What the fuck is the point of owning this for piracy if there's nothing to pirate...

What the fuck is the point of owning this for piracy if there's nothing to pirate? It has some VNs which you can get on PC, and other ports.

There isn't. Maybe a couple of years ago, piracy could have saved the Vita, but today nobody fucking cares at all. All the games are out, and they all suck.


i didn't know games like Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir were on PC too.
PC only gets shitty scraps like Mind Zero and Conception 2

Persona 4

>playing an inferior version with Persona's Lightning front and centre

Someday MN9 will be available for PS Vita.

They're on PS4

I thought the Vita version was the superior version

can you get them for free on PS4?

>no Sonic Mania for Vita

Sega, you're fucking dense.

Definitive versions of Disgaea/Persona 4
Definitive version of Muramasa
Dragon's Crown
Gravity Rush
weeb games

Plus, a bunch of other stuff like Shovel Knight, Rayman, Axiom Verge, etc. that has been ported to pretty much everything, but is best played on the Vita.

It's lineup isn't great, but at least it has SOME good games, unlike the 3DS which is 100% great IPs turned into worthless kiddie shit.

You can with PS+ :^)

That's just what Vita owners would like you to think.

ive never played persona 4 gravity rush or odins sphere, should i get a used vita just for those games, is that worth it?

it is, finally having a decent battle theme and a good S.Link makes it much better

>but is best played on a portable system with a tiny 540p screen

how do I sign up for your crazy pills subscription?

>Shovel Knight, Rayman, Axiom Verge
>best played on the Vita at 960x544 instead of 720-1080p on a TV/display

Yeah, no. Sorry, these games are not "best-played" at slightly-better than standard definition, they're best-played on PC or a home console if not available on PC.

2016 vita games we got so far and what's coming out later:

MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus
God Eater: Resurrection
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Mighty No 9
Grand Kingdom
World of Final Fantasy
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Gal Gun Double Peace
Attack on Titan
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Toukiden 2
Danganronpa V3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Moero Crystal (asain version has english)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (asain version has english)
One Piece: Burning Blood
Salt and Sanctuary
Trillion: God of Destruction
Stranger of Sword City
Samurai Warriors 4: Empires
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Root Letter
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Criminal censored Girls 2
Yomawari: Night Alone
Croixieur Sigma
Gundam Breaker 3 (asain version has english)
Zero Time Dilemma
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Atelier Sophie
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (asain version has english)
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Ray Gigant
Trails of Cold Steel 2
MeiQ: Labyrinth Of Death
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
Dragon Quest Builders
Super Robot Wars V (asain version has english)
The Asterisk War
Steins;Gate 0
Summon Night 6
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Fault Milestone One
Adventures of Mana
Hakuouki: Sweet School Life
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period Cube: Torikago no Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs World Tour
World End Economica
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni
The Longest Five Minutes
Mystery Chronicles One Way Heroics

Guaranteed Replies

>Games I'll just play on PC/PS3

Look, I think the vita is a piece of shit and Sony is garbage and I hope they go bankrupt with vr, but here is a list of games that MITE b cool

Dragon Quest Builders
Dragons Crown
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 & 2
marvel vs capcom 3
Tekken vs street fighter (or is it street fighter vs tekken)
gravity rush
Hatsune mikus

yeah i love how portable my PC and PS3 are


It gets 999? So far SG/0 and 999 seem like the only reasons to own it.

I also hear Persona is good

My Windows tablet can play lots of things.


yeah i love how perfectly a windows tablet fits in my pocket

>hurr I want to play them on a monitor so the pixels look bigger
Those games don't benefit at all from a high resolution. They still look sharp as fuck on the Vita and you can play them without sitting at a desk. Sorry you retards fell for the PC meme. But hey, at least the latest shitty AAA game that no one likes will look great on your rigs, right?

Once they find a workaround for the bullshit memory cards a PSTV would be a great cheap free games machine

Then why not just get them on 3DS and have access to its massive library of exclusives if the resolution doesn't matter at all? Everyone knows the 3DS is better anyway.

but the only good 3ds exclusives are Atlus titles and maybe MH.
some games like Shovel Knight also have more content on Vita and crossbuy

I agree completely. There's a couple decent but still inferior multiplatform games like atelier, vanillaware games, and ninja gaiden, plus there's lots of mediocre games that aren't worth playing. There isn't even anything notable coming out except a SaGa game that we have virtually zero information about.

Are the vita's buttons and screen better than the psp? If so, I guess it could be useful for emulation and psp games.

Vita has a sexy OLED screen while most 3DSs have awful TN panels not to mention worse controls.

>3DS and have access to its massive library of exclusives

I didn't know massive stand for like 20 games

Why do you hate Sony Gor you fag

Noone said it didn't matter at all autist.

The 3DS screen looks like fuzzy vomit and all of its games are shit. It is the worst handheld ever created.

> Vita
> In your pocket

You must be a whale.

Those are really poor examples, they're both multiplats.

Not him, but it works fine for me
Especially if I'm wearing cargo shorts

You must be a cock hungry fagboy that wears tight pants.

I have about 50 physical 3DS games, as well as a few good digital ones, not counting eshop titles from previous gens.

There are more games for it than you think

>I have about 50 physical 3DS games
For the love a God, please post a picture. No one could possibly be this much of a sucker for Nintoddler shit.

don't forget to post your amiibo collection too

you can emulate 2 of those and GR is better on ps4 but sure.

I wouldn't though, unless you add on some more games.

99.9% garbage.

I got a vita for gravity rush and potential future games years ago and have only played ps2 ports because the native vita library is the definition of ehhhhhh

>Hack my shita
>"Oh boy, time to pirate all of these games!"
>Pirate Odin Sphere
>It's shit
>Realize that there's literally fuck all on this piece of shit that I even want to play

Guess I'll just continue playing my PC until the next Pokemon comes out :^)
I remember when I pirated my 3DS, I was playing it a shit load.

>nothing worth pirating
It's pretty hilarious to see poorfags with shit taste.

> Enjoying games is a crime.

Have fun sperging out at my collection. I have another 5 games bit pictured but can't be arsed updating the photo for you to come back with "all shit"

>Poorfag meme
>Trying this hard to justify your buyers remorse
Tip top kek.

The system is dogshit, which is why it sold like shit, which is also why literally nobody gives a fuck that it's been blown wide open in the pirate scene.

Where are all of the threads celebrating it being hacked? We still have 3DS hack threads. Vita is getting fuck all. Hell, I even helped you niggers along by making a thread about it yesterday, but all I got in it was ass hurt shita apologists shitting the bed.

user, why would you buy physical copies of shovelware? Are you mentally ill?

>those games

So you got tired of everyone recognizing the same pic you used to shitpost and decided to change your tactics?

>Both Senran Kagura games
>Both Bravery games
>Every SMT released for 3DS and DS
This is a man of taste.

No, I still post that image, though it's not relevant to the piracy thing, which is why I took the other one.

Good shit user.

>buyers remorse
That's some projection kid.

>where are all of the threads celebrating it being hacked?
Not too many people on Sup Forums own one and a majority of those, like myself, that do have already bought or buying the worthwhile games. It's a shame, actual Vita threads were enjoyable, but are now going to just become shit posting for poor pirate fags.

>anything notable coming out
I don't know about you but I'm hyped as fuck for Cold Steel 2

I liked Dungeon Travelers 2, but I can get most of the other games on other systems. At least I don't need a PS4 for Odin Sphere though.

Thanks user. Can't wait for SMT IV: Apocalypse

> shovelware

Such as?

Vita isn't 1080p? I had no idea. Before I hadn't planned on one just because of over priced memory and lack of games

Nice try nintoddler

I've had one for years though, my faggot friend.
It's dog shit. Plain and simple.

The majority of people on Sup Forums don't own one because it's fucking awful. Pretty self explanatory, really.

>actual good games on vita
>pretty much all multiplats with superior versions on other systems

If not bait, thats some serious case of shit taste if I ever saw one.

That's the way it is. The best games on the system are literally inferior version of Steam games for the most part.

Cry more bitch nigga, your shitty moe games with no depth are not fun in the slightest.
>Let's sacrifice gameplay, ost, story and overall quality for some cutesy shit lol, what could go wrong
Literally the vita library in a nutshell.

I see some good games there but...

>modern Pokemon
>modern M&L rpgs
>fucking Sticker Star

You my friend ain't right in the head

Modern pokemon is fine though. Gen 7 is looking to be the best we've ever had.

>ITT: "Vita piracy is pointless because I don't like it's library. Hence, nobody else can enjoy it."

The Vita has plenty of good games, but there's no point for you to own one.

And still you are the dumbfuck who bought them when you were not even the target audience.

But that's wrong.
The Vita is the best handheld this generation.

It's for people too poor for PS3s, PS4s, or PC, but still want to overpay for memory cards

>Shovel Knight
Best version is Wii U/3DS because of the features unlocked by the Amiibo like co-op and character customization.

Not him but Vita's are too large to have in your pocket and the analog sticks jut out in an awkward way.

>Soul Sacrifice Delta
>Moe Game
Keep making more 'have you hacked your 3ds yet?' threads.

Maybe that makes you guys feel better after being kicked out of /hbg/ :^)

I don't understand either.

I own both consoles and their both pretty fun.


Don't work off 4 hours of sleep boys


What a dandy joke

>your shitty moe games
>Moe Chronicle listed as 'actual good games'

user, I....

Gen6 was in line with R/S and D/P quality, we've taken a lot of steps backwards since HG/SS and B/W/B2/W2 because of Gen6. Thankfully, Gen7 is looking a lot better.

>Ys, Atelier +, Gravity Rush, and Soul Sacrifice
>"buyers remorse"
So you're admitting to having shit taste.

the jig is up, you already said you like the vita yesterday

stop shitposting. stop posting your bait image

I don't know shit about piracy on Vita, but just for curiosity, you can play online and gain trophies in the pirated games?

both for now, but don't count on it. Count on getting banned.


Huh, better not risk then.
Thank you, user!

>Memories of Celceta
Biggest joke I've ever heard today. As somebody who makes 90% of falcom threads, I can confirm that most Ys fans rate MoC as bottom of the barrel shit, right along side Kefin.

It's one of the few Ys games with a shit OST, which is rare as fuck in a series well known for having excellent music.

The gameplay is braindead easy. You don't even need to bother dodging shit in battles now since the game showers you with healing items, a luxury that didn't exist in previous Ys games.
Even if that weren't the case, boss patterns are a joke and the flash guard/dodge system is quick time event tier shit.

If you're going to try convince me that I'm wrong, at least pick a game that isn't as objectively shit as MoC.

I say that as somebody who bought it twice, because I didn't realize there was a collectors edition still available at first.


What's wrong with ports if I haven't played the originals?

Doesn't make a game less good being a port user. Starfox was great, as was (most of) Tales of the Abyss

>if you're going to try convince me that I'm wrong
You've already admitted to having shit taste, why would I waste anymore of my time?

>Gets well and truly BTFO
>"I'm n-n-not gonna waste any more of my time with you"

Pure unrefined pottery.

trophies, remote play, playing sony exclusives.

No, you can't, neither of those game is a PS+ game.

Buttdevasted 3DSfags shitposting about the Vita again

you can ignore her the whole game and then she kills herself. what's not to like?

yeah senpai you really need a 1080p monitor for shovel knight

>bought Vita
>just bought a 2nd one now too

>too large
>analog sticks jut out in an awkward way
only gives me trouble if my pants have smaller inner pockets for coins and shit

I have a question, is it a good plan to buy a vita just to pirate it? I just want to play God Eater and other weeb shit.

>buying dub only weebshit

The library is fine, it's just that most of the major games are on other consoles with better libraries or PC

buy it new instead of used. people selling used ones are ungoing to unlink their account before selling it which forces a firmware update. new ones have been sitting in a warehouse for a year because no one buys vitas.

I like your taste user. Also, thanks for satisfying my ocd ass.

If you only want God Eater, then just get it for PC which is the definitive version.

That being said, you might as well buy and hack a vita if you want other shit, though all of its best games are already available for PC / Ps4
