How do I beat this stupid cunt and her artificial bullshit "difficulty"?

How do I beat this stupid cunt and her artificial bullshit "difficulty"?

I'm gonna say it!


hit her but also dont get hit by her


High stance
Triangle once and back off

You summon help
You'll do the actual fight when game releases, just get the reward dlc now


I literally just tried that. We won, and the game crashed as the boss outro scene was playing. Booted the game up again, and I was back at the checkpoint. The boss is still alive. This fucking game man

Artificial difficulty.


Having to study an enemy's attack patterns so you can learn to avoid and counter them effectively is not artificial difficulty.

I swear, "artificial difficulty" just means "the game isn't handing me a victory" to you children.

i cant beleve you all suck so badly.
the games not even hard. Imo ds is harder due to lack of movement

you have to be 18+ to post on this board

Mid stanced 2 kat
randomslice at her when she runs at you
you will chip damage her and totally avoid her attacks
when she flies in the air knock her out of with with ranged attacks and then run up to her and watersword her



>You summon help
And ruin the fun?


"artificial" means "made by man, not naturally occuring". All AAA games have artifical difficulty and preservatives, that's why you should always buy indie organic-difficulty games like Undertale.

so what is this game, like a samurai dark souls but fast? seems kinda cool to me. harder? easier? same? i literally dont know shit i could google it but your guys' take on it is probably more accurate than theirs

What have you done?

More like Demon's souls than dark souls, and with a percentage of ninja gaiden.

>like a samurai dark souls but fast?
basically that, deeper combat system and diablo like random loot
i'd say it's harder than souls

Its onimusha

It looks a lot more like Souls than it actually is. The combat's got a shit load more depth to it than in Souls. You can also learn new moves and shit; I wonder how complex the skills will get in the final game.

think bloodborne meets onimusha meets ninja gaiden

its core gameplay is souls-like but it's far more technical with multiple stances, unlockable skills and a diablo-like loot system

it's been an absolute blast, I've had more fun with the demo than I've had with most full length games lately

yeah, but any game with a trailer that has a fuckin' death reel automatically says "artificial difficulty" to me. so it's hard. thats a selling point?

souls meets Ninja gaiden (its made by team ninja)
difficulty is a mix between the first ng for original xbox and dark souls/bloodborne.
Def more ninja gaiden then onimusha gameplay wise.


judge a game based on what the game actually is, user, not on the marketing material

marketers will tell you anything to make you fork over your cash

yes it's hard but there's an actual game under the difficulty

there's a free beta demo currently, it'll be up until the 6th

>white washed samurai weeb

Why is everyone creaming their pants over this again?

try harder

>it's been an absolute blast, I've had more fun with the demo than I've had with most full length games lately
this lets hope they have enough content but with gameplay like this I would buy every fucking dlc.

I have both a bow and a gun with the infinite ammo perk at around 20% each. How does it work?

20% chance not to consume ammo

I have already spent around 20 hours on the demo alone, which is 2 levels and 2 side missions on only one character/build, so I think I am good for that.

Is there any indicator to when it will trigger, or do I just fire and if it does then it does?

>this lets hope they have enough content
they said it would have 20 main missions and 100 side missions
and twilight mode on top of that

Can you bare hand parry the skeletons? This is important.

>Not shooting her in the air
>Not parrying her flying charge
>Not breaking her Ki for big damage
>Not Ki pulsing
Jesus, this is like watching someone play DMC3 by just strafing and shooting. There's so many mechanics you're not using.

i never said i was good
i was just showing a fool proof tactic that helped me beat her on twilight, level 1, without taking any damage

I'm a total piss baby when it comes to these syle of games. In Dark Souls I hide behind shields and poke bosses to death. I dropped bat bitch on my 4th try with an ax in mid stance only not chi pulsing once.

She's so easy to get a clean hit on and she gives you forever to heal.

But user, every game is made by man

Is this a Chris Jericho meme?

Show us, user
Run around in circles 2 laps after victory so we'll know it was you who played

virtually her only dangerous move is a wind aoe with bullshit range
beyond that she's a predictable pushover