So, looks like this game was just released on 3DS

So, looks like this game was just released on 3DS
Was it any good or just meme of the season game?

no it wasn't
Wait until the 15th, you'll have plenty reason to shitpost about Undertale then.

It really depends on how much you've heard people gush about it. I thought it was great, but I knew nothing but a passing mention here going in.

>Wait until the 15th
What happens the 15th?

>eyes closed
>yellow skin
>bowl hair
isn't that racist as fuck?

1 year anniversary of it's release.

Is a DLC being released or some shit?

I'm not sure if that was what the dude was implying or just that it was it's first birthday, I wasn't the person that you quoted in your first post.


>So, looks like this game was just released on 3DS
No it wasn't, you're just trying to start a fucking thread

Look at BCG

Did you play the free demo?

a what

100% chance something autistic will happen. Like MattPat sending a Toriel plushie to every UN ambassador or some shit.

I will wait and see

It was pretty good. I liked Lisa more though.

I dont know but it better be fucking hardmode

>played the demo two years ago
>bought the game at release on a whim
Thank fuck I got to play it well before the autism eruption.

Wasn't Toby Fox talking with someone at Nintendo not too long ago?

Do we know what the story is here?

I feel you. To this day I have to wonder just how the fuck it even happened.

So, no news.

Why is this game excused for shitty graphics? Sup Forums has no issue shitting on BotW or NMS for looking like shit, but this pixel-art indie shitheap apparently gets a free ride. Why?

Exact same thing happened to me.

I played the demo when it came out 3 years ago. What do I win?

People are usually bashing it for other things. Sup Forums really doesn't like Undertale. Mostly because of the fan base.

Because it was made in Game Maker and didn't cost a shit-ton of Kikestarter dollars to make. He also didn't shit out promises.

One game was good for at least two playthroughs, the other isn't worth finishing even once.

Also comparing No Man's Sky and Undertale is pretty fucking retarded but I don't have to tell you that because your post was bait anyway and I only took because it's friday night and I'm sitting here by myself being wasted and fuck Sean Murray holy shit No Man's Sky is fucking garbage, man.


LISA deserves the praise, not this shit.

Big Lincoln sends you to hell!

I played it late september, and made a blind playthrough of it with friends on youtube

That playthrough is honestly the only reason I have fans now

Wanting LISA to get all the praise undertale does

I didn't know you hated LISA that much user

>Because it was made in Game Maker
So are Hotline Miami and Lisa and Spelunky and a bunch of other games with cool unique art styles. Undertale is just fucking lazy.

>didn't cost a shit-ton of Kikestarter dollars to make
$51,000 isn't enough to hire one competent artist?

LISA deserves to have a fanbase that isn't a bunch of salty shitposters who constantly crop up in Undertale threads to bitch.

And if you cared so much about the game you'd probably know that obsessions are part of being Joy Mutants, so give it a rest already.

The Sup Forums threads during the first week of its release were magical
everything after that was pure shit

It isn't, people bash on them all the time.
But ignoring the shitty overworld graphics, the battle sprites are great, and the music is great, which is why the battles are the things people remember the most, and where most of the important stuff happens in the game

Lisa was made in fucking RPG Maker. That's even more impressive.

Also Undertale did have some competent artists working on it. Most of it just looks like garbage.

That's pretty much why I went into it blindly. Just couldn't ignore the early threads anymore praising the fuck out of the game until the furries and children came through.

>if it's not full hd 3d in 4k it's shiiiit!!!!
>good graphics make good games!!!!

You guys are retarded. It's a style in the same vein as Earthbound, going for simplistic kiddy graphics.

You're the type of person that allows people like Hitler rise to power.

Ended in nothing

I'm impressed. You'd've to reach really hard to think I said any of that shit.

I fucking love undertale, but goddamn man you are trying to hard to defend it
The overworld sprites look like complete garbage

>gets released
>Sup Forums praises it
Ok, let's try it
Oh, this is great
>undertale gets too popular
>Sup Forums now hates it
I still like it, fuck you


>So, looks like this game was just released on 3DS

holy shit it's been a year already, I've accomplished nothing
i need to start fucking setting goals or something

>threads would reach 600-800 posts before page 10

how did it happen

You would have, yes.

I'm too drunk to give a shit anyhow. Fuck you.


Everyone was freaking out about Gaster trying to find shit and theorizing about him

It just wasn't in the Kickstarter budget. Even pixel art is hard work that requires time, manpower and skill.

No shit, and I'm not any of the guys you were talking about earlier. The sprites do look like shit, that's the style you idiot.

Earthbound COULD'VE looked like Final Fantasy, but it didn't, because that's not the style it wanted to portray. Same with Undertale. The sprites COULD have looked more competent, but that's not the style it wanted to portray.

The game isn't the problem
The problem is you can't mention it anywhere without attracting autistic retards so no one wants to talk about it

The threads were going fast way before that
Gaster was around when the threads were going to shit

be a goalrilla

Brad did nothing wrong

>Want to discuss some indie games
>"Well Undertale is awesome! better than any AAA game ever released ever ever"
>"Okay well I know about Undertale already, and I don't share that opinion, but what other good ga-"
Like, fuck off please.

Dora is not vidya even if it is loss

the simple 2d artstyle is done on purpose, to make omega flowey stand out more.

it's a deliberate choice to make something else stand out more. besides I don't mind pixel graphics.

Game had the budget of a broken dildo compared to most big indie games.

Please stop posting.

This user said it best like a week ago

Le batteur did nothing wrong.

>muh gamefaqs poll

Why do people care so much about internet popularity contests?

I don't know user but that certainly helped contribute to Undertale's image online

>$51,000 isn't enough to hire one competent artist?
It was, Temmie Chang helped out a lot with the monster designs as well as the battle sprites which all look quite nice. Plus he had an outside studio do some of the animation work like Asgore's memorable trident reveal. Unfortunately he didn't seem to get a good background artist.

they can be fun

The thing is, earthbound managed to pull it off really well
Undertale didn't and it's simplistic style falls onto itself, making it worse than what it could have been.

how many of these are there
