Breath of the wild

I'm honestly a little surprised to see no one talking about much of it

Who's looking forward to it? I'm getting hyped for it already tbqh

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm excited. But I'm playing skyward sword for the first time now and after replaying the other 3d zeldas it looks like something is missing from what we've seen.

I can't really explain it. Like, that weird charm that the NPcs and towns and locations and music in zelda games have. This game looks a lot more generic in that regard.


I don't wanna play this thing on a shitty 720p handheld.

>thinking that something with a map size compared to the upcoming game would even be able to fit one fourth of the game into a 3DS cartridge

I am just trying really hard not to overexpose myself to it. I already feel like I dipped myself far too much after E3. I just wanted to dip my toe and take a little peak, but instead it became a full plunge and dive and now I don't really want to look at the game again until it's close to release.

>I'm getting hyped for it already tbqh

Why? Did you fall for the open world meme? Even then, expecting a good open world game from a team with little to no experience in that regard from a company that hasn't made a decent game in years for a series that hasn't had a good game in years is pretty dumb.

I'll play it if it's good (but they'd have to get me to buy a WiiU first), but getting hyped -- especially with the fucking nothing they've shown us -- is pointless.

>a ~20gb game does not fit in a 32gb sd card

am i missing some logic here?

open world meme is worrying

nobody owns a wii U so getting hyped is pointless since nobody is going to buy one for one game

>3DS Cartridge

You do know there are 500 GB cartridges now right :^)

I've got news for you bub. At /vr/, we're working on a zine that will expose BotW. This is not a Zelda game you'll be able to keep unspotted from until release. Just cannonball into the water already.

Can we get a general going on /vg/? I think it would be more appropriate to discuss this on a general, even with the small amount of info we have

>we're working on a zine that will expose BotW

It's a meme, you dip.

>I'm honestly a little surprised to see no one talking about much of it
you fell in coma after e3 2016?

They showed off too much of the game after that e3 tbqh

I should say "cover BotW," and Zelda in general, not so much expose. Pic related.

I think you're a good 3 months behind the times bud.

It will be shit.

Dungeons with Physics puzzle, Open World full of nothing...

Fujoshitter bait, and it looks like they're going to put more effort into the 'open world' shit that games try to do recently. I'm worried it's going to deviate too much from the original series where every place in the world had a set purpose, and you didn't really need to grind to achieve what you needed to.

Maybe I'll end up getting it when it's down to like $20 though.

Oh wait, you're not. After 40 generals, /lozg/ finally died.

I haven't caught up with so much due to shit Internet, I was only able to see a little bit of the E3 gameplay and some things like wolf link. Barely saw any of Nintendo direct so I've kinda been stuck under a rock
someone please enlighten me ;_;

That's probably because as far as we have seen, we haven't seen any of the towns in the game, nor have we gotten to see any NPCs beyond the old man and the people at the end of the trials. I guess koroks would count as well, but we don't know how they fit in the larger picture of the game yet. As for the music, they haven't precisely played much of that either, so we don't have much to judge by, then again, they are going a bit untraditional with that, at least in the overworld.

There were a ridiculous amount of threads bro you missed the fun times, now it's just shit posters if you make a thread about it. Like this faggot.

Why would we be talking about it? Was new information revealed recently?

who's actually the team working on this?

OP here, for clarification this is me

Well let's see, where to begin..

>Link is over a hundred years old.
>The Temple of Time is implied to be related to the one in Ocarina of Time. They share the same music if you speed it up four times.
>Zelda's Lullaby plays when the mysterious voice speaks to him.
>the old man's theme slowed down is Ganondorf's theme or the King's. You decide.
>the opening theme for the trailer shares the first few notes with OoT's opening arguably. Swedish music expert studied the trailer and realized that the ending tune can be spliced into the half-way point and works.
>/vg/ has pieced together the entire in-game map or most of it.

Behold, /vg/'s greatest accomplishment!

I am but i'm gonna be careful since Nintendo has done nothing but disappoint me these last few months.


Did they give any new information during the direct?

This is pretty much where I'm at. I haven't actually purchased any Nintendo products since Gamecube and if the rumors about NX are true, it'll probably stay that way.

Maybe I'll pick up a used Wii U or something.

Sup Forums talked about it every day for months. And I still see daily threads for it. The hype has just gone from 'WE WON E3!' to 'When is it coming out?'

People are too busy shitposting about FFXV and other stuff nobody has any right to care so much about. Maybe that means this thread won't turn completely insufferable and full of constant arguing for no reason

whoops never mind

>Koroks are a thing, that means that the game is post wind waker/phantom hourglass


>a game doesn't look as vibrant and detailed as a concept painting
You're blowing my mind here.

>Art vs gameplay
You must be 18+ to post here

>missing the entire DS generation
At least tell me you emulated some games, user.

>that weird charm that the NPcs and towns and locations and music in zelda games have
They haven't shown the towns yet, but there have been confirmations by Nintendo that it has them. They're being guarded about them because of how it relates to the plot.

No, I don't play on handhelds.

He's joking. Hot damn.

I think people are still excited, but since there's been no new info since E3 we've pretty much just exhausted all there is to talk about for the time being.

Assuming the NX version is superior, it pretty much guarantees I will buy that console on launch day. I haven't felt that way since Melee with the GameCube.

>a literal fucking year
I for one am looking forward to The Legend of Zelda: Boyhood.

>>Koroks are a thing, that means that the game is post wind waker/phantom hourglass
I thought BoTW was in a different timeline.

Are you that one fag who keeps going in 3ds/vita threads and shitting on the games?


Sup Forums will explode with threads again for every significant update. After all we've yet to even see Zelda's design, a full-on dungeon or most of the gadgets other than weapons.

Cool, just making sure.


Nintendo hasn't announced it yet. Koroks for all you know are the true form of Kokiri. TWW only says they took the form of them, not that they "evolved" into them.

Significant difference user(s).

Not that guy, but why do you care? MUH LEGION mentality?
*tips fedora*

any new info since e3?

Looks like shit, Aonuma is a fucking hack

Link is so feminine now they've had to go on record to confirm his gender multiple time

Nah, it's just that if you're here long enough you start noticing posting tends.

Yeah, right. Whatever helps you sleep at night and not confront your people skill issues, and the fact you browse here too much.

Seriously, projecting that because he shares an opinion he must be a recurrent shitposter? Tsk. -_-

You sound a little upset user.
Are you by chance the said shiposter?

I'm upset? Look at you. Seems like you don't even know who you are, so you project as much unto anonymous figures on an imageboard.

Open world games need a bit of a tech standard to impress. An open world that can be run on a toaster is a done to death concept.

Zelda can't even reach the technical standard of Witcher 3, and Witcher 3 is barely above average.

That is definitely hyrule castle theme

I just hope they don't anime it up like they have since wind waker. Just focus on good gameplay and a non homo looking Link please.

We saw, everything is physics puzzle.

Japaneses are so behind in game design that they think it is great.

I bet that there will puzzles that you will need to retry 3724732 times before get it right, just like Banjo Nuts and bolts.

>Bought a N64 for Ocarina of Time.
>Bought a Gamecube for Wind Waker.
>Bought a Wii for Skyward Sword.
>Will buy a WiiU for Breath of the Wild.
I'm not talking about it because I don't want to get burned out or spoiled.

>I was pretending to be retarded

The last 2 3D Zelda games were shit and I have no reason to believe this will be different.

It happens after ww/ph. Screencap this

>Twilight princess
Opinion discarded

But he's right. TP is the worst Zelda game tied with Phantom Hourglass.

If you beat that boring piece of shit more than once, you're legit autistic.

>a game with at least some merit, in the form of side content, is as bad as phantom hourglass and WORSE than skyward sword
Wanna know how I know you're parroting people on this board?

>He thinks Twilight Princess is bad

>Link is so feminine now they've had to go on record to confirm his gender multiple time
How could anyone think that's a bad thing

As long as he stays male, all good. Plz stay male and no optional gender.

I'm usually at least looking forward to new Zelda titles (with maybe a bit of declining enthusiasm starting with TP), but I am genuinely hyped for BotW.

An open world action-adventure with an emphasis on robust interacting mechanics, and presumably not overly burdened with RPG-style grinding, rubber-banding, and stat wank, is just what I've been looking for.

These threads always expose the optimistic shit eaters.

Game will be shit.

It's not as unbelievably terrible as SS or Phantom Hourglass but it's still awful by Zelda standards.

Skyward Sword had some originality. Twilight Princess was shit a shitty retread of things came before and Okami.

B-but my snaggletooth loli waifu!

Skyward Sword took everything that was already terrible about Twilight Princess, multiplied it by 4, then sprinkled on its own heap of problems on top.

I'll take bland and mildly shit over original and completely unplayable. I wouldn't tell anybody to play Unlimited SaGa, ever, even though the game is innovative.

It os shit, accept it.
I beat it two times because I used to love the series, but I'm not in denial anymore.

Majora's is pretty shit too, specially the dungeons.

>Pic related

He fails to really explain why that logo's a big deal.

In Japan, Zelda games have used the English "The Legend of Zelda" logo since Ocarina of Time. Every title since, even "Triforce of the Gods 2".

Breath of the Wild is the first game in over two decades to use the "Zelda no Densetsu" label.

>completely unplayable

Says more about you than the game :^)

It's not the controls that make it unplayable, it's the completely shitty game built around them with loads of padding, hours upon hours of text and shitty cutscenes, tutorials, lack of enemy variety, there is no enjoyment whatsoever to be gained from Skyward Sword.


>Poochie amiibo
>Zelda BOTW confirms that amiibo can summon companions
>Wolf Link amiibo summons Wolf Link
>Poochie amiibo summons ???


It's most original aspect was a fucking David Bowie/Errol Flynn abomination.

Zelda, sadly, has only five good games. And they are the first 5.

>Zelda 2

Aonuma you can't finish your game if you keep shitposting about octoroks on Sup Forums.

I bought a Wii u for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero.

It is actually good. But it is different.

Dude, BoTW is literally a system seller game.

That's why it they are holding it until the NX launches

>WayForward cancelling PS3 version of Shawn's Tee

I guess Wii U version for me too.

That is true, all of his games were rushed, except for Twilight Princess and the shit DS games and the 3DS one.

Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker, Skyward sword, Four Sword Adventures were all rushed.

They didn't even created new assets for the Four Sword Adventures, goddamit.

Thanks user. Informative.

That's an outright lie, people have been talking about it a lot. Stop being disingenuous.

The gameplay elements are nothing new, they are ideas that have already been discussed of what some would like to see in a video game. It's good that Nintendo is doing it however, and the way they did it has been cool. I am just worried about the monster not giving you enough of a challenge, from what it seems even the scrubs playing could easily win the game with their eyes close.

I am not impressed by the graphics so I'd like to see the NX version.

Cansomeone please give a link or the sauce to the BoTW music analysis? It was such a great video and couldn't find it again. Thanks in advance

Fuck, I honestly thought this would be a sequel to Zelda II

>Link looks similar to his Zelda II incarnation
>Empty Hyrule
>Old man

Yeah, whether they intend to or not, changing the logo like that is effectively carrying a message of "ignore the last TWO DECADES of Zelda".

I'm hyped and it sounds great. I'm ignoring everything about it though so that I go in blind. Did this with xenoblade x and it was one of the best experiences I've had in the longest,that open world was sexy as fuck. Also waiting to see how the nx and wii U versions differ. I expect the nx version to end up being delayed

The nx is something I haven't kept up with, is that just a gamepad console?

nintendo never gave any clear statement of the console. so your guess is as valid as ours

There are not many people who were lucky enough to try it, so they don't know what's heading their way... and oh boy... do they not know what's heading their way ;)