This game has the most fun multiplayer I have played in years and co op mode is not even out yet

This game has the most fun multiplayer I have played in years and co op mode is not even out yet.

Why does/v/ hate this game again?

because they can't play it

Cause it's not a game

Games with regeneeating health are automatic shit.

> Why does/v/ hate this game again?

Either because it's not on PC, or because it's a "movie game"

>it's a "movie game"
anyone who thinks this hasn't played it

Is it dead or is it still somewhat active?

same reason they hate the last of us, it's popular and good, I bought it a few days ago for ps3 and it's pretty fun.

1. 99.9% of people who shit on Uncharted 4 on Sup Forums hasn't played it.
2. Sup Forums would never acknowledge a PS4 game as being good.
3. Uncharted 4 requires more skill than most games Sup Forums likes.

It's one of the best selling PS4 games. Why wouldn't it be active?
Actually they have just realeased a new free map and a new mode a couple of days ago.

I don't see how playing a game where I am FORCED to lose a fight to social justice takes skill.

At least in Bayonetta when a black guy wanted to kick my ass I had a chance to get good and beat him back.

>2. Sup Forums would never acknowledge a PS4 game as being good.
>3. Uncharted 4 requires more skill than most games Sup Forums likes.
Which is exactly why we still have Bloodborne threads.

because they're too poor for PS4

Not always the case, just almost always the case.

Most of Bloodborne threads are shitposting.

Only ones where the OP is clearly using it for shitposting purposes with something like
>3 fucking years and only 1 (one) game

Because it's a fucking movie we already saw 4 times.

>this is what sonyggers actually believe

>This game has the most fun multiplayer I have played in years
You really need to play more videogames, user.

I liked the game fine, haven't played the multiplayer once.

I went through on crushing and didn't get the trophy since it said I skipped chapter 7.
I would replay but the game gets stuck on the loading screen if you try and skip some cutscenes, might come back in a year to see if they have fixed it.

>I would replay but the game gets stuck on the loading screen if you try and skip some cutscenes
I noticed that, it never freezed for me but skipping cutscenes would often result in the game taking longer before I could play than if I had just watched the cutscene. Quantum Break on Xbox One also had this same issue, really fucking annoying.

>co op mode

whats this? like a horde mode or something?

Not on PC

Uncharted 2 and 3 had co-op stages based on single player levels that had objectives. Not sure what they're planning or were planning with 4. At this point it's too little too late, the game has been out for months and I probably wouldn't go back to it.

im thinking about getting a ps4. waiting for that conference first but I am pretty sure I will end up with one within the year.

Co op is going to be released in either the September or October update.

I got mine more than 2 years ago and haven't regretted the purchase at all. I've had a lot of fun more fun with the system than the Xbox One.

>Uncharted 4 requires more skill than most games Sup Forums likes.

kill yourself memer

Spotted the PCuck.

You seem upset.

Uncharted 4 isn't very challenging outside of Crushing mode. Crushing had some real bullshit in the later chapters.

>it's not a "movie game" guise , I swear!! ;_;

These games would be pretty good if they got rid of the cutscenes and shootty bits.

I'm not the one shitposting in a thread about a game I will never ever get

It is just 3rd person Call of Duty. Another clusterfuck multiplayer game. Last of Us multiplayer was far superior and actually required team work.

>Why does Sup Forums hate a first-party Sony title?

Welcome to Sup Forums. How many hours have you been here? One? Two?

Don't cut yourself with all that edge

I liked the multiplayer until they released the pay2win dlc

Who /CertifiedTeamCarrier/ here?

Mr Blue is.

>call of duty

It's literally nothing like call of duty.
Killing someone takes like ten bullets and it's literally impossible to win without teamplay and everyone sticking together. Come back when you actually play it.


I have played it. You just have no taste. Do you alternate between that and Battlefront?

>I have played it
for how long?

>Naughty Jews release 3000 RELICS update
>start to get chests only when I'm reaching the 10k limit
>today they finally discount the chests for 2 weeks
>spend 9750 Relics on vanity items

everyone is.

this game is the only game where it feels like everyone is shit but at the same time everyone can kill you.

Uncharted 2 you can literally carry an entire team alone and win but U4 you usually always carry but most likely lose.

What you said is objectively not true.
Fuck off.

>a game with cutscenes is a movie game! i swear im not a buttblasted pcuck

Not as fun as UC2 MP but still fun

if you waited this long, then probably wait until neo or black Friday sale. 100% guaranteed amazing bundles.

>Not playing dangerously

>it's an enemy Chloe runs roughshot over your entire team episode

I've been there too often.

Agreed. I fucking love the online of this game. It's quick and snappy, yet it offers a surprising amount of variety and strategies. It's similar to COD, but miles better. And as a mostly PC gamer, I appreciate the fact that it's 60 FPS.

It's the worst game I've played this year. Granted I've not played many, but this turd is the definition of a 3/10

I played the first and second to completion. By the third I was growing tired of the formula. I played a bit of the fourth with a buddy and couldn't bring my self to care or continue. The series just got stale. I guess I'm just sick of cinematic action games.

>Why does/v/ hate this game again?
I'm into games, not shitty B movies.

>what would should have happened

>Implying there isn't a secret stealth stat buff to Chloe because she's the best character in this series... along with Tenzin and Sully

just go to chapter select and play chapter 7 again, trophy should pop

hahahaha Citizen Kane of multiplayer right here guys!


if you go to chapter select and start a chapter without saving and then quit back to the main menu, the encounters in the encounter select will not end once you kill everyone; you are not forced back to the main menu by an "Encounter Complete" message like you are normally. It will come back if you save again though

It's good for the convoy encounter especially


Thanks senpai.