The main theme sounded so much better without those nigress lyrics

The main theme sounded so much better without those nigress lyrics


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isn't she japanese

She's not black, and I'm not sure why that would be problem.

I'll take an OP as shitty as this over Sub vs. Dub wars. Even Sup Forumsshit is better.

She is, yes

she still ruined the song

You just have shit taste OP


I'd tell you to go deaf if you weren't already.

I guarantee my taste in music is better than yours, fuccboi

You know this will devolve into sub vs dub eventually. Better than """censorship""" I guess, which was blatantly untrue.

>Take a good song
>Put shitty vocals over it

Persona 3, Persona 4, Xenoblade X and now Persona 5 fell for this meme and it really fucked the sound design. Why does this keep fucking happening?

Fuck me. The song without those fucking lyrics is just golden, spent hours listening to it after first reveal. This vocal just seems off, like it was forced, not to mention how dumb the lyrics are.

>Make a good song
>Add vocals
Why do Japs do this

I honestly don't understand why you guys are getting mad about vocals when 3,4, and it's other subseries had the same almost non-understandable lyrics.

It's not about the lyrics, it's about adding pointless vocals to a great instrumental track. Burn my Dread has garbled lyrics sure, but it was clearly written with a voice track in mind.

Firstly, she's Japanese.

Secondly, I doubt she wrote the lyrics.

Thirdly, I seriously doubt you actually know what "lyrics" are.

>fell for this meme

kill yourself

You only say that because you first heard the non-lyrics track before the true one.

Dubfag shiteater

I don't give a fuck if they are understandable or not. They fit the song in the right way, making it sound good. That's what should matter the most, the new P5 theme just sounds abismal compared to this.

Honestly after P4 Golden OP I will call anything good

But yeah those lyrics are ruinous
Specially the Beginning part

>"true" one

Non-lyrics version was created first though so yeah.

Since p3 was nujabes
P4 was jpop
And p5 jazzy shit

What will p6 be?


Because Sup Forums is completely fucked now and doesn't even care about these common sense sort of things. Just be angry about everything, constantly, doesn't even matter if it's a franchise staple.


This could be easily fixed if it was released on PC/STEAM.

But sonyggesr prefer exclusivity over quality, what a shame.

Sonyggers would eat a bag of shit if there's "Only On Playstation" written.

>nigress lyrics

The main theme is meh as fuck anyway. They still have to beat Persona 3 here.

This is the only time where I disliked it.

she's honestly the best vocalist the persona series has seen

You're not getting the game you dumb meme hamster

I've come to like it with lyrics.

How many times were you banned for avatarfagging umaru faggot?

>Moving goalposts
Bet you got ruined by some faggots when you argued in school.

To be fairly honest
P5 OP surpass P4 OP

>Shitty song made shittier


Fuck you, it's great.



Fuck you, the P4 track is inches away from being better than P3's.