Where did you place for season 2 Sup Forums?
What's the shitter cut off, 3000?
Where did you place for season 2 Sup Forums?
What's the shitter cut off, 3000?
why are you silver with 2802
this is what I want to know
That's plat bois
Oh I'm stupid, thats platinum
It's platinum
Shitter cut off is reaching master.
It's platinum
I'm gold with 2298 or something
cutoff from gold to plat is 2400
Fucking L O L
I would post a screenshot if I was at home, scored lower 4000s. How bad can you be?
more importantly, why is he still playing overwatch?
What is the equivalent to 60 from s1? I'm 2400 now
>master badge is cooler than grandmaster
Am I out of the shitter tier?
Beside gold weapons what is the point of competitive? Do you level faster? I'm only level 30 and want stuffs.
It's for competition
Placed 3000 at 8-2. I mostly played Mei and tried new heroes.
On the PTR I played 3500 while tryharding as a Zarya main. Eventually stopped around 3900.
I think Blizz shifted the window of everyone's rank by 500 points or so. People were complaining that ranks were too easy to obtain, and by the end of the season everyone would have diamond/platinum, making them less prestigious.
multiply your s1 score by 50
ah yes the overwatch community
Season 2 started? Shit. I haven't played since a week before the olympic shit ended.
fastest leveling is quickplay, competitive is for competition
I don't know what's worse
the pregnancy shit
or those fucking teeth
>You will never have sex with a pregnant woman
God damn it. GOD DAMN IT.
t. poorfag who can't pirate online games
ah yes the overwatch community
Only 2400. I've won every game, so I definitely wasn't placed very well.
It also doesn't help that all of the placement games I lost had at least one person on my team throwing.
>My last game our tanks threw the game and had the enemy team win in less than a minute after the game start.
I'm fucking furious
>Bastion on KOTH
>stands nowhere near the point
Everyone was shouting at him. There was another game we drew because our D.va was AFK for the first round.
At least I've been placed with non-assholes, I guess.
You can't place into grand master user
Why are you lying on the interwebs
Why is this game so fucking dead? Takes forever to queue up.
It takes me a few seconds. It takes a few minutes on the PTR, though. Are you playing on that server?
>zarya that doesnt give anyone shields
>torbjorn that doesn't give armor
>ana that doesn't heal
Comp is still hell
>What's the shitter cut off, 3000?
Everything after buying the game
I haven't played with an Ana yet, but I've played with a few Mercys that refuse to heal anyone that's not Reinhardt. Said Reinhardt also never uses his shield.
>Competitive Overwatch
showing other people that you are good, playing with people that actually play to win and not just to have fun
This game mode makes me hate Overwatch because I put in so much work during the matches and then we lose. This I why I stick to Quick Play so I can just do whatever the fuck I want rather then being butt hurt about a number that makes me feel depressed.
>Get 70 kills
>4 deaths
I mean, for me to get 70kills(!) I had to participate in LITERALLY ALL the action meaning that I am fucking helping and a damn good DPS. But to lose after all that work.... muh motivation to go on has depleted.
>current year
>not being at least master
>tfw friends are so bad at working together that I win more in solo queue
>spend 120+ hours playing this game
>git gud with tons of characters
>someone less experience has a better rank than me
I'm like at 3100 now