lol #savage #pwned
let's defeat internet toxicity together guys
lol #savage #pwned
let's defeat internet toxicity together guys
I came here since the #RedditRevolt fiasco. Honestly, if we were more like reddit, this board would be so much better.
Ur mum is better on my dick 2 nerd
What is the word that starts with C and ends with D?
Trump is winning because of shit like this
>gets banned for cheating
>actually you were banned for just being mean
>but we'll mark your account as having cheated with multiple offenses
What did I miss here?
The fact that there is no logic when feelings are involved.
got em
>still spending time on virtual safe places
/out/ will be the best board soon enough
This guy Is picking fights like a high test.
>banning someone for swearing
You have to go back
By insulting your adversary you are inputting a series of commands that have the effect of diminishing the opponent's concentration and lowering their morale thus impairing them and giving yourself a unfair advantage.
It is no different than cheating
He hacked their hearts to pieces with his words. What he did was akin to hacking the game's code, only he took a more direct approach and hacked at his opponents very souls.
we need to build a firewall
Cant you go prison for this? Some guy was saying he was going to rape his neice and his game name on lol was rapeurkid, i found it hilarious because the mount of people getting triggered
>that one faggot that quotes every post in thread for no reason
>he's also a falseflagging plebbitor
Its a christian server obviously