Friend asks me to play dota with him

>friend asks me to play dota with him
>start game
>graphics are shit, movement is clunky, can't recall to base have to walk all the way back
>way too many settings
>like 2000 tool tips for one champion's spell
>no brush
>map design is retarded
>no skillshots
>can kill someone in 1 skill

Honsestly, why do non 3rdworld players play dota? league is so much better in every aspect.

Other urls found in this thread:


I had a similar experience. How this game attracts players I have no idea, the character design is so bad

there are way better league clones. (smite)

Weak bait tbqhwyf

pure autism
both are filth
or more like that whole genre is filth

I guess it's a "funny images made by dota players" thread

>playing ASSFAGGOTS ever
Probably the worst "genre" ever imagined

Me on the very top left that is also seen in the other panels

fuck both


>File: heroesofthestormmap.jpg (84 KB, 800x473)
> (OP)
>fuck both



same desu

isn't dota mostly just russians and indians? I like to play with mature english speakers, so.

get off Sup Forums gramps

its all brazil and peru at this point

League always has like 100k viewers on twitch while dota has 30k

League is twitch based, DotA is strategy based. Thats why League is easier to learn, which gives it broader appeal. You won't find anything in League like Meepo, you won't find anything in DotA like Vayne.

Outside of having the same win conditions, the games are nothing alike.

Isnt that supposed to be the most casual shit ever?

Was DotA in 2003 better than ASSFAGs are today or was it pretty much the same? Player base was probably much better.

>you won't find anything in DotA like Vayne.
Tell me about Vayne.

its insane how far up the walls are to each other.

HotS would have been a million times better as hero vs hero only game like Bloodline Champions

my main man

pewdiepie has brasilions of views on youtube while your favourite youtuber has 10


vayne takes skill though while in dota you can litterally 1 click champs dead.

Designed to remove the flaws of other assfaggots. All XP is shared. Everyone can roam around. A smaller arena corrals players together into team fights and objectives.

So it removes the need for cooperation and the desire to flame and rage. It could be plus. Im not a good player.

basiccally overwatch

I actually forgot this was even a thing. I've never heard anybody talk about it.


I played it because my friend practically forced me to play it with him. It's kind of fun sometimes but it feels even more snowbally than LoL is. A one level lead especially when they pass a talent level is nearly impossible to come back from.

I actually do kind of like the talent system and the way skills scale throughout the game, even if you end up just picking the same optimized build every single game.

>an extremely fed carry hero can one-shot another
If you're at that point, either you or the enemy team sucks ass

Only reason I prefer LoL over DotA is that the tank movement in DotA drives me nuts

Jesus fucking christ

>press monkey button
>press monkey button
>press monkey button
>the 3 hit blast in EVERY FUCKING LEL HERO kills the enemy
uh oh 6 apm

This. No matter how much faggots try to deny it, any fed champion becomes a killing machine

Vayne relies on the proper use of the Q and orb-walking with her low range. Even if you are fed as fuck, if you get caught it's game over since you have no escapes

dota doesnt even have proper champion names. they have champs named Snake (looks like a snake), Axe (red guy with an axe), Bow (lady with a bow). It's borderline lazy and retarded

what a game ruining aspect
what you ignorantly just shat out from your fingers however is a lie, every single hero has a name, some of which are used in place of their title

this, league confirmed better than dota move on.

They have a hero named axe.

The rest are lies made up by you.

And dota players know the real reason they don't have their full names now is because copyright. Dota 1 had their full names before but now they just simplified it to save money and stop fighting about the names.

They do have names, they're just refered to as those. Snake's name is David for example

what were they thinking?

Ranged hero who is based around basic attacks and positioning. Her only non-auto based ability requires knocking people into walls for a stun.

The reason a hero like her doesn't work in dota is turn speed. Her range is short enough that she is easy to catch, and if she gets caught, she dies near instantly, to maximize her effectiveness, you need to be able to handle mixing kiting in between basic attacks that can launch as fast as twice per second, which makes her very twitch action based.

Since in DotA its impossible to turn around instantly, it makes that playstyle impossible to implement.

Heres a sample from a league match where Vayne kites as the entire enemy team does everything to try and dive her. (Player's name is CLG Doublelift)

completely correct desu
valve can't even call it Defense of the Ancients, or even Dota 2, it must be DOTA 2
fuck blizzard

i play LOL because I have quick thinking times so it's better for me. In dota, everything you do has like 5 second delay.

This game is so awful and braindead I actually feel guilty playing it when I did.

>describe Drow
another retard who hasn't even done his research

Dont lie, you never played it, or your jsut an old fart that only like TRADITIONAL MOBAS.

dota players love to brag abount their prize pools being 2x more, but leage actually pays their pro players a SALARY.

Actually wouldn't the playstyle of Vayne work in Dota if you were to make her roll work without turning?

She could auto attack then roll in a direction to face there and keep running.

Except Drow is nothing like that and you're dumb?

Drow plays nothing like Vayne. I'm not criticizing DotA, just saying that it isn't as twitch reliant as League.

He's just shitposting and baiting for (You)'s
Just stop replying

YOu mean drow isn't a right clicker with a push away skill and frost arrow for kiting?

she could just have 0 turnspeed like io

It's exactly what he described, a powerful ranged carry who does jack shit when people are on top of her and must balance attacking and maintaining distance.
This covers everything but her flash bandage fix.

>lying on an anonymous imageboard
for what purpose?

>dismissing an argument by calling it bait
wow, you sure showed all of us

Why is it that some people (Especially Dotards), get so assblasted by the fact that LoL is the easier game to play?

those are LeL players my man

Not the other user, but Drow is closer to Ashe than anything.
Vayne is more about using low movement abilities/stealth to move around while kiting and attacking.

League of Legends posters must have some of the lowest IQ on this board, close to Overwatch posters i believe.

All mobatards have double digit IQ

Why do people care what video games other people they dont know play? It doesnt even matter.

their only overlap is a slow aa toggle
the cone abilities serve opposite purposes and the other two abilities are completely different

my fucking sides

Nothing good ever happened in their lives so they complain about other people playing things they don't like.

LeL needs to sustain itself by taking a shit on other games like Blizzard
That's why Tencent sabotages every WCA

obvious troll is obvious

>dota 1 made by Chinese lol fans

10/10 mad

Except that Drow isn't drafted for team fight control in Dota's current meta - she's mostly a pusher and backup DPS hero that gets carried by a powerful mid ranged hero and a play making offlaner.

Its actually fun to argue good and bad things about a game, or recent trends, opinions about a game, or just for the sake of bashing or praising a bad game or a developer. I like seeing different points of view of the same thing

Watching a civilized and smart conversation betwen two people in this board is like watching an eclipse, its amazing when it happens

uninstalled today, but definitely better than lol and dota

Gonna deconstruct this piece by piece, just give me a second.

calm down sport
LeL players have only had one meta for 5 years, you can't drop this on them

You could easily make a hero like vayne in dota. Just make her turnrate really quick, like wisp's or something like that.

Now, making meepo in lol would be something I'd like to see.

LeL won't add micro at all beyond a butchered version on one unit sometimes available to a very small number of champions

I mean, it's not like Dota has no twitchy heroes whatsoever. I mean, look at Storm and Ember.


>posting buzzfeed tier clickbait articles
Draven's Q is a literal damage boost that only lasts as long as you orb-walk properly

There absolutely is kiting in dota. What are you fucking talking about? Have you ever played against Drow Ranger, or Clincz, or any squishy ranged right-clicker, for that matter? They absolutely will use orb-walking if you're not playing in the 1k trench.

If you're chasing a motherfucker, you'll atack, take a few steps, attack again. If a motherfucker is coming at you, you will attack, move towards tower, turn around, attack. Did you ever fucking play dota? Now, this is done best on heroes with a slow on their attack, like viper or drow, but really, any hero can and does kite.

Now, you can't make a hero based around that, I'll give you that. But not because of some stupid shit like turn rates. The reason you can't make a hero like that work, is mobility items. Sure, kiting is cool and all, but if a void blinks in 2000 units towards you, and chronoes your face, no amount of kiting is saving you. Your wisp with teather-relocate, maybe. Your Naga Siren with Song, maybe. Putting some wards down, maybe. But not twitching like a retarded cockroach.

Batrider's wet dream I guess.

It's ironic shitposting, user. Don't be autism.

>copied LoL in every aspect
They were both copies of DotA: AllStars
>far superior game
Not a fact so it isn't worth putting in
>you can kill your own minions (fuck logic)
They're fucking pawns, why not kill them to get an advantage?
>harder to be good at
You can't really factually prove this, but it has much less depth to the mechanics than Dota
>more interesting graphics
I agree, because it's kind of a visual clusterfuck. Dota has a much more consistent visual aesthetic
>is shit
>has bugs
Not as bad as league with bugs
>first of its kind
What the fuck?
>very easy
Again, subjective, but it has more depth to mechanics than league
>everything is OP
Yeah, it's more interesting and balanced that way, rather than every character is the same and some characters do it better
>far more unique and fun characters
Unique is wrong, fun is subjective
>you can't be good at it, it's too luck dependent
The luck can all be manipulated to the advantage of the better player though
>has more players because it's good
I don't need to argue here, there's a billion arguments for why pop is not = good
>more realistic
>listens to its community
Both of these games have tard communities, I'd rather not have them influencing the game in any way
>Dota 1 was made by Chinese lol fans
>has boring and op champions
Basically same as one of your earlier points
>actually is balanced
Only 5 heroes were unpicked at DOTA's international mainstage. The game isn't balanced perfectly, but it's waaaay better than league's balancing, where every update there's a new champion with 100% pick ban rate

oh jesus christ why, it's clearly satire
your points aren't even as concise as they could be
disclaimer: I fucking despise LeL with every fiber of my being

why don't you all just play starcraft2?

your game is dead and gone gooklover
crawl back into your general

Jesus Christ. Someone, screencap this.

Honestly Dota 2's input lag or "cast time" really bogs the game down. It's no longer a duel of the best gunman, but a game that's completely won or lost at pick screen. It's like chess, slow and a little bit more "intellectual", as combat is basically turn-based.

LoL in comparison would be like Starcraft Brood Wars in comparison. It's about skill, understanding of the game, and intuitiveness. Combat is real time and the lack of cast times and turn-rates make the game feel more active.

I like both, I feel like Dota 2 is more relaxing while LoL is more intensive and stressing.

I'm on phone, so I'm trying to be brief, so my b on that part

They're both fucking terrible and mind numbingly boring. It's also probably not just a coincidence that every fan of MOBAs I've met is a socially retarded ass clown

You actually did it.
You actually replied with a serious post.

>hurhur you can't prove lol is better!!

Paragon is the best.

Cast time and turn rates are VERY important balancing tools.

Turn rates allow melee carries to exist at all, because it means that ranged heroes can't just kite them around all day every day.

Cast time on the other hand, balances powerful spells. Leshrac and Earth Shaker has very powerful spells and would be very overpowered if it wasn't balanced by the fact that they take a relatively long time to cast. Contrast that with rubick with a relatively lackluster tools but he has zero cast time, meaning his spells will almost always come out when you want them.

Makes the game's movement a bit slower sure, but it means you have to make your movements more deliberate and have to predict where you need the spell to land based on cast time.

Why even make a contest of this? ASSFAGGOTS is the worst no matter what

battle of mobas

serious no offense but this shit is not even considered a game

i still don't get how peruvians are in so many dota games when their country is small as shit

I want Mordekaiser in DotA
>inb4 gay waterman of bad puns
That agh's is fucking trash, why would i spend 4200 gold to make a sub-par duplicate of my teammate
I want to bitchslap enemy team using their own carries.

This. LoL mechanics are flashier and more entertaining.

This to be honest family.
> Dota 2
> relaxing