Why do video game developers want to oppress women?

Why do video game developers want to oppress women?


>It's a "Faggot OP is still giving the attention whore the attention she craves three years later and hasn't learned by now" episode

It's actually a lot of fun. Try it sometime.

to be honest her videos have like less than 1/10 of the views they used to have

seems like people are finally learning

For once this frog aint acting dumb.

>the male fantasy
>hitler in the thumbnail

literally worse than hitler

why don't the mods make her video URLs bannable

>to be honest her videos have like less than 1/10 of the views they used to have
Because she quit gaming and is now fucking with history. When GamerGate finally quieted down a bit, her attention did too so she needed to piss off someone else.

Please stop uploading your own shitty videos on here.

Why are manchildren obsessed with this woman simply because they don't agree with her opinions?


Kill yourself

Because they're tired of you, Marketer-chan.

Because it's people like her and the people she encouraged that have actually done negative things for gaming. Her ilk are the reason people had to import DOA, and why some Japanese developers are afraid to have their games brought overseas.

There really should be more wide chicks and dudes with boobs in games. They ARE a statistically increasing percentage of the population after all.

Tbh they're losing influence over time, so it's fine

>giving her attention

hang and gas yourself faggot

Because other people actually listen to her as some sort of authority on the topic.

Imagine if you loved chemistry and science a great amount, then some gym teacher came into the hallway outside your lab and started spewing his idea of what science really is to try to "educate" people who don't know any better and then receive money for his "ideas". You'd tell that gym teacher to fuck right off back to whence they came too.


"Over time" isn't now, and Japanese people only know what's happening with shit like this via Twitter.

If left is actually a woman then I'm going to date her.

>Actually a woman
>Is wearing an over the shoulder boulder holder
>Actually a woman

Pretty sure it's a woman.


We never know.

Wut game


Stop shilling your shit here, you ugly Jew cunt.

>Japan has 3% obesity vs American 30+%
>dude these slender female characters are so sexist. Not normalizing obesity? wow talk about bigot patriarchy. This is a man's world no woman wants to be a healthy weight and live passed their 40s.

I remember at first when gamer gate and all the anti feminist shit happened, was pretty fun, good bantz, but then it dragged on. Fucking pathetic from both sides.

I know someone who got into the anti feminist shit/alt right IRL, not just shitposting, the fucker became insufferable, ironically hasn't got a job/ does nothing all day but complains on twitter. Really really pathetic.

>Make attractive females in game
>women bitch
>Make unattractive females in game
>women bitch
>Make strong women in game
>women bitch
>put no women in game
>women bitch

I love how this became news somehow. It isn't even isolated to games.

>live passed their 40s

Land whale detected

Huh, really makes you think.

I thought she gave up on video games? Did her other series fail to grab attention?

>Implying women are all the same
Some are progressists and some are conservatives.

I think that we could just ban women from playing video games, then all of these problems would go away.


Why the rapid uptake in this kind of bullshit?
Rewind just a month or two and this bullshit was only ever rarely posted. Now it's everywhere all the time.

i am surprised that this cunt still makes videos
that whole movement is a joke

>people still got mad by Anita and for this reason she still kinda relevant
>people still use GG as scapegoat and for this reason they still kinda relevant

Sometimes the best choice is to ignore, things will settle somehow. See how games that pander to LE KEKS SJW XD are terribly done and don't sell without even we type about it. Or even in the REAL mainstream media with the total failure of film that the new Ghostbusters became, think about that.

Do they think soldiers are fat?




Where is that post does it say anything about women being the same? Its a fact that no matter how you handle it a subset of women will bitch about it, because they can never be satisfied anyway.

Anyway, you are probably just fishing for (you)s so here you go.

Because it's fucking epic bro XD

They're all the same user.

They're just petty attempts to derail threads.

She did and yes she moved on to history because people started to realize she was a conwoman and her time was up since the GG storm calmed down.

She could quietly exit the room with her swindled patreon victim bucks and live better than the rest of us.

>mfw people are having fun without feminist approval


Does that say "subset of women" or does it say "women"?

Do you enjoy being retarded user?


I was looking at the comments..
as empty as the video and her brain.

Holy shit I was just about to go to bed!

>Hating Anita's bullshit is apparently "Goober" now

kys retard

>She could quietly exit the room with her swindled patreon victim bucks and live better than the rest of us.

Or she could donate some to a women's charity, but that would be silly.

>I'm not like other girls teehee
>thats why I dyed my hair and stopped working out like other girls teehee
>I need feminism so people realize I'm not like other girls that also need feminism


Good question. I wonder what board it started on.

>Being triggered by the word Feminism
>Fucking ever


>over the shoulder boulder holder
>Doesn't actually go over the shoulder

>Trigger Warning: Contains feminists Fucking
I wish

It's true. All video games are shit and pander to one social minority group or another. Can't even talk about BF1 without some Gen Z kid crying about blacks or some irrelevant bullshit that has nothing to do with playing the game. Can't play a game with a dude solving puzzles because it upsets feminists that it isn't a female character. Video games should just cease and desist at this point.

is not about hating
is about not giving her free clicks and attention.
We don't want to know who is anita
We don't care about e-celebs.
They only make things more difficult to us.

Uh oh

>Japan has actual laws against obesity

I'm not even a weeb and I find that fucking superior

Google reverse image search says Breath of Fire for GBA.

Does the actual video do anything different from her other videos? Is this another "Why does this exist" rant?

>defend feminism of these days

yeah, seriously, think of all the 400 pound female heroes throughout time

Derailing the thread with silly minecraft jokes

>you will never go a day without seeing this big nosed cunt's face

Because ugly out of shape women are distasteful, ugly and only hurt business.
Gravey Jones should get over her fucking ego.


>body diversity

stupid kike

I wonder who is behind that post...

Can anyone confirm this shit is real?

I miss when Minecraft wasn't cool and I couldn't build shit and be an autist without people knowing I was autistic.

This, you faggots carried her all the way to the UN.

fuck you

You see a post during your browsing


You wonder who could be behind it

And the UN had to apologize for the shoddy report she gave

gee maybe the slender women exist for the same reason as fit men dominating female oriented media does.

could it be that people like idealized body types in their fiction? nawww that makes to much sense lets just scream OPPRESSION!!!!!! instead.


I don't think anyone agrees with her. Most feminists don't agree with her they just defend her out of principle.

This is almost funny in a retarded way

>spend all day on sjw twitter
>spend all day looking foe sjw shit
>spend all day reading sjw articles
>spend all day watchin sjw videos
>spend all day posting about sjw

>wwwwaaaaahhh why wont sjw go away why do I keep seeing them everywhere

Gee, I wonder why?

>Anita's game reviews barely garner 20-30k viewers
>videos involving her history documentaries don't even get 20k views


This turns you on doesn't it

When will otome games stop sexualizing and objectifying men with their female fantasies?

Companies get fined if their employees are overweight if I recall correctly. The government sees it as negligence against employees.

Which game lets me fuck Nikuko?

Oh no

Breath of Fire II

Anyone who has a 1st grade reading level could understand that post. You must get pretty flustered when anyone speaks in generalities huh? Or do you need what speaking in generalities is spelled out for you as well?

If anything, men are portrayed more unrealistically and it's generally women with higher standards of men. Big titties, flat lolis, thin, THICC, most female body shapes have been portrayed positively in one way or another in games and anime, with the exception of being hideously overweight. Meanwhile every man has a six pack in games and anime.

yeah as long as your a thin pedo that's all that matters. fat pedo's are looked down upon.