Nioh beta - last weekend

This girl slaps your butt and demands all of your KI. What do you do?

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>last thread archived faster than william's iai

Shieeeet. Nioh is ded.

Also, when do twilight missions/rewards change fuuuuuuuuck

They change when the game is released

Anyone else find the whole ki blast system built for autistic kids?

Got to the twin tongue mini-bosses and uninstalled. That and the electric hound boss are truly shit tier boss designs.

Will check the game out again after a price drop.

those are normal enemies mate

Conquered detected

Oh? Is that why the music blares when the second one comes out?

Unless there is a reason not to chi blast its just there to increase button presses during combat

Get good

I guess? I don't know what kind of answer you want and you're not even on the hardest part.

That's just a general music for any kind of abnormally difficult scripted fight. Doesn't mean the enemies are bosses.

Beat it and do it again on twilight mode

is the game up untill the fourth or the sixth? I see information about both.

Store updates on tuesdays which is the 6th, so you got until then.

I parry her flying charge, then kick her fucking face until her Ki is expended.

Then I ejaculat-I mean i unleash my living weapon on her defenseless body.
>Nioh's Beta Demo ends in 4 more days! Make sure to get the Mark of the Strong before it expires!

>they change the twilight missions to shitty rewards before beta ends
>not sticking with ninja,mage, and samurai locks so people can have fun trying out all the skills


The music only marks that it's the last fight for the current segment in Grasslands.

I got the onmyo skill that let's you throw your spirit animal at the enemy. So far it feels pretty shitty, is it actually worth it?

What to change?

Mid attack ki and Mid attack break

I dont understand Re-Forging, I've never once seen it change a fucking thing in the before and after...

this game looks shit no point in it being a ps4 exclusive looks like a shit dark souls clone fuck off they're making a stupid mistake not putting it on xbox just fuck off it looks like ass what a bunch of fucking morons lol it'll probably end up being awful hahaha fuck off just release it multiplat no ones going to get it lol fuck off

3/10 falseflagging son

you actually have to reforge it before the new stat shows up

>no ones going to get it
But i'm going to get it. Nice logical fallacy, Nerd!

I completed the first level and can already say that I'm ready to buy the game.
Not on release though, I'm curious as to how much content there will be.

I've found life recovery after defeating enemies, agility damage bonus, and damage scaling the more enemies you've defeated. Might wanna try getting those.

I'm also probably thinking of getting a weapon full of only (critical) effects for funsies.

Also what significance do the Marks have?

I know what you are doing.

and i approve

No one knows

Yes, we do. They both entitle you to dlc packs when the game launches.
Now, what those packs will actuslly contain, we dont know.

>repeating the conversation

Bosses have health bars on the bottom of the screen in this game, mate. You lost to two normal enemies, but that's okay. Not everyone needs to have their Marks.

I'm not happy with it, I wonder if it ties into your spirit stat instead of your magic stat or something?

Is anyone going to get the game when it comes out? For me, the demo actually makes me not want to get it. Don't get me wrong, the demo was great and all but...

You know, I've spend so long on it that I feel like I've already played enough of the game. I'm satisfied now, don't need anymore.

There's only 2 marks to get right now right?

>being autistically pedantic

i guess this is why publishers dont allow demos anymore, you're just going to lose sales
personally i played the demo a ton and i'm definitely going to buy it

Fuck her up with my mid stance axe skills.

That's retarded. What about literally the rest of the game?

Eh, maybe I'll get it when its cheaper or something. At that point I might miss the game a little or something.

Yeah. What about it?

Are you mentally disabled?

>let me get my pocket cat out to check the time
I kek every time.

Co-op sure is fun
>Co-op twilight mission
>host runs to boss
>Gets stunned
>Aggro boss to keep him alive
>He keeps getting stunned

I have to babysit these poor souls doing their best to kill themselves

So should I just wail during living weapon or is there any finesse to it?

It'll be months until it's released, and the demo is getting pulled in a few days. By the time you buy it, it's going to feel like a fresh experience.

When does the beta end?

try not to get hit

Is there a reason why he has a fucking cat in his fucking clothes?

It is most certainly his spiritfu.

Why is being a visitor and co-op different?

I guess if you want it to be hard, visitor. That way you can't be revived with the assist gauge. It's faster to get in with someone too? Someone tell me if there's an actual difference.

Well sure, but once a demon has 0 stamina they don't really hit back anyway.

picking up amrita extends the timer.
you can use spirit stones to have it for a long time.
blocking or getting hit isn't that big of a difference since both drains your timer anyway.

What does a visitor even do? I never tried it. I'm guessing.... that co-op is just straight up co-op but being a visitor is like summoning another player in SoulsBorne where they stick around for a bit but if they die that's it?

Is there a way to buy or farm tea cups? I never used visitor since I don't want to waste them or run out.

hold triangle for a iai-like attack, but don't try to sheath it.

Tongue mini bosses are not hard at all you casual.

Trash like you make me sick

I thought I was doing good until I watched some of the pros play it. Shit was crazy.
>always stay in low stance
>block cancel into dodge for invincibility frame
>instantly switch to high
>hit until enemy goes down
>instant switch to quickdraw
>hit with charged iai strike, still have time to grapple afterwards
>instantly switch back to low
>flux recovers all ki
Truly, Team Ninja's handiwork shines through despite it initially looking like a Souls clone

Are living weapons useful? I've literally never used it since I forgot they were even a thing until this thread.

>Can't sudoku with mission complete
It's a pain. Always needing a living weapon for myself and even then I barely scrape.

So do you guys mean a parry or a timed block when you say it's possible to parry the succubus flying charge?

I tried the mid stance parry and still got hit

I kid you not, the hardest part for me was during twilight caverns right before the third shrine when you have to run down a narrow ledge with a wheel face enemy. Even if I block, he pushes me off. I must have tried 12 times.

can't die for the duration, gives you new moveset.
recharge gauge whenever you pick up amrita.
always useful to pull out in a pinch

Anyone else played through the whole thing before realizing you could summon your guardian spirit like how lightning bro was doing?

so I take it you haven't found the 3rd shrine in caverns?

Is the water status ailment any good with it's def reduction?
The wiki says it also stacks elemental build up, does that mean other elements build up a lot faster when the water debuff is active or what?

Does the demo shut down or you just can't download it anymore?

Oh, it makes you invulnerable? I'm under the impression it drains your HP or something though?

Still, could be useful. If I'm invulnerable then I really don't need to bother holding back. I like to use axes and magic, so just show a carnage talismen on myself and make myself invulnerable before I shred fucking everything right?

bump please answer senpais i need to know how long i have

You posted this in the last thread so fuck off and make up your own mind.

Quit fishing for attention you neckbeard fuckface

read the thread kohai

Wiki is probably not entirely accurate.

Nioh's Japanese twitter says this:
Fire: damage over time
Water: damage taken increase
Wind: reduce break-resistant and parry
Lightning: attack speed and movement speed decrease
Earth: double ki consumption

Also there is a bonus debuff if you're able to apply two elemental effects at the same time.

No, I did find it. That's why I said before it.

>drains your HP
how you get that idea?
one of the guardian spirits gives you HP for using it though

I wouldn't mind it if it triggered earlier and allowed for comboing, but as it is you get your shit hit if you try to ki pulse in most situations and it does nothing but slow down combat.

Only autistic retards would defend this stamina management bullshit.

I wonder if we'll be able to expect any more top-tier music from the game.

I miss Dazaifu Shrine, in all honesty. It was atmospheric as fuck with the music and the rain.

Reduce break resistenc and parry?

Wtf does that mean

>suck dick at the game back during alpha, probably worse than DSP
>get through the first level through sheer perseverance and kinda gitting gud
>still kinda suck dick now, but not as bad
>put off playing the beta for whatever reason
>probably won't get past the first level again

it makes you invulnerable for the duration
but getting hit reduces the gauge, so it will run out if you take hits

This is my spiritfu. There are many like it but this one is mine. My spiritfu is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my spiritfu is useless. Without my spiritfu I am useless. I must use my spiritfu true. I must cut straigther than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must cut him before he cuts me. I will. Before glorious NIPPON I swear this creed: my spiritfu and myself are defenders of my country, we are thee masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. SAYONARA.

I like it. It's good for guard breaks.

Break resistance I'm not entirely sure. I think what it does is increase how much ki damage they take.

Parry is how much ki is used when you block. So if you have really high parry, you won't use much ki on a block.

>tfw you've been expecting this boss to rekt your shit up for that 2nd dlc
>reach last shrine, see yokai fucking EVERYWHERE
>boss is a nightmare, I should stop fatrolling but my gear is shit otherwise
>hey why is that corpse hanging up there, is it even possible to reach it?
>run along the wall, almost get shit slapped hard on that narrow walkway
>finally beat yokai, let's fall
>die 2 times trying to reach it
>okay finally got it
>suddenly the game's broken
If the game stays like that, it's going to be like the souls games all over again.
despite having so much randomized gear, all you need to do is reach the sweet spots in every stage to get the equipment that's guaranteed to drop, you just have to find out where it's hidden

>biwa monks actually auto-summon revenants on top of summoning skulls
It's like sinister bell ladies from BB only worse.

where can i get a guaranteed top tier katana? does it drops from an npc revenant somewhere?

>it's like sinister bell ladies from BB but actually work

>Guaranteed top tier
Isle of Demons twilight
>Toppest of Top Tier

Except that the skulls are piss easy.

how long is the 2nd level? I just got to it.

sinister bell assholes work pretty well both for summoning players and flooding you with spiders

shorter than the first but with some pretty neat hidden items

not that long. first to second shrine is somewhat long, but its only a short way to the third shrine which is like 20 seconds from hino-enma

Depends. How good are you and are you trying to find literally everything in the level?

shorter than the first one, you have 3 areas: mountain, tunnel and cave.
tunnel is pretty short, cave is one big room with multiple paths.

>perfect moveset for all ranges
>heavy middle stance attack literally breaks the game
>so does the low stance dash attack spam
>allows to feel like a fucking dragoon jumping onto the enemies from above
How can any other weapon type even compete?

Has anyone ever got an elemental power up just by getting hit by skulls?
Yup, that's why sniping then or being aware of placement is vital.
Fuck them when going to second ledge, finding their cavern is a bitch.

>Has anyone ever got an elemental power up just by getting hit by skulls?
I always get a firey weapon when killing fire skulls, if that's what you mean.

The skulls do that on death as far as I know