Is there anything more pathetic?

And to all you neutralfags, please post some compelling choices (or non-choices) a neutral character could make.

Other urls found in this thread:>Those people that go "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I WANT TO BE NEUTRAL/type/op/

>Is there anything more pathetic?
remaking the exact same thread over and over again?

>And to all you neutralfags, please post some compelling choices (or non-choices) a neutral character could make.

Letting an aircraft carrier get rekt by refusing to sacrifice one of your teammates.

Why'd they remove Team Instinct

I want neutral options because sometimes the game gives you the choice
>help the guy
>or kill the guy
when really I just want to leave and let him deal with it himself.

Also staying neutral is usually much harder than maxing out one side or the other because of repeatable actions that shift alignment, so there should be a good reward, but 99% of the time the best reward is for having max in one direction or the other, even IF the game specifically has a "neutral' position

Not to mention "helping" or "hurting" can mean different things, I can totally help someone and they end up dead because of it.


"Look mom I posted it again."

to be fair, some of the responses on either side are a little too ham-fisted. i think people connotate wanting moderation with neutrality in mass effect's morality system.

>Implying this copypasta is relevant
>Implying any compelling "good" or "bad" choices exist
You either save the orphanage by spending all your money to keep it running or you burn it to the ground and slaughter every man, woman and child in there, making sure to rape all the females then pissing on the ashes.
Extremes are fucking retarded and forcing you into them via binary "Jesus" or "Hitler" buttons is no more compelling than giving you a choice to say "fuck both of these"

What shit game is this

There are plenty entertaining threads that gets repeated time after time.

This one isn't one of them.

Neutralfags are always cancer, just look at SMT threads

Neutralfags are the worst

Nobody cares that you think you're so cool that you're an indecisive moron that can't choose between McDonalds or Burger King let alone pro abortion or anti abortion, we just think you're annoying.

Binary shit is getting old. Especially when no reason to do one or the other is even given.

ill say it in every thread i see again, its not about having a "neutral" option, im not looking for the beige button, i want to be able to choose the good options some of the time and the evil options some of the time, in most games this means you just dont get any benefit either way.

it means most decisions in the game are trivialised down to "oh err, what am i trying to max this playthrough again?" rather than making meaningful choices based on the situation.

>can't choose between McDonalds or Burger King
How about neither, cooking you own healthy food instead.

>Neutralfags think that you should have more than two options in a given situations

>implying Wendy's isn't the superior choice
>implying that putting kids up for adoption as opposed to aborting them isn't the best choice for those not ready
Just because you faggots want to be blinded by bias to the point of failing to see a third option doesn't mean you can be salty about it

This. The problem is you have to make 100% good or 100% evil choices or you miss out on a big chunk of game content.

The issues isn't the lack of a neutral option, it's more that alignment options tend to be too much towards extremes.

And Mass Effect DOES have neutral options. It's called using regular dialog choices.

>Remaking the same threads over and over again
Fuck off

>using REEEEEEEE at all even if it is ironic.
fucking ugh
>please post some compelling choices (or non-choices) a neutral character could make.
Choosing to save humanity.
Play a SMT game.

>>fucking ugh

I have no opinion on this matter.


why do you keep making this thread?

Oh boy, he posted it again!
Seriously though Mass Effect is not a good game for being neutral, god dammit. Your literal job is saving the universe, you can't just be a bystander. Shephard is supposed to be a symbol, an inspiration for masses and for that, he has to represent something with himself, a particular way of action that people of galaxy could try to follow.

For me a game that did neutral alignment perfectly was the first Witcher. Sure, you can stay neutral in most situations, but when shit hits the fan you're left with no powerful allies to help you. That's the price of neutrality.

Now, whoever posts this pasta again and again, could you please stop? or can it at least turn into comfy mass effect thread?

Fuck off Randy.

There's some cheeseburgers out there that need your attention.

yeah, because the world needs more little fucking faggot kids, sod off

Haven't played any of the The Witcher games. How does that affect the game? Not having any allies, that is. My interest is piqued.

Why do you keep making the same thread everyday about something so trivial?

I mean, it's Sup Forums, so I could understand if you kept posting the same thread about Sean Murray and NMS or something shitpost-worthy.

i also love playing as neutral as possible in every video game i play

frig off, randy

mass effect is a terrible series and bioware should be put to death for popularizing the aweful GOOD & EVIL bar in RPGs which are supposed to be about personal choice not some bullshit predetermined light side and dark side. How about a game where its up to you to decide what the "good" choice or the "bad" choice is based on your beliefs or personal experience.

Why do you repost this thread over and over? I honestly don't understand

neutralfags are CANCER

I thought you guys enjoyed more options not fewer?

So we're doing these threads again hunh

Which is more compelling?

>Hard choice
>Hard choice


>Hard choice
>Hard choice
>Magical third option that absolves you of guilt because you're a cuckold neutral

Without too much spoilers or lore explaining, there is a conflict between two sides in the game, neither objectively good or bad. You get involved with both of them during the story for various reasons, and because of that they both want your help in the conflict, even though your character doesn't really have any reason to be directly involved, unless you want him to. In the last act of the game the conflict goes full civil war and if you sided with either faction and helped it more than you had to, they help you and provide assistance in final quests. The other faction obviously goes from not liking you before to completely hating and attacking you on spot now. If you go neutral, you can remain on more or less relations with both factions for longer, but when the full scale fight starts they are both hostile and actively trying to mess up you and your plans, because at this point basically everyone who's not with us is against us.

If you're into good story and meaningful choices I definitely recommend trying W1 and W2. The third one is unfortunately much worse in this aspect.

From a role-playing perspective, not offering players a neutral option is sacrilege.

Not every character needs to give a shit about everything. Let's suppose there was a middle-east RPG and the choices were to help Israel or Palestine.
Well fuck that I couldn't give less of a shit, why should I pick a side in something I don't give a shit about?

Catherine's "Neutral" route was the best ending in the game.

Oh, that's a really good overview, thanks, user. I'll have to check it out.

>Moralfag army has cute girls
>Edgelord army has sexy girls
>No option to forge your own crew from scratch to slap both of their shit for double the victory pussy

I have never picked a neutral option in any Mass Effect games ever.

Makes me wonder if it would be interesting to do a full neutral playthrough.
Oh wait. Of course it wouldn't.

Mass effect alignment system is laughable. Choose blue or red and then pick that every single time. They even put it in the same spot so you don't have to do any of that pesky reading.


>Is there anything more pathetic?

>Being a cuck

>send babby to college
>eat babby>Those people that go "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I WANT TO BE NEUTRAL/type/op/

That fucking autism.

we have a winner
being a cuck is an example of a neutral choice

Come on, by now you should know that we hang out with idiots.

The 'everyone who's not with us is against us' is not fully correct. At the end of the game, if you're neutral, you can convince the heads of the factions not to fight you and to focus on their real enemies.Grunts don't care, though, and will try to kill you on the spot.

It's not his idiocy that is surprising, it's his tenacity to be idiotic.

Well, user asked for gameplay consequences, so that what I meant, actual enemies fighting on the streets. And the heads will also come for your life in epilogue, even though you can convince them to leave you alone.

People just need to stop fucking whining about everything already. I know they think it makes them look cooler than the evil normies but it really doesn't it just makes them look fucking whiny and like they have absolutely no life. Also

Something which profits player.

For example, you save space kids from a space orphanage then request money for resources used and risk to yourself. know what i mean.


"good but for money" is the weakest, laziest form of neutral choice there is.

It's almost like normies can do everything a nerd can except also function normally in society. It's almost like the entire nerd vs. normies dichotomy is predicated on the false assumption that nerds are smarter, a mentality most people probably should have realized is neither correct nor useful by the end of middle school.

What about neutral through inaction?

>Main Character, the council of elders has been taken hostage! Save them!

Terrible if this means the quest just remains open.

>And to all you neutralfags, please post some compelling choices (or non-choices) a neutral character could make.+ 0 post omitted.
Just play The Witcher 1 to see how neutrality can be handeled well in games.

>all these "hurr neutral fags suck " idiots ITT
Life choices are never black or white fucking idiots

Renegon or Paragade Shepard has an actual personality instead of being an appeasing pushover or a psychotic asshole.

I hate how these games force you to either go full beta or full evil retard and punishes you for playing as you would yourself. Some decisions I want to go paragon and others renegade, don't punish me by locking me out of some options because I'm playing what my own moral compass dictates

you should be able to go full everyone is stupid except for me in an rpg especially over romance shit. if any thing is expendable, it's that garbo.

But Mass Effect doesn't do that.

Playing middle ground opens more options total than playing either side.

Except for the fact that choosing to not take extreme positions limits the amount of para/renegade points you earn, which will often lock you out of the best possible outcome for quests.

oh boy if you don't meta in an rpg you dont' get the best outcomes on everything wooooooooow

No, in fact that is not the case. That's the largely uninformed opinion of idiots.

You can get more than enough paragon and renegade points together to be able to pick both paragon and renegade options in almost every choice in the first two games, and even the ones where you're locked out of one, you're not in the other. I did not have a single choice in ME2 where I couldn't pick either or both.

Perhaps I chose more paragon or renegade options than you did. I always get locked out of the best outcomes

In my ME2 game I had every option open in all choices but five or so. Among them were the interrogation scene where I couldn't pick the first renegade option, but could pick both paragon or renegade in the next part of the interrogation. I also couldn't pick both options in the Tali/Legion and Miranda/Jack arguments, but in one I could pick paragon, and in the other I could pick renegade. There were probably a couple more choices like that, can't remember.

Of course, I did put points on speech in the first game, then imported my character in the second game which gives a large boost to Paragon/Renegade points depending on the values you had in the previous.