Bravo tabata.
>create hero that shits all over noctis
>dont make him playable
Is there a bigger fuck you to EVERYONE including the audience? Man, tabata has balls of steel
Nyx will always be superior, but that's mainly due to the fact that he's fleshed out and we witnessed him from the beginning to the end.
Currently, we know little of Noctis, his motivation, and his development over the course of the story. After we get the full story via the game, then we can do a comparison.
Though in all likelihood, Nyx will still take the crown then.
Also, luna's panties were flowing at that very moment. She wanted Nyx's D badly.
>get driven to the party so likely get to see a bit of Lucis
>Noctis and bros dressed up in a badass party
>get to chat up some blonde bitch
>a literal fucking airship crashes into your building
>fightan thru the city, on skyscrapers in the air, in the castle, garages etc.
>confront blonde bitch while fightan around the city
>confront hoodguy trying to take your crystal
>Regis face-off
>planning reveangance with master tactician Ignis
>looking onto your burning city as you have to make the tough decision to leave her behind to chase the faggots who raepd her and took your crystal
Mhm, yea totally would rather have some retarded fucking movie you can't even play than all of this.
The warping looked a lot more wild in the movie, with momentum being a factor even after a warp, unlike the game where it makes you lose momentum.
Also Nyx did lightning and fire spells in the air.
Will we be able to do this in the game eventually?
>cut/rewrite everything, spit in the face of everyone waiting since the Versus days
>have no direction ability, have to overhaul game system based on fan feedback several times like a clueless suit
>have no thematic vision, XV trailers are all empty mishmashes with no clear theme, in total contrast to the masterfully constructed Versus trailers
>start all sorts of stupid side projects from anime to a movie to phone games
>frame the title as Japanese console gaming's last stand
>completely shit the bed at the last E3 before release
>a month away from release, the game is so horrendous on the technical level that they have to delay it, despite holding a giant event celebrating the release date
This is gonna be one for the history books. I can feel it in my bones. They fucked up on everything there was to fuck up. No amount of delaying will fix this. They would have to start from scratch at this point.
The only reason why the game doesn't account for moment when warping, is because of physics. Having to calculate full body physics to account for momentum prior to and post warp, would massively impact performance. Totally doable on PC, an optimization nightmare on the PS4.
Don't forget
>keep remake the combat system month after month, while carefully removing anything that might confuse the mainstream retards
>Kingsglaive designs are completely different to pander to westernfags
>Uses forced western music in the game to pander to westernfags
>changes character models over and over again based on focus tests
>Gives the appearance of everyone's best friend while in truth is a shrewd businessman who just want maximum amount of sales through constant streamlining and pandering
>FF, a series that is a pioneer of production values, now look worse than even AA open-world games due to the art direction only working with their high-end PC build
I can go on but I'll stop. It's like beating a dead horse.
>that interview where he openly admits he told everyone who wanted to keep the original story intact to submit to him or leave
I wouldn't be surprised if Tabata leaves SE for his true domicile, Konami
Roberto Ferrari, character designer of FFXIII Versus laments the loss of his character designs to FFXV:
At last someone decided to publish my designs^^
Every time you’ll find on the drawings this red mark with フェラーリ (Ferrari), please consider that they’re characters created by me.
I drew Aranea at the end of June 2010, while Ardyn is from December od the same year (even if I gave him a Brush-up in January 2011).
Six year – I say – six years to see the light!
And all those characters (unfortunately there are even better than these!) that have been sacrificed due to the change in story, what will happen to them?
At the beginning, on the script there were several stages, removed afterwards even if both the characters and the environments were already finished.
That’s all wasted work, and especially, it’s frustrating to think that nothing of that can be published (or at least, I can’t do it).
Sadly without words.
>The world does seem large but it also feels quite segmented, it's very obvious if you picked a direction at random it wouldn't be long before you'd hit an impassable wall/cliff. Especially in the starting desert area.
>Florence's Stand By Me cover was playing on the pause screen (options, load, save etc not the equipment/skills screen)
>Prompto uses the phrase "totes adorbs" at one point. How about that millennial chutzpah.
>The guys find out about the invasion of Insomnia by reading the morning newspaper. This is really lame. In relation to where they are at the point, Insomnia is essentially just over a nearby hill, it is hard to believe they wouldn't have heard or seen any signs of an invading army going by. I wasn't invested enough in the guys, Noctis, Insomnia, Regis or their quest at this point so this rather pivotal scene lacked impact.
>The giant bird monsters called 'hurricanes' are cool although the aliasing on their wings is intense.
>The driving is very much on rails. If you just hold R2 and turn at the right time you'll be set. I tried forcing the Regalia off the road but it just kinda guides you back into place. It feels very clunky and slow as a result. If I end up playing this I'll more than likely be letting Ignis drive so I can look around.
>It doesn't take long for Noctis to get super angsty. One scene with Cor in a royal tomb sees him chuck a real tantrum: "What was my father thinking! What good am I! What did he expect me to do! I'm no king! etc. Eye-rolling stuff, couldn't dislike it more.
>This dude was in the third dungeon and was pretty tough. He kept one-shotting everyone with his quick slashes, the only way I avoided that was by doing the block parry thing. Basically hold square then quickly press circle when the prompt comes up. It was very frustrating having no control over my party and so they kept dying.
That's only the case if they implement it the way you just pulled out of your ass. There is already a slight momentum thing going after doing a firemagic warp. The only change it would require is increasing the value to have the player drift around more after a warp.
Don't shift the attention from gameplay to muh pc master race war.
The dogs are what's best in the game
Best character in the movie dies. What the fuck?
>After you see Insomnia has fallen with your own eyes, you have to meet up with Cor, who tells you about the tombs, then you have to get to Lestallum to check on Iris and find another tomb. That was essentially the narrative of the first four hours.
>Cor only joins the party for like 5 minutes max, between two Royal Tombs. Then he rocks up for a bit when you take on an imperial checkpoint on the way to Duscae.
>Cor and your friends all make a big deal about how far away Lestallum is and how you better fill up the tank etc. It was under 2 miles away, which admittedly was the longest drive I did in that session, but it was still weird. Also to get to the third tomb from Lestallum was an even longer drive and they made no mention of that fact. Perhaps nitpicky, but it took me out of it.
>Lestallum looks pretty cool aesthetically but it lacks soul. NPCs are lifeless, wandering around not saying anything, music was repetitive and the ambient sounds of a crowd felt out of place. Compared to the Witcher (I know people are probably sick of this comparison), its incredibly dull. Felt more like a town from Xenoblade in terms of dynamism.
>When you arrive Iris takes you on a tour which was a nice way to see the whole place but she herself isn't much of a character. She's very 'oh this is kinda like a date huh Noctis, tee hee'.
>Combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma but also of action adventure games like Bayonetta etc. I'm not saying it was as good as either of those games, just that it's similar fundamentally. Combat could be confusing though, the warp strike wouldn't always lock on to where I wanted it to, which was possibly something I was doing wrong. Targetting in general felt a bit iffy.
They could just make preset animations are warps and combos that show momentum
Just like KH2 combos
He'll come back obviously.
>Loading times varied from standard fare for an open world game on PS4, to between 1-2 minutes. These longer ones seemed to only happen between chapters, and when loading the game up from scratch.
>After around 2 hours and 40 minutes the game crashed. Just the one and only back to the dashboard.
>The game does not look good. I was sitting fairly close to a pretty big TV, but even forgetting that there's intense shadow dithering, aliasing to the high heavens (you've all seen the hair), texture and vegetation pop-in and on top of that the frame rate was incredibly inconsistent. I kinda just got used to the combat being a bit of a mess visually. It was often hard to tell what in the hell was happening.
>Moving the camera around somehow makes things worse.
>It's perhaps not the best way to explain this due to the size of this shot but I'd like to draw your attention to the shrubs in the upper left corner of this screen. When blown up to a decently sized TV, even at this close distance, those shrubs looked like sprites from Minecraft/Stardew Valley, and I swear I'm not being hyperbolic.
>Also I tried driving in 1st person and there was some bug (I can only assume) where everything looked pixellated and low-res when looking through the windscreen. Needless to say I refrained from using 1st person after that.
Are they both Luna's dogs? Where were they in KG? Why didn't she just send one of her dogs to Regis with a letter about her dream like she does with Noct? Why didn't she just give the ring to one of the dogs to deliver to Noct on the road?
That scene was for Noctis until Tabata raped FFXV and then cut its intro for a fucking movie, RIP VS13. It never had a chance.
What was promised
>Big open world cities
>Gameplay like Advent Children
>Graphics like Advent Children
>A story based off of reality revolving around the goddess Etro
>Switchable cast of characters
>Cor as a playable character
>Road trip gameplay
>Clouds made using a procedural calculated real time engine
>The City of Insomnia
>A Shinjuku district in Insomnia
>Towns based off of real world architecture like Italy and Greece
>CGI tier graphics
>A release date shortly after FFXIIIs release
>Destructible environment
>A score made by the same composer that did Parasite Eve
What were getting
>Small Jrpg towns with a barren open world that will becom linear halfway through the game
>Gameplay like dynasty warriors with spamming and zero strategy and horrible controls
>Graphics that look worse then FFXIII
>A completely different story that was hated to the point a SE employee leaked it to the public
>Switchable characters now DLC
>Cor assists you for 5 minutes tops
>On rails driving
>Clouds that look like ps2 graphics
>The City of Insomnia that has been hyped up from the first trailer is not playable till the last part of the game
>Towns are empty and lack detail
>FF12 tier graphics with some ps3 models
>Being released nearly 3 years since the 3rd game in the FFXIII trilogy
>A non destructive environment
>A score and waste of resources to get Florence and the Machine
This game will be a critical and financial success, but it will always be a shit game.
You don't promise something and make a completely 180, it just makes you dishonest and untrustworthy. Fuck em, SE doesn't deserve my money
Totally the same right guise? I wish XV fags would stop clinging to Versus so desperately. It's pathetic.
>preferring the cliche "evil chink emperor" design over "your old grandpa" design
Just no
Actually, the chancellor clothes also triggered me since they looked silly as hell
I wouldn't mind nearly as much if the game didn't ride the Versus 13 hype until like 4 months ago when it all came crashing doing.
I'm using the movie as a basis for comparison jackass. Because in the movie warping is an action that doesn't literally freeze the game so you can pick where you want to warp to, then you warp and your body flails as you arrive at your warp point.
Having free range warp in FFXV would have been way more fun, but eventually the constant warping would have led to huge performance headaches when it came to calculating physics on the PS4. Because in case you FUCKING FORGOT, every time you warp, the game renders hundreds of soft particles that cast light and have turbulence.
If you had free range warp, eventually performance would tank as the amount of particles rendered on screen would rape the CPU as it's already taxed with everything else that's taking place on screen.
Will this literally be the biggest blunder in square's history?
I cant even comprehend the thought process behind this entire mess
>all of that style
>wasted for this
What the fuck was Tabata thinking? Did he just hate Nomura's vision?
Isn't Gladio doing all the work? Noct and Prompto might as well sit in the car too.
Probably not, but it will be underwhelming.
2bh, I feel like FF7 has utterly fucked the FF franchise. SE will go down fighting by throwing money and money at the FF franchise chasing that fucking FF7 sales numbers.
That sounds fucking atrocious. Can Squeenix die already? Please?
>noctis can parry a titan
>can barely push a car
The new designs are way better imo.
>Characters make a big deal about getting back to Insomnia and it's a big journey
>It takes 4 in game minutes to get from their stop in the desert area to Insomnia
This sit weirdly with anyone else? I feel like the sense of scale has been fucked with the car.
At least you won't get duped liked the MGSV situation.
Where's the Pussy option?
Even though they used his face, I like Nyx better.
It's the little details.
How lost do you think people will be if they don't watch Kingsglaive?
>A completely different story that was hated to the point a SE employee leaked it to the public
Anyone it?
>the driver is not pushing
>only 1 guy at the back
It's surreal how they even fucked up something as simple as fucking pushing a fucking car. Goes to show how disconnected from reality Squeenix is.
I watched it and I'm just kinda turned off the entire premise.
It fills in a huge plot hole missing from the game. I imagine playing the game without seeing KG will just leave you confused, like you should be feeling something about this place you've never been to, know nothing about, and that the characters mention once or twice.
Holy shit! Is this the Dreamcast?
Both hot as fuck.
There's a full script as of nov, its just changing because it's a mess.
>opens 10 years in the future fighting ifrit
>real game starts, being sent off for wedding
>on the way hear city got invaded
>set out to collect weapons of dead kings to be powerful and take back crystal
>also have to catch up to luna who's waking up summons
>when you get to luna red haired guy kills her
>everybody is sad for a while
>red hair guy reveals he's 2000 years old
>Noctis has to sleep for 10 years to gather magic into kings ring to fight him
>Noctis gets out and the group fights him in main city
>Ifrit first, then normal red head, then monster version of him
>Noctis wins
that's it.
Leaked Shenmue footage
People have hated working for SE since the SNES days. Hell in Bahamut lagoon an programmer put his little "fuck you square" in the game and nobody found it until it was too late.
That's a good point actually. There's no reason there can't be two at the back, one on the right, and driver guiding the car while pushing from the outside.
Also how heavy IS that thing? My friend and I pushed my Civic a mile just from the passenger and drivers side no problem. Is the driver trolling by leaving the handbreak on or something
it's hard to source the Sup Forums links for obvious reasons.
>Scene from early FFVX.III trailers.
>Noct is now Nyx
>Stella is now Luna.
>Iconic painting is now underwater.
>The sharks are replaced with Leviathans.
This movie was a mess, and obviously a retelling of the cut opening to FFXV.
Gotta give you enough time to listen to 3 minutes of Stand by Me
I laughed because I'm a girl (pls no bully) and even I thought that was retarded.
>Graphics like Advent Children
Nigga you need to re-watch that movie, we're pretty much there and even farther on some points
So...Is this the FFXV disappointment thread, then? I feel monkey paw'd
>Add flying car so you can go anywhere!
> long as you land it on roads
>Unparalleled freedom!
> long as you stay on track
>Huge open world!
>...segmented to fuck
That poor vendor's soul will never rest in peace. He died right there 10 years ago.
Sakaguchi is probably laughing like a maniac right now
sounds like a bunch of dumb anime shit
>we're pretty much there
The game looks like a PS3 game in most regards. AC is decades away from Square-Enix.
Well, for starters he's adding his own weight to the car, which shouldn't be much, but it certainly doesn't help either.
Don't worry, if you noticed that, then you're ok in my book.
He is hot as fuck.
>>Add flying car so you can go anywhere!
>> long as you land it on roads
I don't understand this complaint, You only could land ships on grassy lands. It's reasonable you use other vehicles to get to places you can't with an airship.
That's staple FF.
Wtf is with the blonde dudes face.
Fable is getting a sequel?
>You only could land ships on grassy lands
I dunno man I'm just kinda spoiled after Xenoblade
Aside from random monsters, this game isn't FF in any way.
Guys at least Nier is getting a sequel.
What confuses me is how low is mouth is place.
Remove his beard and he has an abnormally low placed mouth
nice stea-
>thats bread
oh for fuck sake
>>Add flying car so you can go anywhere!
>> long as you land it on roads
What? Why the fuck did they even bother. That's straight up FF7.