How did your placement matches go, user? :)

How did your placement matches go, user? :)

Lost all of them


Lost the first 2, decided I was a shitter and quit

I'm not going to play them

Dead game.

Blizzard put an authenticator onto my account when I didn't want one, so I had to go through support to get it removed and I couldn't log in. Little did I know that my friends who I play the game with were doing their placement matches all last night and are continuing to do them today, so it'll be a total crapshoot if I'm gonna be able to actually play with them or not within the 1k range.

Thanks, Blizz!


2166 or something


Placed 2550

I lost my first 4 then went 6-4

Bronze! Managed to get a medal at least lol, 3rd rank not a bad start.

I'm still salty after getting an XP penalty for leaving in the middle of a fucking unranked game, Blizzard need to quickly get rid of the autist that thought that was a good idea to implement.

It's not blizzards fault your shitty friends didn't wait for you

4 draws
3 losses
3 wins
Gold league.


You only get an XP penalty if you quit a significant portion of your games though? Stop ragequitting and you'll be fine.


>Six randoms against two premade trios

This system is absolute garbage.

Yeah but unranked
It has no cooldown from what I saw cause I quit games fairly far apart

And you're replaced almost immediately in an unranked game, so Blizzard has some serious mental retardation in their company to think that an XP penalty is deserved for ragequitting in unranked.

>Get put up against premades constantly as a solo player
>People refuse to stick to the characters they are the best at
>People refusing to adhere to 2 tanks 2 healers meta
>People picking offense heroes that suck fucking dicks at killing shit
>le ebin mei trol xd
Just drown 90% of the playerbase.

It's still a loss evade and it sucks for those who are joining, since your team is probably shit

>I wanna ragequit and ruin everyone's fun

You're lucky you don't get a ban, boyo

What if Mei is my main?

Then drown.


If you're in quickplay then stop bitching, and if you're soloing comp then you're a clown

>2 tanks 2 healers meta
please refrain from ruining video games. thanks and have a good day.

>People refusing to adhere to 2 tanks 2 healers meta
I would settle for just drowning you

Drown in your cum?

>People refusing to adhere to 2 tanks 2 healers meta
Kill yourself.

does anyone know what the little lighting bolt and the box under that appear on the left side mean?

3055 working on getting into the master tiers

t. rank ~2000 shitters

cant be the only one who feels like this game is 100% down to the team you get paired with. It kind of pisses me off, you can't carry the same way like in TF2 if your team is shit, there is so much instakill/stun/movement altering bullshit in this game, and the skill ceiling is so low, no physics to master or skillbased movement, even if you hit all your shots as mccree or something, you can still never carry

If you don't want meta shenanigans fuck off to quickplay, you have no excuse now.

I know what you're saying but I've seen Genjis and McCrees carry pretty hard.

Haven't started them yet. Ended up at 56 best last season, so I'm practicing a bit before placement.

"Meta" in this game is counterpicking. If you don't counterpick you shouldn't be playing this game competitively.

>i-it's not like I like winning or anything anyway!!!!
>I main Mei xD it's just le game bro

Fuck off idiots.

Well yeah, it's a TEAM-based shooter; you have the luxury of being able to build a team out of friends if you don't want random shitters slipping you up

Even then ults let you be more of a one-man apocalypse than TF2 ever did

>tfw tired of playing zarya or support every match but apparently it's the only thing I'm good at because we lose whenever i don't

>Purposefully go out of my way to fuck with meta-policing shitters like
>end up in plat/50, roughly same as last season
>gonna work my way up to diamond/60, same as last season

You were either queuing comp solo or complaining about team comp in a casual game, either way you only have yourself to blame


Ranked is so stressful, I'm holding off for now.
Was 60 last season so I'm hoping I'll at least reach diamond.

I'm tired of playing support when no one else wants to.

>Always forced to play tanks because two faggots instapicked offense heroes
>Could be wrecking shit with Genji or McCree instead
>Still get golds in elims and damage by the end of the game on top of being a tank
There's no other game, not even SF4 which I played for 8 years, that has made me want to tie down faggots on a chair and scream how fucking bad they are at their faces like this one.

>playing ranked the first week
it's like you want to fuck up your life

>lose 7 placement matches
>2 of them had people disconnecting causing me to lose instantly
>win every game afterwards
>was rank 67 in season 1

Fuck this calibration was brutal, I calibrated as gold and instantly reached platinum minutes later

Ok so I got placed just ten points below diamond. I've heard people are able to see the rank you initially placed at or something like that, will I be tainted with this shitty silver or whatever the fuck medal they gave me for the rest of the season?


There's barely any difference. You're better off scouting good players in QP in-between seasons and then tackle ranked together.

>choose Lucio
>win every game

>choose Mercy
>lose every game

Such skill

Playing mine now not looking good.


3 L, 7 W. Placed in 2499 no joke.
Just played on more game and was promoted to plat.

W4 L5 T1 Was placed around 2300

A lot of it can be blamed on a friend, but it's only a game so it doesn't really matter.

Lost 6.
Here's the kind of cocksuckers I got teamed with.
>frontline zenyatta who refused to heal anyone, even if we spammed heal me
>attack Bastion who got 0 kills and eventually switched to widow to get.. 0 kills
>Genji who ragequit halfway through a stalemate because a LUCIO kept pushing his shit in
>Ana 'main' who didn't manage to pop a single ult in a whole game

Is the playerbase getting worse and worse or is it me?

I consistently got 4 gold medals every game, 5 when I played Zen. Eventually I said fuckit and just locked pharah every match regardless of team comp or map and had 100% more fun and managed to carry 3/4 of my wins (one was genuinely a decent team). This matchmaking system is a fucking joke built to psychologically torture solo qeuers

>People who willingly throw the game away after getting just one point
>People who throw the game at all
Gas them, just fucking gas them all.

this is legitimate advice, but i'd still avoid playing ranked early in the season

It does have a cooldown. You just have to play a couple of games without quitting like a bitch. Not that hard.

placed 59 last season, solo que to 71

went 0-10 this placement.

5 out of 10 games someone left, and 2 out of the last 5 games someone said "im trying out hanzo"

I don't remember my W/L but I ended up with like a 2564 rating. I don't really care though because this game is garbage.

The faggot should've been trying him out before ranked dropped.

The placement match MMR seems to throw wildly disparate players into matches together just to see what results jumble out. If you manage to place in high Plat/low Diamond, it filters out some (but not all) of the shitters.

Won 3, Lost 7. 2178 placement. Fuck my life this may have been worse than my season 1 placements. How is it that you encounter so many unholy retards in placements? IF ME, A LUCIO HAD GOLD IN ELIM, DAMAGE DONE, HEALING AND OBJECTIVE KILLS THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG. I lost two games having gold medals in all of those categories playing as lucio. Fucking how. I'm also getting matched against premade parties and that is always fun. Having matches with Torbs on KOTH, Ana's that troll by deciding to nano boost me on purpose, both junkrat AND hanzo as our dps's on attack in which they refuse to switch because "that's what they're good at" and then proceed to never do a single ult... fucking how do these people exist. It's going to be a horrible, horrible climb to diamond for me.

Make some friends? At least you can suffer together.

>Lost 4 matches because retards with bad computers / connection join and keep getting disconnected all game
>Retards INSIST on going dual healer on hold the point maps even though it's SHIT on those "THE META SAYS IT'S BEST, THE META SAYS IT'S BEST"

Won all 10. Being a Lucio main with a good team is based.


7 wins
1 loss

Doing my 2 other placement matches tommorow.

How did you guys get placed so high? I went 7-3 and only placed 2069

Wait until the weekend is over, kids go back to school on Tuesday

It went alright i guess, it went better the first season tho

When the fuck will they buff Symmetra?

Its certainly almost a joke with how one sided her Vs Winston is. Even Bastion can kill a Genji or two


Got placed at 2764.

Pretty bad, like 3-7. How low is 2500ish?

Jesus fuck, you're me.

It's like If I don't pick Zarya or Zen you get stuck with overly offensive reins who run out and think rein smash is how it's done or worse fucking Mercy mains who stick to their butt buddy the whole game

>solo queue all ten

I don't even have a right to complain, I guess.

Are you saying that Mercy is shit and Lucio is huehue jesus? Because this is true.

>win 3 gmaes in a row
>lose 1
>5th game on Eichenwalde
>Me and my team have never played on it before
>we still win

Currently 4-1 right now, wish me luck lads

She's just too fucking situational. That's not buffable. Still see more Symmetra played than I do Bastion.

3-3 because sole queuing and Blizzard keeps their fucking 50-50 matchmaking for competitive

>Not charging orbs point blank on winston and then murdering him with focused beam

I'm not saying she isn't situational as fuck, but a good one can put in work.

>staying during a complete steam roll


Lucio is good against genji though, he cant deflect the sonic blast and lucio can heal faster than genji can do damage if he amps it up

Yeah man a good symmetra can be the devil basically.

If anyone needs the buff it's dumb ass Winston. Especially with this Hanzo meta we're in right now.

He can reflect Lucio's basic attack if that's what you mean.

I've tried 4 and draw two and split the other two. Does drawing account for anything?

To answer your question

Yes, the playerbase is getting worse because a lot of people stopped played after season 1 ended.

>needing buff
>can jump to and kill shot any 150-200 class in about 2 seconds

Currently 3-2, kinda nervous

6-4, got 2600 some. Last placement match I had 2 teammates rage at each other and both afk in base because they wanted each other to change character, then spazzed out when we told them to stop crying and just play

I've had a lot more good teammates using mics than retards but goddamn do the bad times stand out

>50-50 matchmaking
I love this meme, when shitters think the matchmaking is somehow conspiring to keep them down rather then just that they can't git gud. Funny how the pros never seem to run into this fifty fifty meme

nigga please.

Winston is dead before he gets half his clip on a halfway decent tracer

Well if you're an idiot jumping into a whole team, that's your bad not winston being weak

No the secondary blast

>Genji starts deflecting near me after shuriken poking
>I've already self-healed most of the damage
>Sonic blast him through deflect and punch him a few times
>He lets his guard down
>triple-tap him dead


Anyone who's played this game for more than an hour or two is a master of it

3 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses. Bretty bad, IMO. I've gotten at least 1 gold every time though, so I'm confident that I'll place at around the 1000 mark.

>genji nerfs today

so looking forward to ranked.

>win 9 from 10 games
>last game is with tviq from rouge and 2 of his friends
>we stomped them
>get diamond
gg ez