Thoughts on hbomberguy?

Thoughts on hbomberguy?

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nice shill

>its "someone wanting to generate discussion is a shill automatically" episode
fuck off

You are a shill, talk about no mans sky not some fucking loser.

>pic of loser making a derpy face
>big outlined letters no autist could miss
yep it's youtube clickbait

He is genuinely a cool guy. I like how analytical he is about this crazy artform known as vidya, and he is probably the only "SJW" (I guess you could call him that) who talks about video games that actually has well-reasoned arguments and non-inflammatory opinions and viewpoints about how female characters are portrayed.

watched for 10 seconds. cringed so hard i had to turn it off. it made my physically sick.

why is he shouting?

What are some small time channels who provide quality entertainment and doesn't screech like a banshee every video.

No, he's just male, white, and his hair isn't rainbow-colored.

Sup Forums - Twitter and Youtube

He also has a brit accent. All of these things contribute to him not getting the shit people like Anita do even though they're not that fundamentally different.

How timely! Hey, in a week or two he can come out with a video about the Battlefield 1 demo.


Sup Forums is genuinely retarded

Are we still talking about youtubers?

I liked his fallout vids but his other shit is too political and it gets annoying. And it's not like he tries to present arguments for anything; he's just a condescending prick. and I would have said this regardless of whether or not I agreed with his political views

but what do you expect from an SA user

Anita's views on games are not worth listening to, to be frank. She doesn't really understand gaming as an artform at all, and that is obvious every time she opens her mouth. Her arguments are 100% self-serving and make people angry because they have no real reasoning or fact to back them up.

I guess you could say they aren't fundamentally different because you could call them both SJWs by Sup Forums's definition but they really are completely different people with completely different viewpoints.

SJW faggot

That cringey thumbnail alone makes me want to avoid him at all costs. Why do people always have to make stupid facial expressions in thumbnails?

I think if he started making "actual arguments" It would be a waste of his and everyone's time because he would fall on a fallacy hole.

By this I mean his opponents, instead of addressing his conclusions or the gist of what he's saying they'd just list the list of logical fallacies he made, or just random inconsistencies within them.

If that's not enough they'd try to find some hypocrisy in him or address deliberately fallacious arguments that he hasn't actually made, and nobody would really learn anything.

Do they make "people" angry or do they make manchildren (and their cohorts) angry?

He has said several times that while he doesn't agree with her in every point they're not completely different.

>that overreacting face

I guess his target audience is kids?

not funny either way

So, what you're saying is, that instead of making a good argument, you think that his opponents would pick apart his bad arguments? And so it would be a waste of time to do anything other than being a condescending dick? Are you for real?

>Do they make "people" angry or do they make manchildren (and their cohorts) angry?
Oh ok. Say no more f@m

another whiny feminist idiot with terrible arguments and even worse "humor", stop spamming this garbage's videos

also sage

He's already too far gone, senpai. Just let him crawl back into his /lefypol/ shithole with all the other commie losers.

I found his Fallout 3 video to be wonderful, hopefully he'll eventually done one for 4 as well since it deserves the same treatment

>thoughts on e-celeb?
I think he's a faggot, just like you.

Just beating a dead horse at this point
No one cares about No Man's Sky anymore

Saw one video about a week ago, it was a cringe-fest parroting anita's views and filled with strawmen "arguments".

Seems like just another loser pandering to whiny womanchildren for easy clicks.

>So, what you're saying is, that instead of making a good argument, you think that his opponents would pick apart his bad arguments?

This is an example of what I said here:

>address deliberately fallacious arguments that he hasn't actually made

But with you/me. It doesn't matter how good his arguments actually are. They will still get "picked apart" because people like you for instance deliberately misread things other people say so they can dismiss them.

If you're looking at it through the lens of someone who is not actually willing to change their opinion or even validate someone who supposedly contradicts them, you can find fallacies and all sorts of things wrong with someone else's argument, even if they're not actually there.

Aw, did /leftypol/ hurt you?

What did he think about Brexit?

Now you're just trying too hard.

fucking hate this guy and his shitty goon tier sense of humor

also he goes after the lowest of low hanging fruit, i mean fallout 3? angry joe?

That's all he does in his own videos, though.

sjw, cuck, and now a shindie apologist

I don't trust anybody that can sink their chin into their neck like that.

Since you're him, answer this pls

>this picture

how can anyone take you seriously with that

Are you going to ironically use the word "triggered" next to dismiss my point like most of your ilk does?

Some liberal, Sarkeesian wannabee sheep, literally who faggot. Video Games.

Who bitch this is?

>5 thousand views
This is you.

You even got the thumbnail fag. You're never going to be a YouTuber.

Is this fitzthistlewits??

he's trying too hard to be like stewart lee

I don't understand why hbomber would even come here. It's not like we're his audience and the fags at SA are too scared to come here

well just based on le funny face thumbnail i like him already

How is it trying too hard to explain what I said?

His comedic videos are not formal arguments. He also doesn't need to be inaccurate because the people he makes fun don't need to be misrepresented to be funny.

(a) I'm not him


What did /leftypol/ do, make fun of you or something?

What the hell are people thinking when they make thumbnails like this. I'd like to see the process.

Yeah, and trying to be an unfunny lefty prick is a shit idea in the first place

I didn't know someone could get such a cringy fallacy in the first 10 seconds of a video

Will probably try to parrot feminist garbage for a few months, then will give up once he realizes he's not getting enough clicks

he'll commit suicide when Trump wins

surprised he survived Brexit tbqh


not video games

sjw cuck

>being so triggered


idk m8 i'm fairly left wing and i like stewart lee

can't stand hbomberguy though, he comes across as mentally ill to me

I wanna see her big black tits.

Damn, I didn't know fitzthistlewits was such a disgusting lefty :^(

>All these butthurt Sargon worshipers ITT

HbomberGuy destroyed Sargon in back to back vids

it represents the degeneracy of youth
never funny even as parody
kys famicom