How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" Sup Forums meme didn't save it?

>Current Skyrim players:

>Current Witcher 3 players:

>People would still rather be playing Skyrim than Witcher 3

According to Sup Forums, a bad game like Skyrim should have lost its appeal a long time ago. How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon? But more importantly, how come Witcher 3 doesn't have as good mod tools as Skyrim?

Other urls found in this thread:


>this is the 2356246th post talking about the same stuff

skyrim has more waifus and boobs

skyrim is a sandbox where you can do anything you want. create different characters, go in a different direction every time you start up etc etc.

in witcher 3 everything is the same each time you play it. eventually you will get bored of it. and don't give me that bullshit excuse "you can change your dialogue response!", I'm talking actual gameplay.

Skyrim lends itself better to creative modding.

>implying that player count determines how good a game is

Call of Duty

>he fell for the "Witcher is GOTY" meme

>Remaking the same threads over and over again
Fuck off!

Reminder that OP is an ass annihilated Turkroach who spams this everyday.

>It's okay when Witcher shills do it!

He also spams threads about Pillars of Eternity, Batman Scores, Neutrality, Romance, Josh Sawyer being a cuck because he doesn't write pornography, among many others.

>He fell for the meme
>And realized that Witcher 3 isn't game of the year
>But game of the century

Witcher is a masterpiece with a big but limited amount of amazing content

Skyrim is a soulless modding sandbox with infinite amounts of shit content aside from some costum stories now and then


shit thread

..I am actually downloading Skyrim again right now. I played through the main story of Morrowind (finished just two days ago) and now have a hankering for a specific sort of setup that only Skyrim can do well.

no poorly animated futa waifu sex scenes in the witcher

No, the Witcher series has poorly animated sex cutscenes

Just ones nobody wants to see

the witcher series is kinda boring imo, the quests feel like a shore and the combat is waaaay too easy, no replay value at all


hehe, upboated fellow redditor!

>Bad games losing their appeal

implying that most players aren't playing the DRM free GOG version

this shit is really sad

I sincerely hope you have a team of people who post this every day, and it's not just you alone.

I think it's more like Witcher isn't a true blue sandbox series. The world is open sometimes, but you can only play a predetermined person in a set plot. Skyrim makes your own person with their own views, appearance, and the story can be anything you want. Even nothing if you just want to dick around. You can ignore the main quest if you want. Forever.

Throw in mods and you have a game with infinite long term appeal.

Bethesda are shitty devs, but they are also madmen with a good plan. Convince players to make their own best game ever over and over again.

What a cuck thing to think

And how has the player base of MW3, Madden or Fifa 2011 faired?

Pasta thread do not respond.

I find it harder and harder to mod away their shortcomings with each title though. They seem set on removing player choice by cutting skills, stats, and then doing stupid shit like forcing VAs on us.

Only Enderal was enough for me to really enjoy Skyrim again, and there's basically nothing for F4 that makes me want to go back, even the DLC. I'd rather reinstall TTW.

Since when has popularity equaled good on Sup Forums?

> Skyrim
Can fuck around
Literally do autistic shit and mod game like crazy making you feel like some sort of programmer
> W3
Need NASA Tier battle station to play
Game is super fucking linear more than first and second
Modding changes fuck all, minor tweaks here and there
Wanna replay and pick different choices? Have fun wasting hundred hours to hear two different lines of dialogue kek

>mature murder simulator with 3+ hours of cutscenes

Gonna have to say no there, champ.

I just got through with the MSQ of Morrowind, and having tried everything under the moon in that time I can safely say Morrowind gives the appearance of having a lot of openness to builds with very few actual paths to success. I guess some may say games should allow you the option to fail on your own merits, but Morrowind goes out of it's way to be misleading on a lot of how the mechanics work. Other things also seem viable at first, but have no growth potential. For others, the gameplay 'meta' changes drastically at a certain point, killing previously successful builds with one single level up. It's really frustrating when the game lies to you through implication or omission and YOU'RE the one that pays for it.

The NPCs feeling hollow is something you start feeling deeply after playing long enough, too.

I think I prefer Morrowind by far, but there are legitimate points Skyrim performs better.