How would you solve the toxic problem on MOBAS?

How would you solve the toxic problem on MOBAS?

don't play them.
next question?

Don't know don't care.

How can you fix the current TF2 state?

There's already a mute function.

stop playing casual online games altogether.

What games are not casual but fun to play?

Kill the people who play them.

Also the tumblr/reddit cross site fags that say toxic unironically

Look for them.

Toxic behavior and negativity increases exponentially with the length of a match, because you've got more and more time invested in the outcome.

The only way to reduce rage is to make matches shorter and/or just play for fun


nice foot

>How would you solve the toxic problem on MOBAS?
I've already solved the problem.
The solution is to never play them.

It's really simple, easy and effective, I don't get why people have trouble with MOBAs.

Your cancer kill yourself.

offline single-player RPGs released before 2006.

Nuking Peru would be a good start

What did he mean by this

You can't solve the problems of MOBAs since they are rooted in the gameplay itself. Trying to get a group of 4-5 strangers to play a coop game together is like trying to build a military unit out of liberals. It only takes one guy saying "I want to do things my way" to destroy the entire team.

Over many years of disunity, this leads to the entire community being angry and bitter. Because it becomes expected that everyone else is an asshole who won't play cooperatively. Yet the game requires cooperation to play.

The only way you can fix MOBAs is to play the game only with people you know and trust. And most people still won't be able to find 4 friends who 1) Want to play the same MOBA and 2) They trust.

A server for each shithole country

Russians play with Russians
Chinks play with Chinks
BRs play with BRs

Ban anybody who attempts to bypass it

>This works for every multiplayer game

region block russia, brazil, china, peru, and singapore



Penalty boxes, backfill system and referees monitoring several games.

Generally be on the active lookout for troublemakers and if they get caught feeding or being an ass they get recalled to a mid penalty box and have their shop locked from ragebuilding.


Quarantine servers for 3rd world apes.

Stop looking where you don't belong, and then be horrified by what you find there.


End of sexual objectification of women



You'd have to create an assfaggot that focuses more on individuality and less on teamwork.

The big problem is that you're putting a bunch of random people together and forcing them to work together in a game where even one person not stepping up 100% will drag everybody else down.



this would help a lot of games

Armored Core Verdict Day.

Most games won't impliment those systems because it would cut into their profits. Riot will ban someone if they are caught spouting racism remarks. But they won't do anything if they just sit on the nexus and time out. Because those people still buy new skins and champions.

make them to take less time

like the reason people scream at each other is coz if you lose is 30-50 minutes taken away from you
thats the reason i dont play dota anymore the matches are now 50+ minutes everytime no exeptions

I'd go back to Planetside 2 if they'd ban all the fucking cheating chinese

I swear like one in 4 of those shitters runs an aimbot


as non-casual as it gets, very friendly and tight-knit community, easy to start

Everyone who reports for "toxicity" gets banned instead for a period of between a month and permanently with a message "Stop being such a faggot"
>inb4 media backlash with calling devs homophobic
>I'm actually transexual crossdressing lesbian born as a man

artist name ?

This is not how clothes work.

Her vag is not sucking all the air inside of it.

what's her name?

Sasha Grey

>artists don't know how the real human body works
And neither do the people who buy their products.

What is Demigod...

use a status healing spell you fucking retard

Did you pedos know that the only known cure for pedophillia is castration? Crazy stuff.

Good thing there's literally nothing wrong with being a pedo, then. This isn't a loli thread, what are you doing here?