How do we fix Destiny?

How do we fix Destiny?

flush it

it's too late to fix it. None of the OG Bungie members are with the team, it doesn't matter what they do, they're just Activisions puppet at this point

Offline campaign

We can't, it's fucked.
Better luck in the sequel.

It was still born. DOA. The only thing to do is bury it's rotting corpse.

Go back in time and remove PS3/360 support so the game could've lived up to it's full potential.

I can't believe how terrible this game is considering how you also need to pay an online service for it.

And why is it capped to 30 fps on PS4/Xbone? The graphics don't even look that demanding.

I could tell you but I won't

Make a PC exclusive redux with the old unused story.
Anything else is objectively wrong.


It's too late to fix it. It's flawed at it's core, the only thing they can do is try again in a sequel.

>tfw fell for the hype
>mfw opening up the game and all the lore shoved into a fucking phone app instead

it hurts Sup Forums

why were people even hyped for destiny in the first place? It looked like a crap halo knockoff

Better question: is it even worth fixing? Seriously, between the RNG with no options to trade or swap loot, the lame, generic story with 90% of the lore located out of game completely, and bullet sponge enemies, it's pretty fucking bad.

Pretty graphics. Huge marketing campaign. Follow-up for the Halo fanbase.

Destiny 2

>bigger zones
>missions you get on patrol are actually worth a damn
>better public events
>almost no instances on planets, maybe 2 big zones and then story mission instances
>less backtracking through content to get to other content
>more people per instance
>world PVP in some areas
>less fucking orbit load transitions
>safe zones/hubs on the planet itself
The last one the new expansion will do IIRC, but people really like quest hubs so there should be more of them on planets and not all centralized at THE TOWER.
Also, having good vehicles would be nice.

Money maker for Activision and Bungie, Destiny 2 was supposed to be this year but they delayed it. So they obviously don't want the long standing issues at launch to be unfixable like they are currently unfixable in Destiny.

Is a question that should have been asked two years ago.

Destiny is decent now, since the only thing it was missing is content, and content they now have.

>being hyped for a first person rpg

young bucks never played brink i guess

Did they even try to fix it? I stopped following Destiny after release.

Make a 32 vs 32 player mode

>mfw all that hotpocket destiny damage control after release
>mfw they have all moved on to defending Star Citizen

Where will they go if that crashes and burns?

you didn't have to rip that wound open again

I'm still mad

>Having good vehicles
Do you mean more vehicles? the sparrow is the best feeling vehicle in any game ive played, desu

Play Warframe instead?

It's been fixed since Taken King
But I wouldn't expect any of you to know that since you probably quit after launch

Pretty much this, im excited for Rise of Iron, IIRC its the first new content they've made, with everything they've made up until now being recycled content from before release


Put it on PC so my mates will buy it so I have PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH

Jokes on you, I quit before launch.

I managed to come accross a pretty large group of players who play nearly everyday, its almost 12 people so i always have someone to do shit with

pretty thankful for that desu

More story in PvE, actual standardized weapons in PvP.

So I'm about halfway through the collection now and I'm wondering, how does Taken King "fix" Destiny exactly?

Sparrow is GOAT, but I mostly meaning combat vehicles. There is no Warthog equivalent that is both fast, maneuverable and can shit on people. Destiny's combat vehicle problem is the players are all carrying power weapons and abilities that shit on everything. The vehicles already are okay but they die to players so fast

Thinking like this is why the game will never get better. TTK was ok at first but endless months of 1 actual bit of content isn't acceptable and no the reskin rerelease of PoE does not count.

how would a warthog equivalent fit into the maps? the only thing i can think of are the large pvp maps but those are very rarely played. I agree with you though, there needs to be more vehicles

ur mums flat

>None of the OG Bungie members are with the team

This is the biggest issue. As soon as Staten left Bungie died.

Burn it with fire

Question: I never got Taken King or anything past it.

I assume I would be horribly under-leveled, right? If I hopped on just to play some versus.

I wish /dg/ wasn't full of plebs

they actually LIKED the shift from Baby's first 40k to Guardians of the Galaxy with TTK

>giving a shit about Destiny in the first place

I've enjoyed Destiny on and off since alpha.
I took a break of 8-10 months right before TTK dropped and then picked it up maybe a month ago and am absolutely loving it.

I just got all of my characters above 300 light and I'm pretty excited for Rise of Iron.

In PvP it doesnt matter what level you are, you can play with whatever, there are certain modes where your level does matter but those are monthly events

Crucible doesn't take Level or Light Level into account.
Stats in PvP only matter if you're playing Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris

There doesn't need to be combat vehicles, your character is a trailblazer pushing back a tide of the unknown not a Spess Marine in a huge Military operation

are you me

I never experienced of destiny which I heard was a grind fest, but javing joined for taken king and playing with a friends it was pretty fun, the raid too specially. Cautiously optimistic for the next expansión to being some hours of fun, hopefully destiny 2 is different because I never feel like playing again once I'm done with the new stuff and none of my friends play

Kill yourself

this year, right?

Fall 2017 at the earliest

Put it on PC with all the DLC, this is the only solution.

By emphazising free will and the importance of choice.

That depends; what console?

Release it on PC so it can have humane resolutions, framerate and field of view, private servers running House Wolves content and user-side Dinklebot restoration mods.

but muh contract XD

It's a pretty fun game as is, I don't get why everyone's so down on the MP considering it's basically just Halo

Phone killed that post

How is the single player campaign in Destiny? Does the DLCs have campaign as well?

Don't bother. They put in skill based matchmaking.Now it's so laggy its not even fun to dick around
I do my three weekly matches and I feel like killing myself the whole time

>Creating more competition for itself

lmao no
silly pcfats no know how industry works


For all its flaws, it is still the best feeling casual console FPS I have ever played.
Destiny 2 could be an actually amazing game, and even if it isn't I'll still play it for a while because it'll feel fucking amazing to play.


The campaign is made of replayable missions that can be run at varying difficulty levels chained together across instances of the mid-sized open-world patrol areas.
Some are fun, others feel like a chore to play through.
Each DLC added a number of story missions, as well as weapons, armor, and other content.
The story, until the Taken King expansion, was very arbitrary and more or less relegated to a lore codex not accessible within the game itself.

In TTK, the story actually feels solid and like you have a reason to be doing the things you are doing.

A lot of people are heavily invested in the PvP aspects of the game, but I personally enjoy the various PvE in "singleplayer" (the game is always online, but most content can be played solo) as well as raids and Horde mode arenas.


For PVP:

>remove ultimates
>make it so everyone has the same gun from each weapon type, no more bringing your OP shit into the Crucible
>weapon/power up pick ups on maps

BOOM game saved

For PVE, not sure I thought it was pretty fun already. Maybe put in a Raid Finder since everyone's antisocial as fuck these days (also helps to prevent elitism).

I didn't say I considered it even close to the realm of possibility. The point was that something so impossible would need to happen for Destiny to be "saved".

Then we're probably just doppelgangers. Sony fanboy here.

Equivalent of Marvel capeshit movies, complete with quips and everything, A FUCKING FIREWORK
It's not out yet but already looks to be the best of the three due to the iron lord stuff and comfy snow levels

Go play CoD

-space combat
-open world pvp
-larger open world engagements (the company that brought us Assault on the Control Room, Quarantine Zone, and The Covenant should be able to manage that)

>snow levels
Mein neger

dude I want Halo 2.0 not COD

can you seriously defend the ults in Destiny? they make the pvp horrible to play

I must admit, I had good fun with Taken King. I just wish the game wasn't butchered for people without PS+/XBL. Half the content's locked for me and I really want to play it, but I don't want to buy Plus just for this game.

>fix the game by removing what sets it apart from its predecessors
I'd be behind making playlists without supers and putting an option in the now-confirmed, long-demanded custom games, but removing them entirely would suck. Secondly, weapon diversity is our strength.

You'd basically need an overhaul so big it'd basically require a sequel.

>Actual narrative with structured quests/scripted events and characters
>Seperate narratives into "chunks" or story arcs dealing with individual problems, like a comic book series. Each expansion/update adds a new arc. Make your character feel like a long-running superhero.
>Focus on longevity and the development of your character over time. Make "becoming a legend" feel earned and gradual rather than random and doable through rushing a grind.
>Add item descriptions and in-game codex, as well as characters to talk to
>Add side-quests and quest-givers onto the planets, perhaps in Guardian outposts or settlements.
>Add more disparity/specialization between each Guardian type/class
>Make factions more invovled in the story and gameplay, perhaps involve them directly in the multiplayer ala Planetside 2.
>Make looting/item discovery more effort/achievement based rather than RNG grinding
>Make every planet in the Solar System explorable
>More references to Marathon

Destiny on launch was basically the worst case of missed potential since Spore. It's been getting better but it's nowhere near to where it should be.

PS+ gets Lords of the Fallen and Journey this month, along with a few others if you have a PS3 and/or Vita

I'm happy to stay subscribed to PS+ for the few games I actually need it to play because of the monthly games. Even if I'm not a fan of some months, I've gotten enough value out of the few really great games I played because of it over the years to justify the pricetag.

I share your love of snow levels, but don't you think that's a little flimsy of a reason to be hyped about the entire expansion?

>don't get why everyone's so down on the MP considering it's basically just Halo
I always hated Halo but there is something special about Destiny PvP. It's like what if Halo Reach was blended with the more 'mechanical' arena shooters with ammo pickups and such and because everyone has been playing for 2 years collecting gear, EVERYONE knows exactly what every weapon plays like, feels like, sounds like, and works with/against, as well as the fact that everyone has almost every weapon so the loadout like system is almost like picking up all the weapons.

At the beginning it was like an updated Halo but now, it's just something fantastic.

>Exploring gas giants

It's just one of several reasons.

Already played both. The problem is that I mainly play on PC, so I don't have a lot of games to play on PS4. It's basically just Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne.
I can't deny it's tempting, though. It looks like the closest thing to Halo in PVP.

>exploring gas giants
>in a game with space magic

That is such a dumb argument

I'm not saying it's GOTY and in not squirming in my chair waiting for it, it just has the most potential imho

Only reason I even have it pre ordered is because that Sparrow looks cool as fuck and I'm going to end up getting it anyways because I need something to tide me until other games come out

Either the moons or stations orbiting it

I would say wait until Rise of Iron drops, and pick up a 3 month subscription for like 20 bucks to see how you like it.
Worst case scenario you're out a bit of cash, but I don't even play PvP much and I think the game is worth the price of admission.

Sorry, can someone explain to me what TTK was? Wasn't it supposed to be a reboot of the vanilla story or something? I don't keep up with Destiny but I'd like to.

>mfw I have several friends that have played this religiously since pre-release, bought every DLC, spend tons on microtransactions, and defend every awful nu-Bungie decision as if they were stepping up for their grandmothers
>mfw they honest to god love love LOVE the slow, floaty, lagged to fuckhell, dogshit """""pvp"""""

I was thinking of getting back into Destiny, but I've lost my release character.

Is it worth even playing if I have to start from the ground up all over again?

Should I just wait for Destiny 2?

I havnt played in months. Is there anything new in the game?

You forgot
>make combat actually challenging through enemy capabilities and not level disparity

They redesigned the original content in a free 2.0 update that launched alongside TTK, which is brand new story content, strikes, a new raid, a new zone, new modes, level cap increase, et cetera.

It's worth

unless you are a hunter or awoken then just dont even bother playing or buying the next game lmao

I got the original and it's season pass around $40 for X360. I liked it ok enough and would have stuck around if there was a playerbase to actually raid and do Trials with. I hear that The Taken King did a lot to fix the original's issues and there's a stronger playerbase. Is it worth getting Destiny: The Collection on Xbone for that and Rise of Iron?

I'm thinking about preordering for the Sparrow too. There's really nothing on my Radar until the Dark Souls 3 DLC next month and Sun/Moon in November.

Tangentially related, I've been playing sporadically since Alpha and only just got a Gjallarhorn for the first time from Xur's exotic engram today. It's worthless in most situations, but having it makes me happy.

So does that mean the vanilla story is no longer hidden in a mobile app?

>Bigger "lobbies", I shouldn't be the only person running around in an area
>Lore isn't locked to Bungie's site
>All those wonderful lore pieces should be actual missions. Too many things that are said and not shown. It'd be great to actually play the story.
>Custom PvP AND PvE. It'd be awesome to do the raids with custom modifiers

TTK wasn't a reboot or anything, they overhauled a lot of the systems for doing things and holding things in the game. The 'April Update' improved that change.

Starting new? Only if you really liked Destiny, if you are only thinking of playing it in order to play something, I'd recommend just waiting.

Though you should look up GameInformer's Rise of Iron issue to see if it's got enough new stuff to get you into it.

Leveling is actually a lot more fun now with TTK than it was at release, though I can't exactly put my finger on why.

I will say, ignoring Crucible entirely, if you do bounties as you go through the story you should hit 40 right around the time you get to the penultimate showdown with Oryx at the end of the content from TTK

>None of the OG Bungie members are with the team
didn't they all go and make that one survival raft game? Are there really NO og bungie members left?