What went right?

What went right?

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dropbox.com/s/70a76tlyg3z02or/Modification time!.png?dl=0

we all know what went right

what went wrong?



everything expect gameplay


OK I will

everything except story and characters. holy shit the characters were bland and uninteresting

continued the series so that we got a better game after

The music.

I got the feeling that the parts past mechonis got rushed. Am I right?

>yfw Shulk gets the Monado II


Mechon twist was obvious. The true form of the monado came as a surprose

Never beat this game, but it's the soul of the dude you're living on, right? That's my guess anyway.

Also what's her name comes back as a robot I bet.

The Monado is admin priviledges to a earth science machnine that shapes the universe in accord to the will of the user

its like 100 times worse
the story is great until near the end where it goes full xenosaga

Thank God for cheats so I could play NG+ without having to use the Monado III or replica monados.

>Great music, like XCX
>Good enough story to make you want to progress it, unlike XCX
>Lovable and memorable, if not cliché, cast of characters, unlike XCX
>Engaging combat for a JRPG that allows for experimentation and strategies, building combos is fun as fuck, XCX's combat expended on this and was better for it
>Fantastic setting and world design that both MAKES YOU WANT to explore and REWARDS the exploration, just like XCX
>10/10 voice acting, letting NoE localize it was one of the best accidental stroke of genius Nintendo ever had

Seriously I never get why in Xenoblade threads there's always a bunch of faggots arguing how either XC or XCX is shit, they're both amazing games and I can't wait for what Monolith produces next.

i hate this game gears and saga were actually good but this generic garbage boring uninspired piece of shit is called one of the greatest rpgs ever when in reality its below average with flat out bad gameplay and characters. the writing is so bad too a fucking literal child could have done a better job

>good story
>memorable characters

Those are things you want in an RPG. XCX lacking those things is why people shit on it.

Can I convert the iso to the virtual console format so ill be able to play it from loadiine?


What went so goddamn wrong?

>To be continued
>No sound options
That's literally it. If there hadn't been a post-credit scene and there had been as many sound options as there are camera options, the game would be a 9/10 instead of a 7.5

Good thing I'm here... no? Anyone?

>What went right?

>just cuck my shit up senpai

Well... she's alive, and so are a few half-bloods, and she's the only one of the OG crew to make it into the sequel? I guess that's it...

>tfw you relate to liking someone, only to find that the person likes someone else and you have to be the backseat

>ywn comfort melia after being friendzoned by shulk
>ywn let her cry into your shoulder
>ywn hug her
>ywn be her replacement shulk

Melia is too pure for this world

>Story was near non-existent until the last few chapters.
>Story was still quite weak (mainly due to the lack of it)
>Unless you're name was Lin, Elma, Lao, or Tatsu, you got next to no screen time and therefore little development.
>Skell combat was dull and watered down when compared to on-foot combat

That's all really, unless I forgot something.

yfw Location Discovered:Saturn

My jaw hit the floor.


>lost her mum
>lost her squad
>falls in love with a boy who's still hung over his childhood friend
>step mum and half-sister wants to kill her
>her dad and bro backs her shit up regardless, almost gets assasinated and becomes queen
>Dad dies due to fuckface
>Childhood friend is also a robot, boy almost dies saving her and then gets some 1-on-1 alone time with her. By this point she's already in the perma friendzone
>then her entire race gets ultra fucked
>her brother sacrifices himself TWICE to save her and her friends
>After all this childhood friend wins, gets her body back and she will watch them live and die while you just watch them from the distance. She won't even die for like another 1000 years, literally the only party member sides maybe Dundun who'll die a lonely virgin
Poor poor Cucklia

Except the universe of XCX and XC aren't connected unless Takahashi pulls some magnificent nonsense out his anus.

him and Hero pon were my fucking bois

Would you?

Reyn is the funnest character in the game, prove me wrong fags

>mfw Berserk + Magnum Charge + Sword Drive

>That scene

The reason I never used Fiora.

>Incomplete story due to AA budget

everything else is superior to XC

Does she have a bagina?

XCX is either the pre-reset XC universe or long future post XC reset

Or just maybe it has nothing to do with XC and everything to do with the project he has never finished and has been trying to finish since the ps1 era.

>everything expect gameplay
This guy gets it. It does indeed nail everything and it is a game with gameplay.

Honestly I cant, love him
Damn fine support beam for the team

Soundtrack is top notch.
Likeable characters.
Story at least at the start breaks usual conventions.
Great moments like entering Gaur Plains.

Nah, building combos with Dunban whose cooldowns are recharged by the time you're done with them is the most fun. Once you understand that the reason Thunder shoots backward is that he's got both a move that makes him go through enemies and a move that turns him 180 degrees, you can really get going.

I actually loved the ending twist maybe I'm a fag

Sorry faggot, best character coming through

Does it play well on Dolphin?

Everything plays well on Dolphin.

Riki's wife sucks old Nopon cock for money

It's post XC, the Earth was blown up by Zanza (alongside the universe) in the pre-XC universe. The Samaar are the decendant of the Homs.

XCX is actually the tenth game in the Xenoblade franchise, we're all on a ruise cruise, the X was a roman 10. This will be revealed when the absolute madman that is Takahashi announces they're working on Xenoblade II on NX, which will take place shortly after the beings of Mechonis/Bionis first took to the stars

Yes it's plays really well, one of the games that benefits most from the upscale

But hey I played the 3DS version which was also great

>that scene where Shulk cant chose if he wants to be a god or not, then alvis create his team to give him the push he needed
call ME a faggot, but I got realy feel good emotional

the bait is too damn strong

And when the going gets going, the tough gets trips.

gotta feed the pons some how, scrapeing off that cottage cheese with yo teeth

I fucking love just exploring in XCX, I just wish there was less admin needed to progress.

It felt like when I first played classic WoW kinda.

>tfw Takahashi is working on his decades long project for his 11+ game series
the guy is crazier than Kojima

I'm asking you a simple question

He sure is

Takahashi stopped making awful plot dumps, I suppose?

>tfw no more of this series for who knows how long

Tales of Zestiria is doing a decent job satisfying the fix with its heavy emphasis on exploration, but it's just not the same.

Well yeah, she's pretty hot. In both personality and body, so if given option I would fug her.

dropbox.com/s/70a76tlyg3z02or/Modification time!.png?dl=0

Lack of good rpgs on the wii, coupled with dozens of them on the ds.
The reality is that the only things it had going for it were above average combat and a cool setting. Every thing else was a generic cluster fuck. If the book's story is anything like the game's, that is one fucking terrible book.

They confirmed they're already in development on a new game, maybe for NX.

At least Breath of the Wild has level design by a branch of Monolith, though it'll be hard to come back to a game with puny jumps and fall damage... hopefully the Roc Feather will come back as an item that lets you moon jump.

Everything but the localization.
The localization.

>Implying the British VAs were bad.
I could get that for half the nopon but Shulk's VA was top-notch imo. I'd like to hear your opinion though, amigo.

A handful of the VAs were good, but that's not my issue. If that were the only issue a dub option to use the original Japanese would fix shit. It won't fix shit though, because they took it upon themselves to rewrite and rename all sorts of shit.

Ah I see that's the issue. Sorry for jumping to conclusions there user. What kind of things were changed?

Different user, but they renamed Blackface Metalface, possibly others but I never found it glaring enough to look into it

That's the only name change I'm aware of. That change doesn't seem so bad, and Metal Face is a better name imo.

Fiora > Fiorung
Bionis > Giant God
Mechonis > Machine God

>next game is called Xenoblade X Over-Drive

>walking thru Satorl Marsh at night
>comfy as all fuck
>all of sudden hear this music and see a level 83 monster


>mfw encountering any higher level mini-boss.

They made a comic about xenoblade chronicles
called Beautiful Darkness

>tfw will be forced to buy the new shitty nintendo console just for xeno game

>be minding my own business crossing a bridge in bionis leg
>giant bird comes down and kills my party
I kind of get why the game doesn't give you a game overs.

>Font size got reduced like in pic related
>Japanese version had more voice options for the main character
>bust slider got removed
>Other outfits either getting changed or removed completely

Literally fuck off with "localization", just an excuse for cutting content. The only real good thing that came out of this was the free Fashion gear & DLC desu.

i liked xcx until you got skells because skell combat was horseshit

Fuck I miss playing this game.

Not even Mario game have run and jump mechanics this fun

Which is a shame because the later half of Black Tar and Z29Battle, which play in Skell combat against ordinary enemies and Ganglion skells respectively are a hell of a lot better than the first half of Black Tar and the shitty later half of The Key We've Lost which play during regular foot battle and Ganglion foot battles.

>Other outfits either getting changed or removed completely
Outside of Lin, only half of an outfit got changed (the bottom half of the fundoshi). Stop making shit up.

You absolute mongoloid, OP was talking about the Wii one, not the Wii U one, you silly sausage you.


>cutscene during stardust


Not the sidequests or battle system, that's for sure.

also yfw Bionis Slash X

I'm actually just now replaying the game on a new account after dropping it in January because I was sick of the post-game grind needed to 100% the survey, and it's fucking fun as shit to just run around and explore Mira all over again. I decided to mix things up and become a Galactic Knight this time around, a class I never played before (I completed its tree using old weapons and arts of trees I had already cleared because I didn't want to invest BP in it) and I'm having a fucking blast.

I'll hold out on getting my skell license for as long as I possibly can and explore the most I can on foot, because I never really got to explore Sylvalum and Cauldros on foot and always regretted it after I found out that there where teleporters to take you to the mining bases in Cauldros.

I dare say the game is MORE fun on a replay when you have an idea of what the fuck you're doing.





fucking kek thats spot on

>Literally have all the elements of a good mmo
>X was practically an offline mmo and you fucking know it
>STILL no Xenoblade MMO
Maybe the NX will deliver, right...?

Is there a translation of the perfect works?