Between this, Wolfenstein and Nu-Prey, is Bethesda (the publisher) the savior of single-player FPS'es?
Between this, Wolfenstein and Nu-Prey, is Bethesda (the publisher) the savior of single-player FPS'es?
Prey isn't even out and it doesn't look anything special
Bethesda the publisher can go fuck themselves they did nothing besides throw money around, Machinegames and ID get all the credit
Prey looks like shit
But user, it's essentially a new system shock. Bethesda deserves some credit because other publishers won't release anything but cod bullshit.
I sometimes wonder why new people try so hard to fit in cuck and nu to every sentence they write here.
Wolf and Doom are shooters.
Prey is supposed to be System Shock 3 as it was pitched to Bethesda like that and they greenlit the idea.
No. They're butchering each and every one of those series.
wolfenstein was disappointing as fuck to me, so i don't think they saved anything there
I hope D44M is better than that but i don't think so
Also Prey may be cool because Arkane
They're always a mix of both versions of a genre, how is that bringing up the good old stuff if you still add up the things that are wrong with modern shooters?
get a load of this nu-cuck
I guess it could be alright because Arkane is making it but I'm pretty sure they'll just take a slightly novel concept and make it bland as fuck. I would much rather see Arkane make the original sequel to Prey as it was planned with the seedy alien bounty hunter shit along with more Native American stuff.
I think it's special because you can't kill an enemy with an ordinary weapon. You need to freeze them then shatter the ice. Which reminds me of the bioshock wrench and electro shock combo.
The Prey reboot looks like it's going to be more of an immersive sim, which is what Arkane does best.
What the fuck are you talking about you cuck nu-male wife's son? This is /po- I mean Sup Forums everyone knows how much we love our buzzwords here!
Dishonored is also really gr8
>shitty doom remake that plays more like painkiller than doom
>shitty wolfenstein that plays like a faster cod
>shitty sjw chink/nigger game using the name of an actually good FPS that has been abandoned
Good goy, you fell for the neo-retro nu-FPS meme hook like and sinker! You're totally different to the people who buy Call of Duty! F*ck those sheeple they need to think for themselves like you do and eat up Bethesda's marketing, like you do
Can't speak for wolfenstein but Doom did a shit job of honouring the legacy of Doom. Both TNO and D44M are good games but they didn't bring anything interesting to the table, except maybe non-regening health in an AAA title.
pls kys thx
Well after finishing nightmare here are my thoughts on D44M.
They could evolve the doom formula by having all enemy monsters taking turns to fight you. Not like you fight them 1 v 1. But having each one prepare an attack instead of a whole flurry of fire balls and stomps come your way. It could also benefit that you shouldn't be attacked from behind. lastly, you should be the able to move around the map while performing a glory kill. I really want DooM Guy 2016 to be a space wrestler.
I think DooM is really enjoyable. It's alright they didn't bring anything new because it really scratch an itch.
how many buzz could a buzzword cuck if a buzzword could cuck buzz
>giving publishers credit for anything
>Forgetting about based Dishonored
Wait,Arkane is developing the new prey?
Yup. They're doing their own thing with it. Wouldn't surprise me if they just wanted their survival horror on board a space station and Bethesda was like "oh hey that's a great idea we could slap the Prey name onto that"
the segmentum solar, the cradle of mankind.
Here lie Bethesda, known to antiquity as Bethesda Softworks.
The heart of mankind video game.
an empire of a hundred game, Bethesda influence stretches across Terra.
Besieges by crappy game and greedy producer, attacked from within by EA and Activision.
For ten thirty years it has endured protected by fleet of good game and legion of genetically-engineered plot.
it is the second millenium and there is only crappy game.