walls, keeps people from dying to smoke

More like IQute

Siege thread? Siege thread.

>Have Favela as literally the only map blacklisted in the options menu
>Get it the most

Hey guys what's going on in this thread

>Flash is OP as fuck
It only works like point blank, Mute can jam it and using shield operator is an invitation to get C4'd right now.

>being an accurate scale of intelligence
my iq is 140 and im a dumbass

>someone throws C4
>ADS and headshot them while they're throwing
So satisfying
Alternatively, just always be expecting it and run away when you hear velcro

Do you not know how ridiculous clichés work?

>someone throws C4 properly
>you don't even see them before exploding

get good scrub

I'm pretty fucking good at this map after playing it every other time already.

>graduated from MIT
What the fuck is she doing in the police? That's some fucking wasted education.

I don't understand the thought process behind it when people ask me to give up my operator for them
does it ever work?

That's special forces, not your average desk jockey.

>disliking favela

literally one of the best maps. you should block an actually shitty map like Clubhouse.

I don't dislike it, my problem is I get it all the time.

>not fucking BORDER

IQ is

>female soldier

>Not Yacht

>leaked jap map

In emergency situations they don't have time to suit up in full gear.

Yacht's not that bad, it's really fun as a buck

Why do Frost and Buck decide to wear their winter gear to places like Border or the Favela?

lazy ubisoft devs

>Not Hereford Base

border's not great, but clubhouse will always be my least favorite personally. I've never had fun on it.

Bandit likes to act really Edgy but if you look at his eyes you can see how sad he is. He needs someone to cuddle him and tell him it's ok.

>Video games are for kids
When will these meme die?

He looks more bored than anything.

>hereford base

Hereford is literally perfect.

Post yfw your IQ is 140+ but you're a fucking moron

150 here according to shitty sites


>IQ ~80
>Extremely stupid

I got the worst of both worlds

least you can type properly

that's something user

club house is awesome. fuck plane (on ranked)

Maybe. Learning how to use Sup Forums properly took me about 2 months though. All of the posts stacked on top of each other and other things used to really confuse me. I learn everything really slowly and I hate it.

Easier to identify on the fly

Otherwise youf have to id enemies by their faces which is kinda annoying

120 here.
I know people with 80 way smarter than me.