Just got a decent amount of money

Just got a decent amount of money.

Sup Forums has always made me laugh, even when I've been super sick in the hospital and shit.

So 5 lucky winners will get a game of their choosing $8 or below.

Just give me a story and maybe I'll pick you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for a give away?


That's great and all, but I'm looking more for OC about yourself, ect.

Make sure to leave your steam id also and the game you want.

So noone on Sup Forums wants a free game? I guess Sup Forums really does hate vidya.

I'd like Morrowind please senpai

that's good, what's your id

Try and do something nice and I get shit on what the fuck

Just trying to pay it forward, I've gotten free games off Sup Forums before from generous anons.

Last call, then I guess I'll try again tomorrow or something.

I'm writing my story, please don't leave user

Been thinking about writing a book for quite some time now. I know I can come up with something interesting, but while I'd do it as a hobby, I would like to earn some bucks.
Thinking about making something unique, not another fantasy shit.
I have also started making a game about vampire hunters. It's a really cool idea that hasn't been done much in video games.
Don't know what else to talk about.
If you think that's enough, then my steam ID is STEAM_0:0:25260198

I'd like Titan Quest Anniversary Edition


Are you ok mate? About the hospital and that shit

No fuck off

Here's a free bump senpai

I need a new kidney (or two) but that's a story for another time

>Feel garbage

I'd give you $8 just to fuck off

shit, sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon.
And about the story, what are you looking for?
Depressing shit? Funny stuff?

give me $6 and i'll go fuck off senpai

yeah gonna need an ID or something

I'm currently in my last year of university and I am currently doing my senior software engineering project. I wanted to make a fan-game as a homage to the Panzer Dragoon series in Z80 assembly code to run on a real Sega Master System.
I worked hard during the summer to try to find people to work with, but couldn't find anyone. The senior project manager (Major Faggot) told me in addition to not being able to work alone, but the project had to be a money-maker, and that his internal bias against games would make him not sign off on the project.
So yeah, now I'm working on an app that I don't give two shits about with people who are very difficult to work with. The past couple years I've been playing old classics I've never gotten a chance to play as a kid to prevent me from killing self. If you could get me the $1 tier from the current sierra bundle and email me the code that'd be great. Thanks for your generosity user.


You mean this?

Alright OP.

My closest friend for most of my life was always my exact opposite. Outgoing, athletic, popular with women. Im not quite /r9k/ but I spend a lot of time with vidya and on the chans. Me and him, we were brothers. Traveled the world together a few times, Tokyo, Rome, London. Fun stuff. He always had a fascination with wanderlust. Not a weeb by any stretch but he loved Mushishi. Not much of a gamer but loved wandering around Elder Scrolls games, exploring. Really big into hiking and the like, though i wasnt really able to do much of that with him.

About two or three years back he came to me with a request. Now that both of us were out of college, why not backpack across Europe? Despite my lack of physical acumen I accepted, even spent a good amount of time getting in shape so I might keep up. But then I fell ill, and it all atrophied. He ended up reluctantly leaving without me. That was more than a year ago, and about six months ago he dropped out of contact. I've asked around but his tracks end in northern Spain. I still have this image of him, wandering from place to place, meeting a people and making a difference for them like he did for me. I hope it brought him fulfillment, wherever he ended up.

If you enjoyed this I ask you humor the next guy with a game, I have no desire for one.

I'm more interested in your story. What were you in the hospital for?

Got my copy
Thank you friendo
My bro has been telling me to play morrowind for a long time now.
And now i finally get to.
Have a thicc woman.

>Be at friends house with 4 of my buddies
>He lives way up in the hills (low pop. town and in the middle of nowhere)
>It's late, usually we like to go out and wander at night in the country
>We decide to head out into the night
>All of us walk along the road and hide in the bushes when cars come
>A few cops past, uncommon for the area
>Confused, we all keep on moving in the bushes along the road
>A loud scream echoes in the distance, catches all our attention
>Waiting in the bushes, everyone quiet and breathing heavily
>In the darkness up the road we see a white figure run and stop in the road
>It stares down the road our direction, then runs off in the woods
>Scared shitless we all run back to my friends house
>Find out from friends mom that some girl had killed their grandmother by stabbing them with a large knife then ran out in the woods
>House was near where we were walking
>All looked at each other wide eyed and went to friends room
>Proceed freaking out and rationalizing if we actually saw the person or not

It was a strange night, we were all around 14 years old, been over a decade now since that day.


If picked I'll make my profile not private and add ya. Hoping for Titan Quest anniversary edition


I dont need anything but ive been hospitalized a lot due to MS. So i can relate to what your saying. Stay healthy ma dude.

Thanks user, hope everything clears out for you. We need more nice people here.

thanks very much; hope things work out

I've got a rare birth defect that causes my bladder to spit urine up into my kidneys and that gets them nice and infected like.

it's pretty awful


>tfw bought my online friend of 2 years overwatch
>we had a great time
>had a falling out over some bullshit over a groupchat
>we usually get into fights like this, wasnt expecting much
>3 months later still hasnt tried to talk to me
sucks dick that i spent 40 bucks on him and we ended up having a falling out :(.

as for the game id love Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, it was my favorite game on ps2.

Its 15 but i can give you like 5 bucks in cs go items, its fine if you dont feel like it.


Can i have Arcanun?

Thanks OP, you're the shit!

Sincerely hope life is going well for you.

The id is mano4710

Holy shit, that's awful. I myself have Tetralogy of Fallot and I thought that's pretty bad.
It makes me smile that somehow this place made someone's life better

Write a book, user.

No, really. That sounds like a story worth telling. Hopefully he comes back and helps you fill in the blanks.

Bump for cool OP

Fighting the good fight

One more person will get a game

Reply to this post with your steam ID and the game you want

Sorry guys wish I could get everyone but I'm not a rich man


.Well, I'll give you a story. I'm from Mexico , and everyone knows that we are a mess. We held a very popular fair : alcohol, women and drugs, that shit. I was with some friends visiting , everything was fine until a child was following us, asking us money. After 10 minutest , he tried to to steal our wallet, and from nowhere. we were surrounded by some girls with masks . They were like 20 people, some had sticks and knifes. Between 4 of us we had to fight them , one friend got stab in the leg , another one hot hit in the nose badly, complety broken. We were fighting for like 15 minutes, when the cops showed up. We all ran, some got arrested , including a friend. We paid the bail and we get back the next day.
Yeah, Fuck Mexico.

I dont know the prices in dollars, so if you want to give something, feel free to choose

nigger you're asking for a 15 dollar game after I've already given a bunch out

Me and my buddy were getting new roommates. Expected three more semi-degenerates to round off our skid JRPG party. Landlord never told us when people were moving in, so we're just sitting playing Gran Turismo amongst the mess of empty beer cans and general refuse, when this dude walks in. We're like "Hey bud, new roommate? When you're done moving in grab a beer and lets play some vidya." He's got a real thick accent but seems pretty cool. Then two adults and two really hot girls walk in carrying more stuff. I lean over and say under my breath "Dude, this guy has some hot sisters". Then they say in sexy French accents "Hello, you guys are our new roommates?"

youtube.com/watch?v=cOy6hqzfsAs plays in my head.

We literally cleaned for four hours straight. The apartment has never been this nice.

fair enough

Since you are so nice I'll join. I have some leftover bundle keys from the Survive bundle.
I have Tharsis, Shelter 2 and Kholat.
Continue with the stories anons.
Wish could give more, but I'm literally broke now.

you're not online or haven't accepted my request

you didn't request at all

I've already got enough vidya, just wanted to tell a funny story.

French exchange students, man. Odds were that we were going to get three Chinese who spoke zero English and never want to party, but we lucked out. Me and my boy bought lottery tickets that night.


did u fug

well found a key website selling it for cheaper if youre feeling generous, cant link it because Sup Forums think its spam.

Thanks OP, cheers.

That's it guys, I'm out.

To those that got a game, I hope you play it and have lots of fun.

Thanks to everyone for coming out

no, thank YOU for the gifts


Working on it.

Don't want a game but hope all is going well for you OP. Being mad at everything sucks.

>Friend invites me over to play wrestling games with him and our mutual friend
>It goes well, we have fun
>Friend 1 uses Triple H, Friend 2 uses Viktor, I use Brock Lesnar
>Eventually, friend 2 gets the idea to make a drinking game out of it
>Bad idea
>We get drunk as fuck
>Coincidentally, a Skype group I'm in starts a group call
>I accept and basically force them to listen to our drunken ramblings
>I wake up
>In the workshop connected to the house
>Wearing nothing but a coverall
Note: I did not arrive in a coverall.
>Friend 2 lets me back into the house
>Friend 1 is hungover as all hell
>I get served some breakfast by Friend 2, thanks mate
>I fall asleep and nap for four hours
>Once I wake up, Friend 1 has been sent home
>I take a shower, get a second serving of breakfast, get dressed, and get sent home
>As I walk home, I talk to my friends on Skype about what happened last night
>Apparently, I licked Friend 2's shoulder, dry-humped him, and asked the Skype group if I was bisexual or just bi-curious
Note 2: I'm pretty sure I'm straight.
>I take a pit stop at McDonald's to get some more food in system so I don't throw up
>I get home, get a call from my dad, tell him I'm in no condition to chat, hang up after saying goodbye
>Fall asleep
>Wake up 24 hours later, 5PM on a thursday
>I'll forever associate Roman Reigns with Banana Liquor
>Fuck Roman Reigns
Add me and we can talk about the game on steam, if you think this was good enough.

are they innocent airheads or what

Ah well, enjoy the story, I guess.
Cheers, OP.

They were telling of the nightclubs in France. We thought we were hardcore, living in a university town with five greasy dives within walking distance. Over there, the clubs open at 10 and close at 5. Then the after-clubs open and go until 10. Put us right to fuckin shame.

they probably fug'd half the boys on campus then. enjoy your aryan aids

It would be so worth.

probably, especially if you could get a three/foursome
