How do you guys feel about 3.4? Hoping I won't have to get up at 6:30 to get a house on Gilgamesh.
FFXIV thread.
How do you guys feel about 3.4? Hoping I won't have to get up at 6:30 to get a house on Gilgamesh.
FFXIV thread.
are they adding more meme man quests?
I think they're doing Scholasticate. Not sure on Hildy, though.
>that picture size
Go back to your third world country and stay there.
Just picked something related off my phone, forgot to check resolution.
Reminder that themepark mmos are fundamentally flawed and a huge waste of development time and resources.
There will never be endgame because the gear treadmill is unavoidable by design. Instead of having endgame where players interact with each other and a persistent world, you instead have eternal pointless grinding. Guild v Guild, and PvP is the only way to have actual endgame in MMOs. MMOs need a persistent world where players can compete or work with each other to obtain and conquer territory.
Is it worth trying to cap lore these last few weeks? I'm around i225, should that get me in the new content?
>ruin face targetting system
>new tomestones, luckily for me I only bothered with lore accessories, but fuck you anyway
>still no asses
Next time use the Heavensward logo so it's easy to find in the catalog.
>TFW in Duty Roulette Expert
>On Odin
>Waaiting over 30 mins to pop
Kill me now
Noted. Was in a rush. Also, aren't roulettes datacenter wide?
>Duty Roulette Expert
New 3.35 roulette?
>announce that you're allowing the Anima Weapon Stage 3 items to be purchased universally with esoterics or poetics, since most people have tons of esoterics to spare
>announce a day later you're also removing esoterics with the same page, don't clarify on whether they'll be purchasable with anything else
What the fuck man.
it's gonna be pretty shit desu. just waiting for 4.0 at this point
They're doing more scholasticate, more Hildy, more MSQ and concluding Alexander, I do believe
the old shit will always be purchasable with the new uncapped tome, in this case lore for 3.4
they stopped mentioning it because they figured people got the idea by now
Did they say anything about egi glamours yet?
What do you think will happen? Lore will become the new eso for oil, umbrite and shit.
And they will remove the eso gear from the shop and force us to hunt for them.
>tfw will now have to decide between Lore gear and spending it on the Anima Weapon
I'll probly pick the Anima Weapon and just save up whatever new tomestone gear gets brought in.
>adding crafted gear higher ilvl than previous raid gear again
Devs are retarded
>trying to hunt on Ultros
stupid fucking shitters can't not walk too close to S-ranks
I just stopped responding to S-ranks entirely unless I just happen to already be in the area.
At least raid gear will last you until the last legs of the next expansion
I'm also on Ultros and from what I heard gaf is a dead fc.
>New Main Scenario Quests
>Scholasticate Quests / Further Hildibrand adventures / Anima weapon story quests (Patch 3.45)
>Recast Time Reset Upon Wipe
>Auto-attack System Changes
>Changes to Face Targeting System
>Certain Trials will be added to the Raid Finder
>Addition of a Countdown Feature
>"Alexander: The Creator," and "Alexander: The Creator (Savage)"
>The Warring Triad - Sophia, the Goddess Containment Bay P1T6 and Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme)
>PvP Updates
>Duel mode
>Custom Match
>Spectator Mode
>Deep Dungeon - Palace of the Dead Floors 51-200. The story of Palace of the Dead will continue up through floor 100. Floors 100-200 will be grind-focused elements.
>Grand Company Updates - Squadrons
>Wondrous Tails
>Triple Triad Data Center Wide match-ups
>Lord of Verminion Duty Finder
>Jumbo Cactpot tickets has risen from 1 to 3 per week
>Apartments for 500k
>Playlist for Orchestrion
>New Furnishings
>Exploratory Missions - New Area, items
>New Tomestones
>Double Cross Hotbar
>Patch drops September 27th
Does FFXIV make a good fishing simulator?
Hope they fix this face targeting mistake, it makes me so mad. Consoles and pvp ruining the game once again.
the FC may die but the meme lives on
I hate that
Yeah, so basically once again there's no reason to meld it once you've beaten the final boss because you don't get to actually use it on anything. I guess whatever faggort primal they add in 3.5 needs to be overkilled harder.
>Changes to Face Targeting System
Does this mean BLM is a tiny bit less suffering?
>mfw some chucklefuck pulls my target out of LoS while I'm casting
Why are people so bad at Nidhogg normal still? It just popped up in the DF and the healer died to the first Hot Wing. Then EVERYONE instantly crumbled to the adds the second that they spawned. Within seconds the only people left standing were myself (Summoner) and the two tanks. After the first wipe 3 DPS quit instantly, then the healers, then everyone else.
The fight is months old but people still can't deal with the add phase.
Probably yeah, but it makes avoiding petrification/confuse a pain, you must untarget/sheath weapon before turning around, it's awful and retarded.
I don't play melee but this sounds like it changes nothing for me.
>Do embarrassingly bad on your first nidhogg normal
>Never attempt it again or try the extreme version
t. scared beta
Did horrible my first time too, but after 10 runs with a friend to get his clear I know the fight now.
Female Kotaku "Journalist" on her time in the Duty Finder:
>What are dungeon runs for? In Final Fantasy XIV, you run dungeons because you have to. Fittingly, in FFXIV, they’re called “Duties.”
>The urgency, and necessity, to complete dungeons is why all ten-plus of my dungeon runs in FFXIV have been beelines to boss fights. But yesterday, when I read about a hidden NPC bar fight in the Sastasha dungeon, I had to check it out.
>Usually, FFXIV veterans silently take the lead on “Duties,” with less experienced players unquestionably following in their stead. Players complete the “Objectives,” which generally involve activating and acquiring things, before killing the boss. Like in other MMOs, FFXIV players must run dungeons multiple times, so many know the most direct route by heart.
>The flaw in this custom, obviously, is that less experienced players generally don’t feel comfortable peeling away from the party to satisfy curiosities, like opening closed doors and checking out strange plants. Dungeons in FFXIV are, mostly, not for exploring, despite how gorgeous they are.
>After hearing about the hidden bar fight in Sastasha, I registered for the “Sastasha” duty, FFXIV’s first dungeon run. The story goes that The Serpent Reavers, a band of pirates, has been raiding the inhabitants of the La Noscea islands. Glowing neon fungi and shining lakes lead you to a pirate camp of shanties. Different rooms house different mobs and NPCs, some holding loot. The “Duty” allows for 90 minutes, but it’s easily completed in 20.
>“Hey!” I said to my randomly-assigned party as we entered the dungeon. “I heard about a bar fight in the Deckhand’s Quarters. Can we check it out?”
>Okay, I thought. I’ll ask again in a bit. I let the tank take the lead. We traversed the caves and encountered the first boss, a catlike coeurl. Bands of pirates attacked in waves and we quickly cut them down. Soon, we entered the shanty town housing the Deckhand’s Quarters.
>“So, okay on the Deckhand’s Quarters?” I pressed. Finally, a response: “I think we’re going that way.” I waited. I nuked some mobs. We pushed forward. Quickly, I realised we weren’t going in that direction. Fine. Some people are busy and just want to finish the dungeon. I’ll just... go check it out on my own, quickly.
>I entered the shack and witnessed six NPCs duking it out. The room was candlelit with a wood platform floor. A few stools were scattered on the ground, as if the NPCs were having a merry time before someone said something truly horrifying, and someone was drunk enough to ask on it. I watched, a little unimpressed, but satisfied doing something superfluous during a “Duty.” It felt rebellious.
>“There’s nothing in there,” a party member said from several meters away.
>“There’s a fun NPC bar fight,” I responded.
>Slowly, my party entered the Deckhand’s Quarters. Eyeing the brawling NPCs, they immediately pulled one over and fought it. I watched as, one by one, all the NPCs were killed. They were killable. I guess it was inevitable.
>“See?” the party leader said. “Just a pull and a chest.” I didn’t respond. We made our way over to the boss, swiftly defeated him, and then exited.
>The moral of the story: rebel. Be the person who derails your dungeon run. Just ask permission first.
But yes, dungeons in XIV aren't anything like classic dungeons. They're gauntlets. The point of them is to clear them as fast as possible as efficiently as possible.
List of ways a person can fully explore a dungeon:
>Party Finder
>Shout in the 3 city states
>Join an FC and ask there
>Go in alone
>Use a Squadron in 3.4
>Use the Novice Network and ask for a full run if you can't clear solo
>Ask your IRL friend who also play to help
List of ways you can never fully explore a dungeon:
>Use the Duty Finder
Trial I would like to see in the future.
Is the GCD still 2.5 seconds?
There's nothing wrong with the 2.5 GCD in practice, you're hitting more buttons a second at high level gameplay with OGCDs than in any other current MMO.
But combat is shit for other reasons so don't play, game is shit.