"Federation Force is a good game"

>"Federation Force is a good game"

Other urls found in this thread:


it's a ok game that had terrible timing

pretty much this. If it had a different coat of paint, it'd probably do a lot better. Maybe like a Splatoon spin-off instead.

it should have been a starfox spinoff

Contrarian gonna contrarian i guess.

At least he's not constantly talking about his fat wife like that one manchild.

If it was released when we knew another real Metroid was being made, or already out, then this game would be viewed as another "Metroid Prime: Hunters" type of side game.

But when this game comes out years after the last Metroid was such a flop, with no other news about the next real game, fans are gonna be mad, no matter if the game is decent or not.

>It's an ok game that had terrible timing
>It's a mediocre game that goes against almost everything past games in the franchise established and is designed to be played with friends meaning the single player is a massive slogfest
Pick one. I just had to pop four balls spread out across an area into four separate holes because I was playing on my own. It was extremely boring and sections like that kill the game.


What's wrong with TPP's gameplay? It's the least offensive part of the game.

No fuck you. Hunters is an okay game, this piece of garbage isn't

Hunters was fucking garbage. The fuck you on about

It's a gold bullion compared to the turd that Federation Force is.

And it's still a better game than this

Hunters was the worst prime game and honestly still is.

Federation Force is a fine game. Him butchering the lore of Nier is much more offensive than that. Even worse, he never even said that Kainé is a hermaphrodite.

It's a solid 5/10

Please stop samefagging. It's painful to watch.


If this was released along a main Metroid title then nobody would've bitched about it, but then again, i don't think anybody would play it over a new main entry on the series

What i've heard about this game is that the singleplayer is tedious unless you bring friends since everything has too much health

He's defending Survive.

I play it when I want some casual fun and to relax.

I agree with him on this, Kojimadrones are just buttmad that Konami made a new Metal Gear game wuthout Kojima's blessing, fuck that faggot anyways.

They ave different ips mate

Hunters is worse than FF
Hell, it's worse than Pinball which at least had controls that worked

>can't even quote properly

Yesit is painful watching you actually praise terrible games with shitty controls

I didn not see the poster count go up mate

No, people are mad that Metal Gear is now a fucking zombie survival game, not to mention the incoming microtransactions and DLC overload now that Konami has full control over it.

Also, MGSV was a fucking snoozefest, they already owe me $60.

Why is liam such an asshole

I love when konami made shitty silent hill games without team silent too

He's not an asshole, he's just always wrong. Remember that time he said that the price of vidya doesn't matter?

Liam being on the verge of tears over Pat not liking MN9 was my favorite moment on the podcast this year.

>Metal Gear is now a fucking zombie survival game
People were fucking mad about Revengeance as well
And now everyne fucking loves it (me too). Metal Gear fanboys are the fucking worst.
I do agree that the gameplay of MGSV was boring as shit, but the mechanics might be fun in a survival game. Hell I don't doubt there's some zombie mod up already.

What podcast? I want to see this

People are mad because Konami chose to make the most generic uninspired Metal Gear possible instead of doing the obvious thing and finishing MGS5 and making Rising 2.

Nigga, what? Which one?

Surprising that he browses Sup Forums and Pat is neogaf

Fucked up part is

>were to angry for Pat

A big difference between Rising and this is Rising was made by Platinum, a competent and relatively consistent developer, where as Konami is pretty much the exact opposite of that. Look at Silent Hill or Castlevania.

>Federation Force will sell

>People were fucking mad about Revengeance as well
The difference is that MGR was made by competent developers.
MG Survive is made by Konami and what's left of Kojipro, the ones who made the snoozefest that MGSV was.

>Liam thinks using time travel to win the lottery is unethical

Fuck him.

Lords of Shadow 2 was alright.

Lords of Shadow 2 was made by a Spanish developer called MercurySteam.

Haha. Wow! He's defending it hardcore. Purists beware. Crucify the guy who always takes a neutral stance. And if he says it's good it usually follows with its nothing special. You chaners disgust me. I hope next time you get a swirly the suction from the toilet tears off your head.

This waqs the reaction that Revengeance had at the VGA's in 2011, if I recall correctly it was the irst time it was shown since the first gameplay demo when it was called Lightning Bolt Action.
I know it's not comparable to the reaction Survive has, but still.

Nigga, Pat says RE4 is a good game.
Stop picking on the child of the group, they all have shit taste.

I had to read this post several times before I realized it was some Reddit kid sperging out.

His entire role is to be that anime guy and a contrarian whenever he can.

Also, take into account this has had A LOT more likes since 2011, so it is a little skewed. But comments back then were pretty much like the ones that Survive is getting.

Remember that time Pat came to Sup Forums?

Because casuals didn't even know who Platinum Games was.
We know exactly who's making MG Survive.

So, terrible premise, terrible trailer, terrible developers using another terrible game as base.

Damn, what could possibly go wrong?



>surprised the contrarian comes to Sup Forums

but it is, for multiple reasons

BUT user



>Said NieR was his favorite game of all time
>Only played it Once, five years ago at that
>Never read Grimoire Nier
>Unable to understand that from the narrative standpoint Brother Nier objectively fits better and is more fleshed out for a lot of the situations
>Failed to grasp basic fucking things in the plot
>Either never knew or never told Pat that Kaine has a penis and Emil wanted to fuck NieR

Yes autists, you're going to crawl out and defend him but he isn't the NieR fan he said he was. He was just a guy who played NieR and really liked it but never dived deeper

>time ethics

>Emil wanted to fuck NieR

No it's not, don't be stupid.

There's no denying that it's a high quality game. It's just not the game people wanted and was a silly business move. But Sup Forumsyards can't separate that sort of thing from how well made/put together the game is.

That actually makes sense. Who is running Nintendo?

Ouch, that burned... you going to do a better job at roasting or just keep me warm?

>brother Nier objectively fits better

stealing from the past is still stealing, and not only are you fucking shit up for them you're fucking up the timeline on a whole.

and if you're not fucking up the timeline you're basically stealing from yourself to keep things consistant.

But if you time travel to win the lottery then you always won the lottery.

Now fuck off.

Not him but aging and kaine tension seem like a big loss when you just get papi nier feels.

In general though papa nier works better because it fits in the style of recasting a character into a roll that doens't fit them..

Pats a wimp with very small tolerance for polically incorrect

>not going a week into the future and then coming back and winning the lottery in your native time

what about the other person that won the lottery.

or what about the person that won the lottery next time around when the pot increases?

>You only say this is your favorite game because it was formative.
>Y-yeah, I guess so.

Pussy. And after he talked it up for so long.

thats stealing from the future, which is fine

The naivity that NieR displays in certain situations during the pre-timeskip make sense for a dumb preteen.

The fact that NieR can now use heavier weapons post time skip makes sense with brother to demonstrate his growth in comparison to Father just getting new weapon types.

The difficulty in which NieR has supporting Yonah makes more sense for a kid than for a dad.

The undercurrent theme that NieR resents Yonah deep down and the fact that while he does take care of her, he also is constantly leaving her to go do things.

Emil and Kaine both developing romantic feelings for NieR makes sense when he's closer to their physical ages.

The fact that all side material made after NieR such as the Drama CDs and side stories have Brother and not Father.

Basically, for the sake of a generic Dad coat of paint and so you can feel morally superior because "Hah! I'm better than all those weebs who like playing pretty anime men" you get nothing at the cost of so much.

You even fucking lose the angle of the typical starry eyed JRPG protagonist slowly eroded and turned into a killer who ultimately just wants to disappear because living and losing is too much for him anymore.

>generic Dad coat of paint
But Nier being brother is way more generic

God, I fucking hate that. It felt like Pat was dismissing the game super hard when he asked how old Liam was when he played it. And even worse, Liam didn't point that out or defend his "favorite" game when Pat implied he only says it's his favorite game because he was younger when he first played it.

Ah you fucking ignored everything else I posted, when all that shit comes with the Brother Coat of Paint.

You lose character arcs. You lose character depth. You get a character whose motivation and story beats who during certain points don't cohese and you can clearly see where he was shoved in. All the side materiel uses one over the other. The relationship with Popola and Devola lose a lot of it's significance as well.

You're a fucking idiot who can't see the forest for the trees.

"You can't say Metroid is dead even though the last good game came out 9 years ago and Other M was trash and Federation Force is nothing like Metroid, Paper Mario fans have it way worse!"

Brother Nier is literally just shonen anime protagonist #8567, guy.


Isn't Liam working towards getting every ending right now or some shit?

My favorite Liam bit is the time ethics debate.
The fucker was talking about wanting to earn his money when he plays video games for a living.



It's sad that Sup Forums is now such a fucking hugbox that we need to take screenshots from twitter to bring here to cry about because nobody here is disagreeing with each other. Because that's called "bait" now.

fucking this

Actually, we have no idea who's making Survive. They haven't even said who the director is.

Is that the guy from Impractical Jokers?

Father Nier is literally just generic western protagonist #6787

You fucking faggots always spout off this shit without looking at how much it drags down the story because anything you think is slightly "weeby" triggers you.

Nier's supposed to be a fucking 40 year old Dad right? Then why doesn't he have any fucking skill sets? Why isn't he employed as a town guard? Why has NieR barely seen any of the outside world despite being 40 years old and without having a skill set besides fighting would have clearly had to live as a mercenary.

Brother Nier doesn't have a skill set because he's a fucking teenager. That's why he has to go run errands for chump change.

Brother NieR isn't employed as a Town Guard because he's a fucking kid at the start

Brother NieR has barely knows about the outside world because he's a dumb fucking kid whose only ever left his town to go whore himself out for medicine money for Yonah.

The people who say Father Nier is better are objectively surface level people who don't care about the story's flow or cohesion.

Liam is the worst. Period.

The bigger The Federation's presence the worst the Metroid game. The Federation is the cancer that is killing the Metroid franchise. That Nintendo would dedicate a game to the very thing raping the franchise is ridiculously dumb.

it's me, ask me anything

Space Pirates

Fuck 'em tbqh

Not like they'll even be capable of even perceiving the difference anyway.

Is Vulcan Raven in it?

yes as a zombie boss

>The fact that all side material made after NieR such as the Drama CDs and side stories have Brother and not Father.
Because Nier is a Japanese game so the side media for it is mostly aimed at Japanese audinces and the Japanese version of Nier was the brother ?

>You lose character arcs. You lose character depth. You get a character whose motivation and story beats who during certain points don't cohese and you can clearly see where he was shoved in. All the side materiel uses one over the other. The relationship with Popola and Devola lose a lot of it's significance as well.
You're a fucking idiot who can't see the forest for the trees

A lot of assumptions based on a single sentence
Still a young brother character who wants to protect his sister is one of the most generic things in Japanese media

A father character is pretty unique for a Japanese game and just a video game in genral
Nier came out before the 'father characters trying to protect daughter' trend became a thing in western games

>Father Nier is literally just generic western protagonist #6787
But he's not you fucking weaboo
A father character trying to save his daughter is still pretty unique even in western games, let alone Japanese games

Physical age has nothing to do with "making more sense"
Those relationships still make sense in the new context
All of those things still make sense in the new context and that's what interesting about the regional change

>But Nier being brother is way more generic

Resident Evil Revelations 2, Silent Hill, Heavy Rain, GTA5, Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Quest V, the upcoming God of War reboot "b-but most of these games came out AFTER Nier" doesn't matter

>Said NieR was his favorite game of all time

I don't remember he ever saying that though.

Don't forget that Nier was originally made with a brother protagonist.
Even if you play as a old man and dialogue has changed, the rest of the game still acts like as if he was a young teen.
So yeah, the original is better.

You can't hide from it forever, Pat and Woolie.

Yeah, I wasn't feeling him on this. They practically feel the same way about how there franchise is being treated. The way they feel doesn't become invalid just because you like a thing.

You okay, man? I think you need to sit down and have a chocolate milk or something. Take a nap. Maybe then you'll realize that brother Nier is horribly generic and is worse than papa Nier in every way.

The federation was cool in the first game's manual and the manga, that was their best characterization. They were okay in Fusion, but the Federation presense in that game should have been a one-time deal. Eerything since Prime 2 might as well have been the called the Anthropocentric Galactic Military Regime, they're not even a federaion of alien races anymore.