Smash 4 Sup Forumskend

I apologize for the lateness.
pw: rage




is it easier or harder this early?
I'm shit

Neat, I'm joining in.

Playin Ness cuz I just got to Scaraba in Earthbound

lol, ness saved Ridley and I died because I wasn't paying attention to my character. Gg

Sorry, getting around the sword was too annoying with Jiggs.

Tell me about your experience so far with Earthbound.

Enjoying it a lot. As a Euro we only got it in 2013, playing on my 3DS for ease.

I had a real rough start, I died loads in Twosome and Threed but after a bit I got more use to it, once I got Jeff I didn't die much. In fact the whole Jeff intro area is where the game really started to shine for me.

Grey Kirby running an errand, will join shortly

>dis lag
Sup Forumskend specifically is hands down the laggiest online I've ever played in any game. Real nigga hours Splatoon with the Nips wasn't as bad as this.

The first My Sanctuary is a pretty rough area to deal with, certainly, and Franky is way overpowered for the early game. As for Twoson, I'm sure you thoroughly enjoyed those Territorial Oaks.

And yes, Winters is great. You'll go back there again, don't worry. One of the best themes in the game, too!

about fucking time Mario you pussy

shut up i couldn't do shit in that lag

Yeesh, suicides by me were lol. You still put in the work Ridley, even if I wasn't abusing the matchup until my last stock.

If you have a shit connection, stop fucking playing here.

one of those ganondorfs or pit is a laggy fucker

It's become much more manage with teleport.

Also fuck tiny ghosts

too good

>enough people for two full games
>one group is slideshow laggy with shenanigan characters
>the other is input laggy with try-hards
Clean up your connections you tournament rejects. We get it, you can spam short hops now fuck off.

God dammit!

Tiny ghosts solidify like crazy. I liked the mushrooms though. You could sell those for big bux.

>gets gimped twice in under one minute
cloud sux

Post the list

You almost won regardless of suicides anyway, GG.


Teams is next

ID: 4102 - 5582 - 8291 - 62
Password: rage

im late. how much time left?

too fucking laggy, don't bother

oh that'll be fun
You'll either get someone that only uses 1 button, someone that only uses whatever little technique they just learned on youtube, or someone that isn't good enough to place in the top 5 at their local tournament so they come here to beat up on drunk people.

Why are you so upset about people not playing like those tourneys you watch?
Can't you just have fun and let others have fun?

>New Onett boys in the tournament

Welcome you've made the right choice!

Lag allows less experienced players to catch their breath haha

Please consider deleted this post

I wonder if Sakurai would approve of Sup Forumskend no items but at least it's 4 player FFA

What Fire Emblem game is Cloud from


I'm going to FART on Lady Palutena and make her STINKY

She does a pretty good job of that herself

I'll take that sword kill

Sorry Oli, forgot it was teams.

nah,He's from Final Fantasy 7, but nobody knows what console the game is on. Even Nintendo wont tell us for some reason.

Which Fire Emblem is Luigi from?

Can finally play after getting my Ethernet usb yay

Well that was embarrassing.

>those tourneys you watch
I don't watch tournaments faggot. Your argument is "people have fun spamming and playing like shit, and that should in no way affect you" except I'm playing with them. Are stupid are you?

Sakurai came up at the end of a tournament in japan and said he found all the enjoyment of the game neat, and that he was surprised with how Meta knight could carry his opponents to the top so easily, but that it looked really cool.
He isn't against 1V1 no items per se.

But he does balance part of the game around 2 min timed (Robins reloads are quick, so is Luma respawn)

>Are stupid are you?
I don't have an argument, I'm telling you to stop being a whiny little bitch.
Go to /ssbg/, I think you'd fit right in with the shitters there

Its a good thing I have no local tournament in my town then, and almost nobody else plays here.

So im technically the best player in town. feels good living among rednecks

Sorry Pikachu, first round is always a bust for me

>you made a typo, got ya!
>doesn't know what an argument is
>calls someone complaining about shitters a shitter
I wish I could be you, to have your mindset. If ignorance is bliss, retardation is at least contentment.

Voteridley, cloud was on your team.

oops got the diagonal directions mixed up, my bad guys


Well shit.

Marth forgive me for almost fucking that up

>press jump to get up from ledge, then side to move onto stage, then dair
>only the down input goes through and I kill myself

Love the epic randomness of smash sometimes

Fuck, I'm just letting everyone down today.

Is it autistic again this weekend?

Is it ever not?

Good shit Meta Knight

Rolls in Smash 4 are impossible to punish on reaction unless you are completely non comitted and technically spaced.

I found ways to bait people to roll on the ledge such as doing jab one followed by d-smash but most of the time the power shield frames come out before the d-smash connects.

I'll join soon have a bump

Sorry Aaron, tippers all three times

The only correct answer
Try it out yourself

So far I hear tryharding and some lag, so your average Sup Forumseekend

What the hell, you three thought you were my teammate at the same time?

Jitaxis is the idiot here

>tryharding autists
>lagger autists
>Cloud autists
>teams autists
>communityfag autists

Sup Forumskends

You forgot
>FE autists

He's been cool lately, hopefully I didn't stumble onto the comp. only side

And I did, RIP fun times lol

Don't forget
>attention autists

the one time I accidentaly pick the worst stage in the game it picks my stage

goddamnit you shitass bayonetta stage.

>Autist autists

New apartment, new Comcast box and I've been fighting it all week. About to jump back in with a new batch of settings, sorry about the lag and dropped connections.


Shit. I failed you Mario.

I swear the lag on YI ate all of my dash attacks

Ayy don't worry Codename, you're cool

Gg bellabean, my fellow Mac n cheese.

Nice team tony

>streaming on gamepad keeps juttering

It's like 3-4 feet away from me what the fuck, let me have my comfy.

Sorry Kirby that was too funny lmao

You saw nothing Dragonus

This is fun

>a few new players joining over the last few weeks
> oh this'll be fun
>they all play cancer and spam 1 or 2 moves
>also complete fucking shit at teams


ffa when?

Thanks, you too MK

Add me Mikan-tan~

A nice match despite the lag senpaitachi

The same time it's always been for months, after the teams tourney

Gg Tony, I got a little taunt happy there.

GG, other Shulk, would fight again

>Partysquid leaves the 3-Man FFA
>It was destined for Brett and I to fight for glory
>Nope, he comes back at 0:00

GGs LucavI, nice Falcon

who has the best lag here


Well that clearly didn't work. Fucking comcast.
It's not just the normal lag either, there's terrible input lag. Does anyone have experience with this?

I've done the DMZ, I have an Ethernet adapter. If anything, the adapter seems to have exacerbated the issues.

Ping and speed are good. Dah fuq?

I apologize for not completing the Mario BRETT

I'm DOSing you right now, that's why

I left again, didn't I? I wanted to buy more time

I knew my jump was used up, I could have recovered by just up B-ing after that footstool but my hands didn't do anything