Why all the fucking hate for No man's sky?

Why all the fucking hate for No man's sky?

>create indie game
>internet hypes the fuck out of features you never even said were in the game

You fucking neckbeards make me sick. You LITERALLY killed the career of a potential LEGENDARY developer. I hope you don't sleep at night.

Other urls found in this thread:


The fuck are you on about you cunt. The dev said several things about features that were supposedly there but was never in the game


Maybe they should've released everything they were advertising.

Sup Forums why do you keep making these threads

>Worst girl
Opinion discarded


This is pasta


You can't just ignore someone's post because you've posted worst girl, that doesn't follow

>hypes the fuck out of features you never even said were in the game

Ryuko is cute!

Don't you dare shitpost with jakuzure on the post. That's just wrong

>not liking eyebrows

It's called marketing. Sony gave an indie title AAA marketing, and the market reacted negatively to the product as a result, expecting AAA polish and feature-set.
Consumers are only to blame to the extent that they are retarded enough to ever preorder any game, including NMS.

What the fuck are you shilling for? The whole internet already knows the game is garbage

>screenshots of dense forest environments
>literally no forests in the game
How does this happen?
No, a frozen wasteland or semi-grassy plain sparsely populated with a 6ft tree here and there is not a forest.

I want to impregnate ryuuko

>does this game have multiplayer?
>Can you interact with and see other players?

>turns out none of this is in the game

absolute madmen

I love eyebrows
But I hate Satsuki

Do you have a reason for having such incredibly shit taste?

>look mom I posted it again!

Go fuck yourself.

Kill phoneposters.

didn't you make this same exact thread with the same exact pic a few days ago?

>>internet hypes the fuck out of features you never even said were in the game
the devs said in an interview that there would be multiplayer

It's a pasta by now, most likely not even the same person. I doubt either of the posters actually have the opinions stated.

Shut up, OP. This is now a best girl thread

>guaranteed replies

>all these replies to copypasta


You first.

Is it really pasta if it was me who posted it every time?

>Is it really pasta if it was me who posted it every time?

fuck off Euzeth