Is xe right?

Is xe right?

Other urls found in this thread:!/content/12495

You literally can't refute that.

Yeah, thats correct.

Got a problem?

Did you make those sprites? Did you make the base game of which you're stealing the framework?

I wish this meme would die.

You can't own, and by proxy can't steal, ideas, concepts, or digital media.

>Some literal who posts stupid shit on twitter


call the cops, I don't give a shit

Good thing they didn't take anything, they just copied it.

Guy's just adding fuel to the fire, stealing assets from other games. It's a shame that this is now a norm, especially in steam with early access.

Nintendo's lawyers are so fucking retarded.

I don't understand why there is such a big fucking stink about this.

>Did the team from pokemon Uranium steal assets from nintendo in the creation of their fan game?
>Was Nintendo within legal right to shut down the project
>Is it shitty?

Move on, and next time don't steal assets or Name it after an established IP. Name it Monster Catcher or something, and don't set up a patreon for it. End of story.

That's literally worse than physically stealing. It's as if you're taunting the original creator.

big words from someone whose entire twitter account is screenshots of copyrighted anime

So when you write a paper and use someone elses words, you are stealing even if you cite your work?

hello underage

D-do you think it'll get Monty in trouble?

Remember Sup Forums, if you go on twitter to bring bullshit internet drama here to piss on about you are literally a giant faggot.

>copying is literally worse than stealing
>even when it's not used for any monetary gain

Over this thing.

taking art assets yes this is true but if you make everything from scratch and gave a gameplay style inspired by a game it isn't theft

We need to go deeper

We are all thiefs stealing words we did not make and stealing ideas we did not think

did you assumed
( ) gender YOU FUCKING SHITLORD?????????????????????????????

didn't the yandere dev also steal a basic character model for his mc?

You could have screencapped that and shat on me for using a phone, but it's too late now.

but the game's not released yet and he says he will change it even though it might be bullshit.

> (embed)

?Remember Sup Forums, if you have ever ripped some assets from a game you are literally a thief

I just stole your post. What are you gonna do about it, huh HUH?

>make fanart
>Sensible Person: Wow, that's so cool that you care enough about our product to make something from it! Keep it up!
>Nintendo: Yeeeah, this is legally stealing so I'm gonna have to ask you to stop or else I'll sue your 10 year old ass
Nintendo - Rated N for Not Even Once

>Did the team from pokemon Uranium steal assets from nintendo in the creation of their fan game?
Nope, all they did was use publicly available assets distributed by Nintendo and legally purchased by millions of consumers, including those who worked on the game.

>Was Nintendo within legal right to shut down the project
Nope, non-profit derivative works are protected under fair use provisions.

I wish these memes would die already.

Steal it? The shit is on the unity community store, iirc it's free. Using assets that are openly shared / sold isn't stealing you autistic fuck.

>wow some nobody said something stupid on twitter, let's discuss it for weeks, month maybe even years to come!
Why don't you post some years old phil fish tweets as well to really get our neurons firing OP?

No bully the bunny.


reminder to pirate all nintendo games

Someone else made it and he is taking credit for it's creation and not paying the original creator anything from a game he will profit from. He is stealing

It's called plagiarism

>using a freely uploaded unlicensed model
is stealing the next big Sup Forums buzzword?

He is taking credit for it's creation and is marketing it as his character. Yes he is a dirty thief for taking credit for things he didn't do and monetize it.


That parentheses shape is so fucking triggering, don't you know it *trigger warning: triggers ahead* triggers my trauma because it looks like the vagina I was RAPED in?

Die in a genderless fire of color you shitlord

He took a free, legal-to-use model and redesigned it entirely. Fuck off, you ESL faggot.

>Pokemon Romhack threads on Sup Forums
>Nintendo is evil! This isn't stealing, it's copying! Fan projects are good, Nintendo is shit! Let people make free stuff however they like, it's non-profit!

>Mother 4 threads on Sup Forums
>Fucking Nintendo needs to C&D these disrespectful fucks! Nintendo is shit for not shutting them down! This is disrespectful to the creator, free or not!


The Yandere character model was actually purchased from the Unity store:!/content/12495
It's not stealing if he paid the creators for the right to use it, you dumb fucks.

I love this meme too.

Except it's not legal to use as he needs permission from the original creator to use it for monetization. Instead he is profiting off someone else's work without paying them royalties. It's plagarism of the highest kind

Neither is stealing, they're both using ideas from existing games and creating fangames out of them. Neither of them are monetized either. Sup Forums just hates Mother 4 because the Mother series is more niche and brings out the hipster in them.

>all he did was color her hair black and called it a day
Man maybe I should do the same thing.

That's literally not how it works. By paying the 35 dollars for the character model and its animations he has purchased the right to use them in a video game for profit. Royalties don't factor into it at all. Are you 12 or something?

hugh mungus

It was meant to be a placeholder but it's literally better this way. Have you seen the concept art that one of his artists came up with for a replacement character? It was horrible.

No I haven't but how bad can it be compared to generic anime girl?

Behold: autism.

Change the top and use the bottom hair style in the middle and I can dig it

Looks like a chuuni. That WOULD make a terrible character for a yandere game, since it's way too obvious. Also, cat ears for what purpose?

>Yuri Writer

When are we going to start putting yurifags in concentration camps?

40 keks.

He may be a hypocrite, but he's not defending himself.

>"you love and support stolen content too"
This is reaching Anhtony Burch levels of pathetic.

These threads really do bring out the faggots.


Like I give a fuck about muh copyright s.

sasuga 2hufag

>it's true that its theft
>but you make it sound wrong!

Do you people even listen to yourselves?

>Rated N for Not Even Once

I honestly can't tell if the substitution of the word stealing for copyright infringement is a false-flagging meme used to pretend agreeing with a point while making those who agree with it look ignorant or if it's genuine widespread stupidity at this point.

Is there anything in the world tastier than corporate cock?

>"I'm going to steal the recipe for your world renowned burger and give it to your rival company for nothing"
>"Why are you stopping me? I'm not making a profit, so it's OK"

>stealing is wrong
>by your own definition, your hobby is theft
>your post is a non-sequitur
That was what I was grabbing at.

It's not even a non-sequitur. Dude was just spewing latin to look smart.


Except they had a patreon generating money for said non-profit rom hack so it actually is theft.

it's true though

Reminder: If you don't use someone else's intellectual property, you won't run into issues.

underrated post

At this point, Nintendo knows the NX is fucked so they are just gonna fuck off but they want to fuck with as many people as they can first

>food analogy
Opinion discarded.

Are you sexually harassing me?


>toby decides to make an original game, instead of another Earthbound romhack
>we get Undertale
>Sup Forums screams bloody murder and wishes for him to die in the most brutal of manners, all because he took the advice of people ITT and made his own characters

Admit it, you'd do the exact same thing if Doctor remade a Metroid game without IP infringement. Don't even lie.

It's literally impossible to own an idea


No, people did that because Undertale is a bad game, not because it was 'original'.

stop posting you/your shitty faggot friends twitter posts here, nobody cares about this autist who does nothing but bitch and moan on twitter

yeah, if you rip assets to then use in your own game without permission, you are a thief

WHUT DA FUK????????????????

>food analogy

Recipes aren't protected by copyright or trademark law. Why do you think companies keep it secret? If someone found the exact recipe to Dr. Pepper they could make their own Dr. Pepper, they just couldn't advertise it as Dr. Pepper because of trademark laws.

Sup Forums initially liked undertale but when it got too big people started to hate it.

Nope. You can't say Undertale is a bad game because it doesn't infringe copyrights. Therefore, it's immune to any disparaging remarks.

you have to make your own gme, and your own characters, and sell as much as he did, before you're allowed to criticize. Sorry, dems the rules.

>All these assumptions
Why don't you chuckle fucks just check what kind of license the character has on the asset store?

Doesn't this Master Kuugen like take doujiin from Subcription sites and post them? I remember an user pointing this out to him and he just dodge the question.

>fanart is okay
>fananimations are okay
>fanmusic is okay
>fangames not okay


Except Undertale is shit because it's a shit game, not because of its originul characters.

Joke's on you faggot, I unconditionally hated it from square one, when the first furbait character was introduced.

Nope, /vg/ and tumblr jacked off to it, before leaving after finding out Sup Forums isn't their personal safe space to post le ebin fandom memes.

Fair enough but you can't deny that there wasn't that much hate to begin with.

>developers are so shit nowadays that they see fan games as a threat to their IP

How much longer will it be until reading reviews and watching gameplay footage is considered theft?

I fucking hate how contrarian this place has become. I mean shit, it's become so contrarian people are willing to suck corporate dick because other people are getting sick of companies fucking them over

>if you have ever ripped some assets from a game you are literally a thief


You can't say that though. He's not infringing copyright. That instantly protects his game from criticism.


Check out the legal definition of trade secrets m8

I bet there's people in this thread that think this is okay

yet doesn't mind getting off to doujins and fanart